Source code for aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.base

"""Base classes for Models and Schemas."""

import logging
import json

from abc import ABC
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast, overload
from typing_extensions import Literal

from marshmallow import Schema, post_dump, pre_load, post_load, ValidationError, EXCLUDE

from ...core.error import BaseError
from ...utils.classloader import ClassLoader

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SerDe = namedtuple("SerDe", "ser de")

[docs]def resolve_class(the_cls, relative_cls: Optional[type] = None) -> type: """Resolve a class. Args: the_cls: The class to resolve relative_cls: Relative class to resolve from Returns: The resolved class Raises: ClassNotFoundError: If the class could not be loaded """ resolved = None if isinstance(the_cls, type): resolved = the_cls elif isinstance(the_cls, str): default_module = relative_cls and relative_cls.__module__ resolved = ClassLoader.load_class(the_cls, default_module) else: raise TypeError( f"Could not resolve class from {the_cls}; incorrect type {type(the_cls)}" ) return resolved
[docs]def resolve_meta_property(obj, prop_name: str, defval=None): """Resolve a meta property. Args: prop_name: The property to resolve defval: The default value Returns: The meta property """ if isinstance(obj, type): cls = obj else: cls = obj.__class__ found = defval while cls: Meta = getattr(cls, "Meta", None) if Meta and hasattr(Meta, prop_name): found = getattr(Meta, prop_name) break cls = cls.__bases__[0] if cls is object: break return found
[docs]class BaseModelError(BaseError): """Base exception class for base model errors."""
ModelType = TypeVar("ModelType", bound="BaseModel")
[docs]class BaseModel(ABC): """Base model that provides convenience methods."""
[docs] class Meta: """BaseModel meta data.""" schema_class = None
def __init__(self): """Initialize BaseModel. Raises: TypeError: If schema_class is not set on Meta """ if not self.Meta.schema_class: raise TypeError( "Can't instantiate abstract class {} with no schema_class".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) @classmethod def _get_schema_class(cls) -> Type["BaseModelSchema"]: """Get the schema class. Returns: The resolved schema class """ resolved = resolve_class(cls.Meta.schema_class, cls) if issubclass(resolved, BaseModelSchema): return resolved raise TypeError( f"Resolved class is not a subclass of BaseModelSchema: {resolved}" ) @property def Schema(self) -> Type["BaseModelSchema"]: """Accessor for the model's schema class. Returns: The schema class """ return self._get_schema_class() @overload @classmethod def deserialize( cls: Type[ModelType], obj, ) -> ModelType: ... @overload @classmethod def deserialize( cls: Type[ModelType], obj, *, unknown: Optional[str] = None, ) -> ModelType: ... @overload @classmethod def deserialize( cls: Type[ModelType], obj, *, none2none: Literal[False], unknown: Optional[str] = None, ) -> ModelType: ... @overload @classmethod def deserialize( cls: Type[ModelType], obj, *, none2none: Literal[True], unknown: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[ModelType]: ...
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize( cls: Type[ModelType], obj, *, unknown: Optional[str] = None, none2none: bool = False, ) -> Optional[ModelType]: """Convert from JSON representation to a model instance. Args: obj: The dict to load into a model instance unknown: Behaviour for unknown attributes none2none: Deserialize None to None Returns: A model instance for this data """ if obj is None and none2none: return None schema_cls = cls._get_schema_class() schema = schema_cls( unknown=unknown or resolve_meta_property(schema_cls, "unknown", EXCLUDE) ) try: return cast( ModelType, schema.loads(obj) if isinstance(obj, str) else schema.load(obj), ) except (AttributeError, ValidationError) as err: LOGGER.exception(f"{cls.__name__} message validation error:") raise BaseModelError(f"{cls.__name__} schema validation failed") from err
@overload def serialize( self, *, as_string: Literal[True], unknown: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: ... @overload def serialize( self, *, unknown: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: ...
[docs] def serialize( self, *, as_string: bool = False, unknown: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[str, dict]: """Create a JSON-compatible dict representation of the model instance. Args: as_string: Return a string of JSON instead of a dict Returns: A dict representation of this model, or a JSON string if as_string is True """ schema_cls = self._get_schema_class() schema = schema_cls( unknown=unknown or resolve_meta_property(schema_cls, "unknown", EXCLUDE) ) try: return ( schema.dumps(self, separators=(",", ":")) if as_string else schema.dump(self) ) except (AttributeError, ValidationError) as err: LOGGER.exception(f"{self.__class__.__name__} message serialization error:") raise BaseModelError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} schema validation failed" ) from err
[docs] @classmethod def serde(cls, obj: Union["BaseModel", Mapping, None]) -> Optional[SerDe]: """Return serialized, deserialized representations of input object.""" if obj is None: return None if isinstance(obj, BaseModel): return SerDe(obj.serialize(), obj) return SerDe(obj, cls.deserialize(obj))
[docs] def validate(self, unknown: Optional[str] = None): """Validate a constructed model.""" schema = self.Schema(unknown=unknown) errors = schema.validate(self.serialize()) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_json( cls, json_repr: Union[str, bytes], unknown: Optional[str] = None, ): """Parse a JSON string into a model instance. Args: json_repr: JSON string Returns: A model instance representation of this JSON """ try: parsed = json.loads(json_repr) except ValueError as e: LOGGER.exception(f"{cls.__name__} message parse error:") raise BaseModelError(f"{cls.__name__} JSON parsing failed") from e return cls.deserialize(parsed, unknown=unknown)
[docs] def to_json(self, unknown: str = None) -> str: """Create a JSON representation of the model instance. Returns: A JSON representation of this message """ return json.dumps(self.serialize(unknown=unknown))
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a human readable representation of this class. Returns: A human readable string for this class """ exclude = resolve_meta_property(self, "repr_exclude", []) items = ( "{}={}".format(k, repr(v)) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in exclude ) return "<{}({})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(items))
[docs]class BaseModelSchema(Schema): """BaseModel schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """BaseModelSchema metadata.""" model_class = None skip_values = [None] ordered = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize BaseModelSchema. Raises: TypeError: If model_class is not set on Meta """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.Meta.model_class: raise TypeError( "Can't instantiate abstract class {} with no model_class".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) @classmethod def _get_model_class(cls): """Get the model class. Returns: The model class """ return resolve_class(cls.Meta.model_class, cls) @property def Model(self) -> type: """Accessor for the schema's model class. Returns: The model class """ return self._get_model_class() @pre_load def skip_dump_only(self, data, **kwargs): """Skip fields that are only expected during serialization. Args: data: The incoming data to clean Returns: The modified data """ if not data: return data to_remove = { field_obj.data_key or field_name for field_name, field_obj in self.fields.items() if field_obj.dump_only } for field_name in to_remove: if field_name in data: del data[field_name] return data @post_load def make_model(self, data: dict, **kwargs): """Return model instance after loading. Returns: A model instance """ try: cls_inst = self.Model(**data) except TypeError as err: if "_type" in str(err) and "_type" in data: data["msg_type"] = data["_type"] del data["_type"] cls_inst = self.Model(**data) return cls_inst @post_dump def remove_skipped_values(self, data, **kwargs): """Remove values that are are marked to skip. Returns: Returns this modified data """ skip_vals = resolve_meta_property(self, "skip_values", []) return {key: value for key, value in data.items() if value not in skip_vals}