Source code for aries_cloudagent.indy.models.proof_request

"""Utilities to deal with indy."""

from typing import Mapping

from marshmallow import (

from ...messaging.models.base import BaseModel, BaseModelSchema
from ...messaging.models.openapi import OpenAPISchema
from ...messaging.valid import (

[docs]class IndyProofReqAttrSpecSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Schema for attribute specification in indy proof request.""" name = fields.Str( required=False, metadata={"example": "favouriteDrink", "description": "Attribute name"}, ) names = fields.List( fields.Str(metadata={"example": "age"}), required=False, metadata={"description": "Attribute name group"}, ) restrictions = fields.List( fields.Dict( keys=fields.Str( validate=validate.Regexp( "^schema_id|schema_issuer_did|schema_name|schema_version|issuer_did|" "cred_def_id|attr::.+::value$" ), metadata={"example": "cred_def_id"}, ), values=fields.Str(metadata={"example": INDY_CRED_DEF_ID_EXAMPLE}), ), required=False, metadata={ "description": ( "If present, credential must satisfy one of given restrictions: specify" " schema_id, schema_issuer_did, schema_name, schema_version," " issuer_did, cred_def_id, and/or attr::<attribute-name>::value where" " <attribute-name> represents a credential attribute name" ) }, ) non_revoked = fields.Nested( Schema.from_dict( { "from": fields.Int( required=False, validate=INT_EPOCH_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": ( "Earliest time of interest in non-revocation interval" ), "strict": True, "example": INT_EPOCH_EXAMPLE, }, ), "to": fields.Int( required=False, validate=INT_EPOCH_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": ( "Latest time of interest in non-revocation interval" ), "strict": True, "example": INT_EPOCH_EXAMPLE, }, ), }, name="IndyProofReqAttrSpecNonRevokedSchema", ), allow_none=True, required=False, ) @validates_schema def validate_fields(self, data, **kwargs): """Validate schema fields. Data must have exactly one of name or names; if names then restrictions are mandatory. Args: data: The data to validate Raises: ValidationError: if data has both or neither of name and names """ if ("name" in data) == ("names" in data): raise ValidationError( "Attribute specification must have either name or names but not both" ) restrictions = data.get("restrictions") if ("names" in data) and (not restrictions or all(not r for r in restrictions)): raise ValidationError( "Attribute specification on 'names' must have non-empty restrictions" )
[docs]class IndyProofReqPredSpecSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Schema for predicate specification in indy proof request.""" name = fields.Str( required=True, metadata={"example": "index", "description": "Attribute name"} ) p_type = fields.Str( required=True, validate=INDY_PREDICATE_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": "Predicate type ('<', '<=', '>=', or '>')", "example": INDY_PREDICATE_EXAMPLE, }, ) p_value = fields.Int( required=True, metadata={"description": "Threshold value", "strict": True} ) restrictions = fields.List( fields.Dict( keys=fields.Str( validate=validate.Regexp( "^schema_id|schema_issuer_did|schema_name|schema_version|issuer_did|" "cred_def_id|attr::.+::value$" ), metadata={"example": "cred_def_id"}, ), values=fields.Str(metadata={"example": INDY_CRED_DEF_ID_EXAMPLE}), ), required=False, metadata={ "description": ( "If present, credential must satisfy one of given restrictions: specify" " schema_id, schema_issuer_did, schema_name, schema_version," " issuer_did, cred_def_id, and/or attr::<attribute-name>::value where" " <attribute-name> represents a credential attribute name" ) }, ) non_revoked = fields.Nested( Schema.from_dict( { "from": fields.Int( required=False, validate=INT_EPOCH_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": ( "Earliest time of interest in non-revocation interval" ), "strict": True, "example": INT_EPOCH_EXAMPLE, }, ), "to": fields.Int( required=False, validate=INT_EPOCH_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": ( "Latest time of interest in non-revocation interval" ), "strict": True, "example": INT_EPOCH_EXAMPLE, }, ), }, name="IndyProofReqPredSpecNonRevokedSchema", ), allow_none=True, required=False, )
[docs]class IndyProofRequest(BaseModel): """Indy proof request."""
[docs] class Meta: """Indy proof request metadata.""" schema_class = "IndyProofRequestSchema"
def __init__( self, nonce: str = None, name: str = None, version: str = None, requested_attributes: Mapping = None, requested_predicates: Mapping = None, non_revoked: Mapping = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize indy cred abstract object. Args: schema_id: schema identifier cred_def_id: credential definition identifier nonce: nonce key_correctness_proof: key correctness proof """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.nonce = nonce = name self.version = version self.requested_attributes = requested_attributes self.requested_predicates = requested_predicates self.non_revoked = non_revoked
[docs]class IndyProofRequestSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Schema for indy proof request."""
[docs] class Meta: """Indy proof request schema metadata.""" model_class = IndyProofRequest unknown = EXCLUDE
nonce = fields.Str( required=False, validate=NUM_STR_NATURAL_VALIDATE, metadata={"description": "Nonce", "example": NUM_STR_NATURAL_EXAMPLE}, ) name = fields.Str( required=False, dump_default="Proof request", metadata={"description": "Proof request name", "example": "Proof request"}, ) version = fields.Str( required=False, dump_default="1.0", validate=INDY_VERSION_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": "Proof request version", "example": INDY_VERSION_EXAMPLE, }, ) requested_attributes = fields.Dict( required=True, keys=fields.Str( metadata={"decription": "Attribute referent", "example": "0_legalname_uuid"} ), values=fields.Nested(IndyProofReqAttrSpecSchema()), metadata={"description": "Requested attribute specifications of proof request"}, ) requested_predicates = fields.Dict( required=True, keys=fields.Str( metadata={"description": "Predicate referent", "example": "0_age_GE_uuid"} ), values=fields.Nested(IndyProofReqPredSpecSchema()), metadata={"description": "Requested predicate specifications of proof request"}, ) non_revoked = fields.Nested( Schema.from_dict( { "from": fields.Int( required=False, validate=INT_EPOCH_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": ( "Earliest time of interest in non-revocation interval" ), "strict": True, "example": INT_EPOCH_EXAMPLE, }, ), "to": fields.Int( required=False, validate=INT_EPOCH_VALIDATE, metadata={ "description": ( "Latest time of interest in non-revocation interval" ), "strict": True, "example": INT_EPOCH_EXAMPLE, }, ), }, name="IndyProofRequestNonRevokedSchema", ), allow_none=True, required=False, )