Source code for aries_cloudagent.anoncreds.util

"""Utilities for dealing with Indy conventions."""

from os import getenv, makedirs, urandom
from os.path import isdir, join
from pathlib import Path
from platform import system

from aiohttp import web

from .error_messages import ANONCREDS_PROFILE_REQUIRED_MSG

[docs]async def generate_pr_nonce() -> str: """Generate a nonce for a proof request.""" # equivalent to indy.anoncreds.generate_nonce return str(int.from_bytes(urandom(10), "big"))
[docs]def indy_client_dir(subpath: str = None, create: bool = False) -> str: """Return '/'-terminated subdirectory of indy-client directory. Args: subpath: subpath within indy-client structure create: whether to create subdirectory if absent """ home = Path.home() target_dir = join( home, ( "Documents" if isdir(join(home, "Documents")) else getenv("EXTERNAL_STORAGE", "") if system() == "Linux" else "" ), ".indy_client", subpath if subpath else "", "", # set trailing separator ) if create: makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True) return target_dir
[docs]def handle_value_error(e: ValueError): """Handle ValueError message as web response type.""" if ANONCREDS_PROFILE_REQUIRED_MSG in str(e): raise web.HTTPForbidden(reason=str(e)) from e raise web.HTTPInternalServerError() from e