Source code for aries_cloudagent.protocols.issue_credential.v2_0.formats.ld_proof.models.cred_detail_options


from typing import Optional
from marshmallow import fields, Schema, INCLUDE

from .......messaging.models.base import BaseModel, BaseModelSchema
from .......messaging.valid import INDY_ISO8601_DATETIME, UUIDFour

[docs]class LDProofVCDetailOptions(BaseModel): """Linked Data Proof verifiable credential options model."""
[docs] class Meta: """LDProofVCDetailOptions metadata.""" schema_class = "LDProofVCDetailOptionsSchema"
def __init__( self, proof_type: Optional[str] = None, proof_purpose: Optional[str] = None, created: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, challenge: Optional[str] = None, credential_status: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the LDProofVCDetailOptions instance.""" self.proof_type = proof_type self.proof_purpose = proof_purpose self.created = created self.domain = domain self.challenge = challenge self.credential_status = credential_status def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: """Check equalness.""" if isinstance(o, LDProofVCDetailOptions): return ( self.proof_type == o.proof_type and self.proof_purpose == o.proof_purpose and self.created == o.created and self.domain == o.domain and self.challenge == o.challenge and self.credential_status == o.credential_status ) return False
[docs]class CredentialStatusOptionsSchema(Schema): """Linked data proof credential status options schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Accept parameter overload.""" unknown = INCLUDE
type = fields.Str( required=True, description=( "Credential status method type to use for the credential. Should match" " status method registered in the Verifiable Credential Extension Registry" ), example="CredentialStatusList2017", )
[docs]class LDProofVCDetailOptionsSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Linked data proof verifiable credential options schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Accept parameter overload.""" unknown = INCLUDE model_class = LDProofVCDetailOptions
proof_type = fields.Str( data_key="proofType", required=True, description=( "The proof type used for the proof. Should match suites registered in" " the Linked Data Cryptographic Suite Registry" ), example="Ed25519Signature2018", ) proof_purpose = fields.Str( data_key="proofPurpose", required=False, description=( "The proof purpose used for the proof. Should match proof purposes registered" " in the Linked Data Proofs Specification" ), example="assertionMethod", ) created = fields.Str( required=False, description=( "The date and time of the proof (with a maximum accuracy in seconds)." " Defaults to current system time" ), **INDY_ISO8601_DATETIME, ) domain = fields.Str( required=False, description="The intended domain of validity for the proof", example="", ) challenge = fields.Str( required=False, description=( "A challenge to include in the proof. SHOULD be provided by the" " requesting party of the credential (=holder)" ), example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, ) credential_status = fields.Nested( CredentialStatusOptionsSchema(), data_key="credentialStatus", required=False, description=( "The credential status mechanism to use for the credential." " Omitting the property indicates the issued credential" " will not include a credential status" ), )