Source code for aries_cloudagent.messaging.decorators.service_decorator

"""A message decorator for services.

A service decorator adds routing information to a message so agent can respond without
needing to perform a handshake.

from typing import List, Optional

from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, fields

from ..models.base import BaseModel, BaseModelSchema

[docs]class ServiceDecorator(BaseModel): """Class representing service decorator."""
[docs] class Meta: """ServiceDecorator metadata.""" schema_class = "ServiceDecoratorSchema"
def __init__( self, *, endpoint: str, recipient_keys: List[str], routing_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """Initialize a ServiceDecorator instance. Args: endpoint: Endpoint which this agent can be reached at recipient_keys: List of recipient keys routing_keys: List of routing keys """ super().__init__() self._endpoint = endpoint self._recipient_keys = recipient_keys self._routing_keys = routing_keys @property def endpoint(self): """Accessor for service endpoint. Returns: This service's `serviceEndpoint` """ return self._endpoint @property def recipient_keys(self): """Accessor for recipient keys. Returns: This service's `recipientKeys` """ return self._recipient_keys @property def routing_keys(self): """Accessor for routing keys. Returns: This service's `routingKeys` """ return self._routing_keys
[docs]class ServiceDecoratorSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Thread decorator schema used in serialization/deserialization."""
[docs] class Meta: """ServiceDecoratorSchema metadata.""" model_class = ServiceDecorator unknown = EXCLUDE
recipient_keys = fields.List( fields.Str( validate=INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": "Recipient public key", "example": INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY_EXAMPLE, }, ), data_key="recipientKeys", required=True, metadata={"description": "List of recipient keys"}, ) endpoint = fields.Str( data_key="serviceEndpoint", required=True, metadata={ "description": "Service endpoint at which to reach this agent", "example": "", }, ) routing_keys = fields.List( fields.Str( validate=INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": "Routing key", "example": INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY_EXAMPLE, }, ), data_key="routingKeys", required=False, metadata={"description": "List of routing keys"}, )