Source code for aries_cloudagent.protocols.out_of_band.v1_0.models.invitation

"""Record for out of band invitations."""

from typing import Any, Mapping, Union

from marshmallow import fields

from .....messaging.models.base_record import BaseExchangeRecord, BaseExchangeSchema
from .....messaging.valid import UUIDFour

from ..messages.invitation import InvitationMessage, InvitationMessageSchema

[docs]class InvitationRecord(BaseExchangeRecord): """Represents an out of band invitation record."""
[docs] class Meta: """InvitationRecord metadata.""" schema_class = "InvitationRecordSchema"
RECORD_TYPE = "oob_invitation" RECORD_ID_NAME = "invitation_id" RECORD_TOPIC = "oob_invitation" TAG_NAMES = {"invi_msg_id"} STATE_INITIAL = "initial" STATE_AWAIT_RESPONSE = "await_response" STATE_DONE = "done" def __init__( self, *, invitation_id: str = None, state: str = None, invi_msg_id: str = None, invitation: Union[InvitationMessage, Mapping] = None, # invitation message invitation_url: str = None, oob_id: str = None, public_did: str = None, # backward-compat: BaseRecord.from_storage() trace: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a new InvitationRecord.""" super().__init__(invitation_id, state, trace=trace, **kwargs) self._id = invitation_id self.state = state self.invi_msg_id = invi_msg_id self._invitation = InvitationMessage.serde(invitation) self.invitation_url = invitation_url self.oob_id = oob_id self.trace = trace @property def invitation_id(self) -> str: """Accessor for the ID associated with this exchange.""" return self._id @property def invitation(self) -> InvitationMessage: """Accessor; get deserialized view.""" return None if self._invitation is None else @invitation.setter def invitation(self, value): """Setter; store de/serialized views.""" self._invitation = InvitationMessage.serde(value) @property def record_value(self) -> dict: """Accessor for the JSON record value generated for this invitation.""" return { **{ prop: getattr(self, prop) for prop in ("invitation_url", "state", "trace", "oob_id") }, **{ prop: getattr(self, f"_{prop}").ser for prop in ("invitation",) if getattr(self, prop) is not None }, } def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Comparison between records.""" return super().__eq__(other)
[docs]class InvitationRecordSchema(BaseExchangeSchema): """Schema to allow serialization/deserialization of invitation records."""
[docs] class Meta: """InvitationRecordSchema metadata.""" model_class = InvitationRecord
invitation_id = fields.Str( required=False, description="Invitation record identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, ) state = fields.Str( required=False, description="Out of band message exchange state", example=InvitationRecord.STATE_AWAIT_RESPONSE, ) invi_msg_id = fields.Str( required=False, description="Invitation message identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, ) oob_id = fields.Str( required=False, description="Out of band record identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, ) invitation = fields.Nested( InvitationMessageSchema(), required=False, description="Out of band invitation message", ) invitation_url = fields.Str( required=False, description="Invitation message URL", example=( "" "c_i=eyJAdHlwZSI6ICIuLi4iLCAiLi4uIjogIi4uLiJ9XX0=" ), )