Source code for aries_cloudagent.protocols.present_proof.v2_0.formats.dif.handler

"""V2.0 present-proof dif presentation-exchange format handler."""

import json
import logging

from marshmallow import RAISE
from typing import Mapping, Tuple, Sequence
from uuid import uuid4

from ......messaging.base_handler import BaseResponder
from ......messaging.decorators.attach_decorator import AttachDecorator
from import StorageNotFoundError
from import VCHolder
from import VCRecord
from import (
from import verify_presentation
from ......wallet.base import BaseWallet
from ......wallet.key_type import ED25519, BLS12381G2

from .....problem_report.v1_0.message import ProblemReport

from ....dif.pres_exch import PresentationDefinition, SchemaInputDescriptor
from ....dif.pres_exch_handler import DIFPresExchHandler, DIFPresExchError
from ....dif.pres_proposal_schema import DIFProofProposalSchema
from ....dif.pres_request_schema import (
from ....dif.pres_schema import DIFProofSchema
from ....v2_0.messages.pres_problem_report import ProblemReportReason

from ...message_types import (
from ...messages.pres_format import V20PresFormat
from ...messages.pres import V20Pres
from ...models.pres_exchange import V20PresExRecord

from ..handler import V20PresFormatHandler, V20PresFormatHandlerError

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DIFPresFormatHandler(V20PresFormatHandler): """DIF presentation format handler.""" format = V20PresFormat.Format.DIF ISSUE_SIGNATURE_SUITE_KEY_TYPE_MAPPING = { Ed25519Signature2018: ED25519, } if BbsBlsSignature2020.BBS_SUPPORTED: ISSUE_SIGNATURE_SUITE_KEY_TYPE_MAPPING[BbsBlsSignature2020] = BLS12381G2 ISSUE_SIGNATURE_SUITE_KEY_TYPE_MAPPING[BbsBlsSignatureProof2020] = BLS12381G2 async def _get_all_suites(self, wallet: BaseWallet): """Get all supported suites for verifying presentation.""" suites = [] for suite, key_type in self.ISSUE_SIGNATURE_SUITE_KEY_TYPE_MAPPING.items(): suites.append( suite( key_pair=WalletKeyPair(wallet=wallet, key_type=key_type), ) ) return suites
[docs] @classmethod def validate_fields(cls, message_type: str, attachment_data: Mapping): """Validate attachment data for a specific message type. Uses marshmallow schemas to validate if format specific attachment data is valid for the specified message type. Only does structural and type checks, does not validate if .e.g. the issuer value is valid. Args: message_type (str): The message type to validate the attachment data for. Should be one of the message types as defined in attachment_data (Mapping): [description] The attachment data to valide Raises: Exception: When the data is not valid. """ mapping = { PRES_20_REQUEST: DIFProofRequestSchema, PRES_20_PROPOSAL: DIFProofProposalSchema, PRES_20: DIFProofSchema, } # Get schema class Schema = mapping[message_type] # Validate, throw if not valid Schema(unknown=RAISE).load(attachment_data)
[docs] def get_format_identifier(self, message_type: str) -> str: """Get attachment format identifier for format and message combination. Args: message_type (str): Message type for which to return the format identifier Returns: str: Issue credential attachment format identifier """ return ATTACHMENT_FORMAT[message_type][DIFPresFormatHandler.format.api]
[docs] def get_format_data( self, message_type: str, data: dict ) -> Tuple[V20PresFormat, AttachDecorator]: """Get presentation format and attach objects for use in pres_ex messages.""" return ( V20PresFormat( attach_id=DIFPresFormatHandler.format.api, format_=self.get_format_identifier(message_type), ), AttachDecorator.data_json(data, ident=DIFPresFormatHandler.format.api), )
[docs] async def create_bound_request( self, pres_ex_record: V20PresExRecord, request_data: dict = None, ) -> Tuple[V20PresFormat, AttachDecorator]: """ Create a presentation request bound to a proposal. Args: pres_ex_record: Presentation exchange record for which to create presentation request name: name to use in presentation request (None for default) version: version to use in presentation request (None for default) nonce: nonce to use in presentation request (None to generate) comment: Optional human-readable comment pertaining to request creation Returns: A tuple (updated presentation exchange record, presentation request message) """ dif_proof_request = {} pres_proposal_dict = pres_ex_record.pres_proposal.attachment( DIFPresFormatHandler.format ) if "options" not in pres_proposal_dict: dif_proof_request["options"] = {"challenge": str(uuid4())} else: dif_proof_request["options"] = pres_proposal_dict["options"] del pres_proposal_dict["options"] if "challenge" not in dif_proof_request.get("options"): dif_proof_request["options"]["challenge"] = str(uuid4()) dif_proof_request["presentation_definition"] = pres_proposal_dict return self.get_format_data(PRES_20_REQUEST, dif_proof_request)
[docs] async def create_pres( self, pres_ex_record: V20PresExRecord, request_data: dict = {}, ) -> Tuple[V20PresFormat, AttachDecorator]: """Create a presentation.""" proof_request = pres_ex_record.pres_request.attachment( DIFPresFormatHandler.format ) pres_definition = None limit_record_ids = None reveal_doc_frame = None challenge = None domain = None if request_data != {} and DIFPresFormatHandler.format.api in request_data: dif_spec = request_data.get(DIFPresFormatHandler.format.api) pres_spec_payload = DIFPresSpecSchema().load(dif_spec) # Overriding with prover provided pres_spec pres_definition = pres_spec_payload.get("presentation_definition") issuer_id = pres_spec_payload.get("issuer_id") limit_record_ids = pres_spec_payload.get("record_ids") reveal_doc_frame = pres_spec_payload.get("reveal_doc") if not pres_definition: if "options" in proof_request: challenge = proof_request["options"].get("challenge") domain = proof_request["options"].get("domain") pres_definition = PresentationDefinition.deserialize( proof_request.get("presentation_definition") ) issuer_id = None if not challenge: challenge = str(uuid4()) input_descriptors = pres_definition.input_descriptors claim_fmt = pres_definition.fmt dif_handler_proof_type = None try: holder = self._profile.inject(VCHolder) record_ids = set() credentials_list = [] for input_descriptor in input_descriptors: proof_type = None limit_disclosure = input_descriptor.constraint.limit_disclosure and ( input_descriptor.constraint.limit_disclosure == "required" ) uri_list = [] one_of_uri_groups = [] if input_descriptor.schemas: if input_descriptor.schemas.oneof_filter: one_of_uri_groups = ( await self.retrieve_uri_list_from_schema_filter( input_descriptor.schemas.uri_groups ) ) else: schema_uris = input_descriptor.schemas.uri_groups[0] for schema_uri in schema_uris: if schema_uri.required is None: required = True else: required = schema_uri.required if required: uri_list.append(schema_uri.uri) if len(uri_list) == 0: uri_list = None if len(one_of_uri_groups) == 0: one_of_uri_groups = None if limit_disclosure: proof_type = [BbsBlsSignature2020.signature_type] dif_handler_proof_type = BbsBlsSignature2020.signature_type if claim_fmt: if claim_fmt.ldp_vp: if "proof_type" in claim_fmt.ldp_vp: proof_types = claim_fmt.ldp_vp.get("proof_type") if limit_disclosure and ( BbsBlsSignature2020.signature_type not in proof_types ): raise V20PresFormatHandlerError( "Verifier submitted presentation request with " "limit_disclosure [selective disclosure] " "option but verifier does not support " "BbsBlsSignature2020 format" ) elif ( len(proof_types) == 1 and ( BbsBlsSignature2020.signature_type not in proof_types ) and ( Ed25519Signature2018.signature_type not in proof_types ) ): raise V20PresFormatHandlerError( "Only BbsBlsSignature2020 and/or " "Ed25519Signature2018 signature types " "are supported" ) elif ( len(proof_types) >= 2 and ( BbsBlsSignature2020.signature_type not in proof_types ) and ( Ed25519Signature2018.signature_type not in proof_types ) ): raise V20PresFormatHandlerError( "Only BbsBlsSignature2020 and " "Ed25519Signature2018 signature types " "are supported" ) else: for proof_format in proof_types: if ( proof_format == Ed25519Signature2018.signature_type ): proof_type = [ Ed25519Signature2018.signature_type ] dif_handler_proof_type = ( Ed25519Signature2018.signature_type ) break elif ( proof_format == BbsBlsSignature2020.signature_type ): proof_type = [ BbsBlsSignature2020.signature_type ] dif_handler_proof_type = ( BbsBlsSignature2020.signature_type ) break else: raise V20PresFormatHandlerError( "Currently, only ldp_vp with " "BbsBlsSignature2020 and Ed25519Signature2018" " signature types are supported" ) if one_of_uri_groups: records = [] cred_group_record_ids = set() for uri_group in one_of_uri_groups: search = holder.search_credentials( proof_types=proof_type, pd_uri_list=uri_group ) max_results = 1000 cred_group = await search.fetch(max_results) ( cred_group_vcrecord_list, cred_group_vcrecord_ids_set, ) = await self.process_vcrecords_return_list( cred_group, cred_group_record_ids ) cred_group_record_ids = cred_group_vcrecord_ids_set records = records + cred_group_vcrecord_list else: search = holder.search_credentials( proof_types=proof_type, pd_uri_list=uri_list ) # Defaults to page_size but would like to include all # For now, setting to 1000 max_results = 1000 records = await search.fetch(max_results) # Avoiding addition of duplicate records ( vcrecord_list, vcrecord_ids_set, ) = await self.process_vcrecords_return_list(records, record_ids) record_ids = vcrecord_ids_set credentials_list = credentials_list + vcrecord_list except StorageNotFoundError as err: raise V20PresFormatHandlerError(err) except TypeError as err: LOGGER.error(str(err)) responder = self._profile.inject_or(BaseResponder) if responder: report = ProblemReport( description={ "en": ( "Presentation request not properly formatted," " TypeError raised on Holder agent." ), "code": ProblemReportReason.ABANDONED.value, } ) if pres_ex_record.thread_id: report.assign_thread_id(pres_ex_record.thread_id) await responder.send_reply( report, connection_id=pres_ex_record.connection_id ) return dif_handler = DIFPresExchHandler( self._profile, pres_signing_did=issuer_id, proof_type=dif_handler_proof_type, reveal_doc=reveal_doc_frame, ) try: pres = await dif_handler.create_vp( challenge=challenge, domain=domain, pd=pres_definition, credentials=credentials_list, records_filter=limit_record_ids, ) return self.get_format_data(PRES_20, pres) except DIFPresExchError as err: LOGGER.error(str(err)) responder = self._profile.inject_or(BaseResponder) if responder: report = ProblemReport( description={ "en": str(err), "code": ProblemReportReason.ABANDONED.value, } ) if pres_ex_record.thread_id: report.assign_thread_id(pres_ex_record.thread_id) await responder.send_reply( report, connection_id=pres_ex_record.connection_id )
[docs] async def process_vcrecords_return_list( self, vc_records: Sequence[VCRecord], record_ids: set ) -> Tuple[Sequence[VCRecord], set]: """Return list of non-duplicate VCRecords.""" to_add = [] for vc_record in vc_records: if vc_record.record_id not in record_ids: to_add.append(vc_record) record_ids.add(vc_record.record_id) return (to_add, record_ids)
[docs] async def retrieve_uri_list_from_schema_filter( self, schema_uri_groups: Sequence[Sequence[SchemaInputDescriptor]] ) -> Sequence[str]: """Retrieve list of schema uri from uri_group.""" group_schema_uri_list = [] for schema_group in schema_uri_groups: uri_list = [] for schema in schema_group: uri_list.append(schema.uri) if len(uri_list) > 0: group_schema_uri_list.append(uri_list) return group_schema_uri_list
[docs] async def receive_pres(self, message: V20Pres, pres_ex_record: V20PresExRecord): """Receive a presentation, from message in context on manager creation.""" dif_handler = DIFPresExchHandler(self._profile) dif_proof = message.attachment(DIFPresFormatHandler.format) proof_request = pres_ex_record.pres_request.attachment( DIFPresFormatHandler.format ) pres_definition = PresentationDefinition.deserialize( proof_request.get("presentation_definition") ) try: await dif_handler.verify_received_pres(pd=pres_definition, pres=dif_proof) return True except DIFPresExchError as err: LOGGER.error(str(err)) responder = self._profile.inject_or(BaseResponder) if responder: report = ProblemReport( description={ "en": str(err), "code": ProblemReportReason.ABANDONED.value, } ) if pres_ex_record.thread_id: report.assign_thread_id(pres_ex_record.thread_id) await responder.send_reply( report, connection_id=pres_ex_record.connection_id ) return False
[docs] async def verify_pres(self, pres_ex_record: V20PresExRecord) -> V20PresExRecord: """ Verify a presentation. Args: pres_ex_record: presentation exchange record with presentation request and presentation to verify Returns: presentation exchange record, updated """ async with self._profile.session() as session: wallet = session.inject(BaseWallet) dif_proof = pres_ex_record.pres.attachment(DIFPresFormatHandler.format) pres_request = pres_ex_record.pres_request.attachment( DIFPresFormatHandler.format ) challenge = None if "options" in pres_request: challenge = pres_request["options"].get("challenge", str(uuid4())) if not challenge: challenge = str(uuid4()) if isinstance(dif_proof, Sequence): for proof in dif_proof: pres_ver_result = await verify_presentation( presentation=proof, suites=await self._get_all_suites(wallet=wallet), document_loader=self._profile.inject(DocumentLoader), challenge=challenge, ) if not pres_ver_result.verified: break else: pres_ver_result = await verify_presentation( presentation=dif_proof, suites=await self._get_all_suites(wallet=wallet), document_loader=self._profile.inject(DocumentLoader), challenge=challenge, ) pres_ex_record.verified = json.dumps(pres_ver_result.verified) return pres_ex_record