Source code for aries_cloudagent.protocols.revocation_notification.v2_0.messages.revoke

"""Revoke message."""

from marshmallow import fields, validate

from .....messaging.agent_message import AgentMessage, AgentMessageSchema
from .....messaging.decorators.please_ack_decorator import (
from .....messaging.valid import UUID4_EXAMPLE
from ..message_types import PROTOCOL_PACKAGE, REVOKE

HANDLER_CLASS = f"{PROTOCOL_PACKAGE}.handlers.revoke_handler.RevokeHandler"

[docs]class Revoke(AgentMessage): """Class representing revoke message."""
[docs] class Meta: """Revoke Meta.""" handler_class = HANDLER_CLASS message_type = REVOKE schema_class = "RevokeSchema"
def __init__( self, *, revocation_format: str, credential_id: str, please_ack: PleaseAckDecorator = None, comment: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize revoke message.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.revocation_format = revocation_format self.credential_id = credential_id self.comment = comment
[docs]class RevokeSchema(AgentMessageSchema): """Schema of Revoke message."""
[docs] class Meta: """RevokeSchema Meta.""" model_class = Revoke
revocation_format = fields.Str( required=True, validate=validate.OneOf(["indy-anoncreds"]), metadata={ "description": "The format of the credential revocation ID", "example": "indy-anoncreds", }, ) credential_id = fields.Str( required=True, metadata={ "description": "Credential ID of the issued credential to be revoked", "example": UUID4_EXAMPLE, }, ) please_ack = fields.Nested( PleaseAckDecoratorSchema, required=False, data_key="~please_ack", metadata={ "description": "Whether or not the holder should acknowledge receipt" }, ) comment = fields.Str( required=False, metadata={ "description": "Human readable information about revocation notification" }, )