Source code for aries_cloudagent.utils.classloader

"""The classloader provides utilties to dynamically load classes and modules."""

import inspect
import pkg_resources
import sys

from importlib import import_module
from importlib.util import find_spec, resolve_name
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Type

from ..core.error import BaseError

[docs]class ModuleLoadError(BaseError): """Module load error."""
[docs]class ClassNotFoundError(BaseError): """Class not found error."""
[docs]class ClassLoader: """Class used to load classes from modules dynamically."""
[docs] @classmethod def load_module(cls, mod_path: str, package: str = None) -> ModuleType: """ Load a module by its absolute path. Args: mod_path: the absolute or relative module path package: the parent package to search for the module Returns: The resolved module or `None` if the module cannot be found Raises: ModuleLoadError: If there was an error loading the module """ if package: # preload parent package if not cls.load_module(package): return None # must treat as a relative import if not mod_path.startswith("."): mod_path = f".{mod_path}" full_path = resolve_name(mod_path, package) if full_path in sys.modules: return sys.modules[full_path] if "." in mod_path: parent_mod_path, mod_name = mod_path.rsplit(".", 1) if parent_mod_path and parent_mod_path[-1] != ".": parent_mod = cls.load_module(parent_mod_path, package) if not parent_mod: return None package = parent_mod.__name__ mod_path = f".{mod_name}" # Load the module spec first # this means that a later ModuleNotFoundError indicates a code issue spec = find_spec(mod_path, package) if not spec: return None try: return import_module(mod_path, package) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise ModuleLoadError( f"Unable to import module {full_path}: {str(e)}" ) from e
[docs] @classmethod def load_class( cls, class_name: str, default_module: Optional[str] = None, package: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Resolve a complete class path (ie. typing.Dict) to the class itself. Args: class_name: the class name default_module: the default module to load, if not part of in the class name package: the parent package to search for the module Returns: The resolved class Raises: ClassNotFoundError: If the class could not be resolved at path ModuleLoadError: If there was an error loading the module """ if "." in class_name: # import module and find class mod_path, class_name = class_name.rsplit(".", 1) elif default_module: mod_path = default_module else: raise ClassNotFoundError( f"Cannot resolve class name with no default module: {class_name}" ) mod = cls.load_module(mod_path, package) if not mod: raise ClassNotFoundError(f"Module '{mod_path}' not found") resolved = getattr(mod, class_name, None) if not resolved: raise ClassNotFoundError( f"Class '{class_name}' not defined in module: {mod_path}" ) if not isinstance(resolved, type): raise ClassNotFoundError( f"Resolved value is not a class: {mod_path}.{class_name}" ) return resolved
[docs] @classmethod def load_subclass_of(cls, base_class: Type, mod_path: str, package: str = None): """ Resolve an implementation of a base path within a module. Args: base_class: the base class being implemented mod_path: the absolute module path package: the parent package to search for the module Returns: The resolved class Raises: ClassNotFoundError: If the module or class implementation could not be found ModuleLoadError: If there was an error loading the module """ mod = cls.load_module(mod_path, package) if not mod: raise ClassNotFoundError(f"Module '{mod_path}' not found") # Find an the first declared class that inherits from try: imported_class = next( obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass) if issubclass(obj, base_class) and obj is not base_class ) except StopIteration: raise ClassNotFoundError( f"Could not resolve a class that inherits from {base_class}" ) from None return imported_class
[docs] @classmethod def scan_subpackages(cls, package: str) -> Sequence[str]: """Return a list of sub-packages defined under a named package.""" # FIXME use importlib.resources in python 3.7 if "." in package: package, sub_pkg = package.split(".", 1) else: sub_pkg = "." if not pkg_resources.resource_isdir(package, sub_pkg): raise ModuleLoadError(f"Undefined package {package}") found = [] joiner = "" if sub_pkg == "." else f"{sub_pkg}." for sub_path in pkg_resources.resource_listdir(package, sub_pkg): if pkg_resources.resource_exists( package, f"{sub_pkg}/{sub_path}/" ): found.append(f"{package}.{joiner}{sub_path}") return found
[docs]class DeferLoad: """Helper to defer loading of a class definition.""" def __init__(self, cls_path: str): """Initialize the `DeferLoad` instance with a qualified class path.""" self._cls_path = cls_path self._inst = None def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Magic method to call the `DeferLoad` as a function.""" return (self.resolved)(*args, **kwargs) @property def resolved(self): """Accessor for the resolved class instance.""" if not self._inst: self._inst = ClassLoader.load_class(self._cls_path) return self._inst