Source code for aries_cloudagent.protocols.present_proof.v2_0.handlers.pres_handler

"""Presentation message handler."""

from .....core.oob_processor import OobMessageProcessor
from .....ledger.error import LedgerError
from .....messaging.base_handler import BaseHandler, HandlerException
from .....messaging.models.base import BaseModelError
from .....messaging.request_context import RequestContext
from .....messaging.responder import BaseResponder
from import StorageError
from .....utils.tracing import trace_event, get_timer

from .. import problem_report_for_record
from ..manager import V20PresManager
from ..messages.pres import V20Pres
from ..messages.pres_problem_report import ProblemReportReason

[docs]class V20PresHandler(BaseHandler): """Message handler class for presentations."""
[docs] async def handle(self, context: RequestContext, responder: BaseResponder): """ Message handler logic for presentations. Args: context: request context responder: responder callback """ r_time = get_timer() self._logger.debug("V20PresHandler called with context %s", context) assert isinstance(context.message, V20Pres) "Received presentation message: %s", context.message.serialize(as_string=True), ) # If connection is present it must be ready for use if context.connection_record and not context.connection_ready: raise HandlerException("Connection used for presentation not ready") # Find associated oob record. If the presentation request was created as an oob # attachment the presentation exchange record won't have a connection id (yet) oob_processor = context.inject(OobMessageProcessor) oob_record = await oob_processor.find_oob_record_for_inbound_message(context) # Normally we would do a check here that there is either a connection or # an associated oob record. However as present proof supported receiving # presentation without oob record or connection record # (aip-1 style connectionless) we can't perform this check here pres_manager = V20PresManager(context.profile) pres_ex_record = await pres_manager.receive_pres( context.message, context.connection_record, oob_record ) r_time = trace_event( context.settings, context.message, outcome="V20PresHandler.handle.END", perf_counter=r_time, ) # Automatically move to next state if flag is set if ( pres_ex_record and pres_ex_record.auto_verify or context.settings.get("debug.auto_verify_presentation") ): try: await pres_manager.verify_pres(pres_ex_record, responder) except (BaseModelError, LedgerError, StorageError) as err: self._logger.exception(err) if pres_ex_record: async with context.profile.session() as session: await pres_ex_record.save_error_state( session, reason=err.roll_up, # us: be specific ) await responder.send_reply( problem_report_for_record( pres_ex_record, ProblemReportReason.ABANDONED.value, # them: be vague ) ) trace_event( context.settings, pres_ex_record, outcome="V20PresHandler.handle.VERIFY", perf_counter=r_time, )