Source code for aries_cloudagent.protocols.issue_credential.v2_0.formats.ld_proof.handler

"""V2.0 issue-credential linked data proof credential format handler."""

from import LinkedDataProofException
from import get_properties_without_context
import logging

from typing import Mapping, Optional

from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, INCLUDE

from pyld import jsonld
from pyld.jsonld import JsonLdProcessor

from ......did.did_key import DIDKey
from ......messaging.decorators.attach_decorator import AttachDecorator
from import VCHolder
from import VCRecord
from import (
    issue_vc as issue,
from import (
from ......wallet.base import BaseWallet, DIDInfo
from ......wallet.error import WalletNotFoundError
from ......wallet.key_type import BLS12381G2, ED25519

from ...message_types import (
from ...messages.cred_format import V20CredFormat
from ...messages.cred_issue import V20CredIssue
from ...messages.cred_offer import V20CredOffer
from ...messages.cred_proposal import V20CredProposal
from ...messages.cred_request import V20CredRequest
from ...models.cred_ex_record import V20CredExRecord
from ...models.detail.ld_proof import V20CredExRecordLDProof

from ..handler import CredFormatAttachment, V20CredFormatError, V20CredFormatHandler

from .models.cred_detail import LDProofVCDetailSchema
from .models.cred_detail import LDProofVCDetail

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SUPPORTED_ISSUANCE_SUITES = {Ed25519Signature2018}
SIGNATURE_SUITE_KEY_TYPE_MAPPING = {Ed25519Signature2018: ED25519}

# We only want to add bbs suites to supported if the module is installed
if BbsBlsSignature2020.BBS_SUPPORTED:
    SIGNATURE_SUITE_KEY_TYPE_MAPPING[BbsBlsSignature2020] = BLS12381G2

    suite.signature_type: suite for suite in SIGNATURE_SUITE_KEY_TYPE_MAPPING

    key_type: suite for suite, key_type in SIGNATURE_SUITE_KEY_TYPE_MAPPING.items()

[docs]class LDProofCredFormatHandler(V20CredFormatHandler): """Linked data proof credential format handler.""" format = V20CredFormat.Format.LD_PROOF
[docs] @classmethod def validate_fields(cls, message_type: str, attachment_data: Mapping) -> None: """Validate attachment data for a specific message type. Uses marshmallow schemas to validate if format specific attachment data is valid for the specified message type. Only does structural and type checks, does not validate if .e.g. the issuer value is valid. Args: message_type (str): The message type to validate the attachment data for. Should be one of the message types as defined in attachment_data (Mapping): [description] The attachment data to valide Raises: Exception: When the data is not valid. """ mapping = { CRED_20_PROPOSAL: LDProofVCDetailSchema, CRED_20_OFFER: LDProofVCDetailSchema, CRED_20_REQUEST: LDProofVCDetailSchema, CRED_20_ISSUE: VerifiableCredentialSchema, } # Get schema class Schema = mapping[message_type] # Validate, throw if not valid Schema(unknown=EXCLUDE).load(attachment_data)
[docs] async def get_detail_record(self, cred_ex_id: str) -> V20CredExRecordLDProof: """Retrieve credential exchange detail record by cred_ex_id.""" async with self.profile.session() as session: records = await LDProofCredFormatHandler.format.detail.query_by_cred_ex_id( session, cred_ex_id ) if len(records) > 1: LOGGER.warning( "Cred ex id %s has %d %s detail records: should be 1", cred_ex_id, len(records), LDProofCredFormatHandler.format.api, ) return records[0] if records else None
[docs] def get_format_identifier(self, message_type: str) -> str: """Get attachment format identifier for format and message combination. Args: message_type (str): Message type for which to return the format identifier Returns: str: Issue credential attachment format identifier """ return ATTACHMENT_FORMAT[message_type][LDProofCredFormatHandler.format.api]
[docs] def get_format_data(self, message_type: str, data: dict) -> CredFormatAttachment: """Get credential format and attachment objects for use in cred ex messages. Returns a tuple of both credential format and attachment decorator for use in credential exchange messages. It looks up the correct format identifier and encodes the data as a base64 attachment. Args: message_type (str): The message type for which to return the cred format. Should be one of the message types defined in the message types file data (dict): The data to include in the attach decorator Returns: CredFormatAttachment: Credential format and attachment data objects """ return ( V20CredFormat( attach_id=LDProofCredFormatHandler.format.api, format_=self.get_format_identifier(message_type), ), AttachDecorator.data_base64( data, ident=LDProofCredFormatHandler.format.api ), )
async def _assert_can_issue_with_id_and_proof_type( self, issuer_id: str, proof_type: str ): """Assert that it is possible to issue using the specified id and proof type. Args: issuer_id (str): The issuer id proof_type (str): the signature suite proof type Raises: V20CredFormatError: - If the proof type is not supported - If the issuer id is not a did - If the did is not found in th wallet - If the did does not support to create signatures for the proof type """ try: # Check if it is a proof type we can issue with if proof_type not in PROOF_TYPE_SIGNATURE_SUITE_MAPPING.keys(): raise V20CredFormatError( f"Unable to sign credential with unsupported proof type {proof_type}." f" Supported proof types: {PROOF_TYPE_SIGNATURE_SUITE_MAPPING.keys()}" ) if not issuer_id.startswith("did:"): raise V20CredFormatError( f"Unable to issue credential with issuer id: {issuer_id}." " Only issuance with DIDs is supported" ) # Retrieve did from wallet. Will throw if not found did = await self._did_info_for_did(issuer_id) # Raise error if we cannot issue a credential with this proof type # using this DID from did_proof_type = KEY_TYPE_SIGNATURE_SUITE_MAPPING[ did.key_type ].signature_type if proof_type != did_proof_type: raise V20CredFormatError( f"Unable to issue credential with issuer id {issuer_id} and proof " f"type {proof_type}. DID only supports proof type {did_proof_type}" ) except WalletNotFoundError: raise V20CredFormatError( f"Issuer did {issuer_id} not found." " Unable to issue credential with this DID." ) async def _did_info_for_did(self, did: str) -> DIDInfo: """Get the did info for specified did. If the did starts with did:sov it will remove the prefix for backwards compatibility with not fully qualified did. Args: did (str): The did to retrieve from the wallet. Raises: WalletNotFoundError: If the did is not found in the wallet. Returns: DIDInfo: did information """ async with self.profile.session() as session: wallet = session.inject(BaseWallet) # If the did starts with did:sov we need to query without if did.startswith("did:sov:"): return await wallet.get_local_did(did.replace("did:sov:", "")) # All other methods we can just query return await wallet.get_local_did(did) async def _get_suite_for_detail( self, detail: LDProofVCDetail, verification_method: Optional[str] = None ) -> LinkedDataProof: issuer_id = detail.credential.issuer_id proof_type = detail.options.proof_type # Assert we can issue the credential based on issuer + proof_type await self._assert_can_issue_with_id_and_proof_type(issuer_id, proof_type) # Create base proof object with options from detail proof = LDProof( created=detail.options.created, domain=detail.options.domain, challenge=detail.options.challenge, ) did_info = await self._did_info_for_did(issuer_id) verification_method = verification_method or self._get_verification_method( issuer_id ) suite = await self._get_suite( proof_type=proof_type, verification_method=verification_method, proof=proof.serialize(), did_info=did_info, ) return suite async def _get_suite( self, *, proof_type: str, verification_method: str = None, proof: dict = None, did_info: DIDInfo = None, ): """Get signature suite for issuance of verification.""" session = await self.profile.session() wallet = session.inject(BaseWallet) # Get signature class based on proof type SignatureClass = PROOF_TYPE_SIGNATURE_SUITE_MAPPING[proof_type] # Generically create signature class return SignatureClass( verification_method=verification_method, proof=proof, key_pair=WalletKeyPair( wallet=wallet, key_type=SIGNATURE_SUITE_KEY_TYPE_MAPPING[SignatureClass], public_key_base58=did_info.verkey if did_info else None, ), ) def _get_verification_method(self, did: str): """Get the verification method for a did.""" if did.startswith("did:key:"): return DIDKey.from_did(did).key_id elif did.startswith("did:sov:"): # key-1 is what the resolver uses for key id return did + "#key-1" else: raise V20CredFormatError( f"Unable to get retrieve verification method for did {did}" ) def _get_proof_purpose( self, *, proof_purpose: str = None, challenge: str = None, domain: str = None ) -> ProofPurpose: """Get the proof purpose for a credential detail. Args: proof_purpose (str): The proof purpose string value challenge (str, optional): Challenge domain (str, optional): domain Raises: V20CredFormatError: - If the proof purpose is not supported. - [authentication] If challenge is missing. Returns: ProofPurpose: Proof purpose instance that can be used for issuance. """ # Default proof purpose is assertionMethod proof_purpose = proof_purpose or CredentialIssuancePurpose.term if proof_purpose == CredentialIssuancePurpose.term: return CredentialIssuancePurpose() elif proof_purpose == AuthenticationProofPurpose.term: # assert challenge is present for authentication proof purpose if not challenge: raise V20CredFormatError( f"Challenge is required for '{proof_purpose}' proof purpose." ) return AuthenticationProofPurpose(challenge=challenge, domain=domain) else: raise V20CredFormatError( f"Unsupported proof purpose: {proof_purpose}. " f"Supported proof types are: {SUPPORTED_ISSUANCE_PROOF_PURPOSES}" ) async def _prepare_detail( self, detail: LDProofVCDetail, holder_did: str = None ) -> LDProofVCDetail: # Add BBS context if not present yet if ( detail.options.proof_type == BbsBlsSignature2020.signature_type and SECURITY_CONTEXT_BBS_URL not in detail.credential.context_urls ): detail.credential.add_context(SECURITY_CONTEXT_BBS_URL) # add holder_did as (if provided) if holder_did and holder_did.startswith("did:key"): detail.credential.credential_subject["id"] = holder_did return detail
[docs] async def create_proposal( self, cred_ex_record: V20CredExRecord, proposal_data: Mapping ) -> CredFormatAttachment: """Create linked data proof credential proposal.""" detail = LDProofVCDetail.deserialize(proposal_data) detail = await self._prepare_detail(detail) return self.get_format_data(CRED_20_PROPOSAL, detail.serialize())
[docs] async def receive_proposal( self, cred_ex_record: V20CredExRecord, cred_proposal_message: V20CredProposal ) -> None: """Receive linked data proof credential proposal."""
[docs] async def create_offer( self, cred_proposal_message: V20CredProposal ) -> CredFormatAttachment: """Create linked data proof credential offer.""" if not cred_proposal_message: raise V20CredFormatError( "Cannot create linked data proof offer without proposal data" ) # Parse offer data which is either a proposal or an offer. # Data is stored in proposal if we received a proposal # but also when we create an offer (manager does some weird stuff) offer_data = cred_proposal_message.attachment(LDProofCredFormatHandler.format) detail = LDProofVCDetail.deserialize(offer_data) detail = await self._prepare_detail(detail) document_loader = self.profile.inject(DocumentLoader) missing_properties = get_properties_without_context( detail.credential.serialize(), document_loader ) if len(missing_properties) > 0: raise LinkedDataProofException( f"{len(missing_properties)} attributes dropped. " f"Provide definitions in context to correct. {missing_properties}" ) # Make sure we can issue with the did and proof type await self._assert_can_issue_with_id_and_proof_type( detail.credential.issuer_id, detail.options.proof_type ) return self.get_format_data(CRED_20_OFFER, detail.serialize())
[docs] async def receive_offer( self, cred_ex_record: V20CredExRecord, cred_offer_message: V20CredOffer ) -> None: """Receive linked data proof credential offer."""
[docs] async def create_request( self, cred_ex_record: V20CredExRecord, request_data: Mapping = None ) -> CredFormatAttachment: """Create linked data proof credential request.""" holder_did = request_data.get("holder_did") if request_data else None if cred_ex_record.cred_offer: request_data = cred_ex_record.cred_offer.attachment( LDProofCredFormatHandler.format ) # API data is stored in proposal (when starting from request) # It is a bit of a strage flow IMO. elif cred_ex_record.cred_proposal: request_data = cred_ex_record.cred_proposal.attachment( LDProofCredFormatHandler.format ) else: raise V20CredFormatError( "Cannot create linked data proof request without offer or input data" ) detail = LDProofVCDetail.deserialize(request_data) detail = await self._prepare_detail(detail, holder_did=holder_did) return self.get_format_data(CRED_20_REQUEST, detail.serialize())
[docs] async def receive_request( self, cred_ex_record: V20CredExRecord, cred_request_message: V20CredRequest ) -> None: """Receive linked data proof request."""
[docs] async def issue_credential( self, cred_ex_record: V20CredExRecord, retries: int = 5, ) -> CredFormatAttachment: """Issue linked data proof credential.""" if not cred_ex_record.cred_request: raise V20CredFormatError( "Cannot issue credential without credential request" ) detail_dict = cred_ex_record.cred_request.attachment( LDProofCredFormatHandler.format ) detail = LDProofVCDetail.deserialize(detail_dict) detail = await self._prepare_detail(detail) # Get signature suite, proof purpose and document loader suite = await self._get_suite_for_detail( detail, cred_ex_record.verification_method ) proof_purpose = self._get_proof_purpose( proof_purpose=detail.options.proof_purpose, challenge=detail.options.challenge, domain=detail.options.domain, ) document_loader = self.profile.inject(DocumentLoader) # issue the credential vc = await issue( credential=detail.credential.serialize(), suite=suite, document_loader=document_loader, purpose=proof_purpose, ) return self.get_format_data(CRED_20_ISSUE, vc)
[docs] async def receive_credential( self, cred_ex_record: V20CredExRecord, cred_issue_message: V20CredIssue ) -> None: """Receive linked data proof credential.""" cred_dict = cred_issue_message.attachment(LDProofCredFormatHandler.format) detail_dict = cred_ex_record.cred_request.attachment( LDProofCredFormatHandler.format ) vc = VerifiableCredential.deserialize(cred_dict, unknown=INCLUDE) detail = LDProofVCDetail.deserialize(detail_dict) # Remove values from cred that are not part of detail cred_dict.pop("proof") credential_status = cred_dict.get("credentialStatus", None) detail_status = detail.options.credential_status if cred_dict != detail_dict["credential"]: raise V20CredFormatError( f"Received credential for cred_ex_id {cred_ex_record.cred_ex_id} does not" " match requested credential" ) # both credential and detail contain status. Check for equalness if credential_status and detail_status: if credential_status.get("type") != detail_status.get("type"): raise V20CredFormatError( "Received credential status type does not match credential request" ) # Either credential or detail contains status. Throw error elif (credential_status and not detail_status) or ( not credential_status and detail_status ): raise V20CredFormatError( "Received credential status contains credential status" " that does not match credential request" ) # TODO: if created wasn't present in the detail options, should we verify # it is ~now (e.g. some time in the past + future)? # Check if created property matches if detail.options.created and vc.proof.created != detail.options.created: raise V20CredFormatError( "Received credential proof.created does not" " match options.created from credential request" ) # Check challenge if vc.proof.challenge != detail.options.challenge: raise V20CredFormatError( "Received credential proof.challenge does not" " match options.challenge from credential request" ) # Check domain if vc.proof.domain != detail.options.domain: raise V20CredFormatError( "Received credential proof.domain does not" " match options.domain from credential request" ) # Check if proof type matches if vc.proof.type != detail.options.proof_type: raise V20CredFormatError( "Received credential proof.type does not" " match options.proofType from credential request" )
[docs] async def store_credential( self, cred_ex_record: V20CredExRecord, cred_id: str = None ) -> None: """Store linked data proof credential.""" # Get attachment data cred_dict: dict = cred_ex_record.cred_issue.attachment( LDProofCredFormatHandler.format ) # Deserialize objects credential = VerifiableCredential.deserialize(cred_dict, unknown=INCLUDE) # Get signature suite, proof purpose and document loader suite = await self._get_suite(proof_type=credential.proof.type) purpose = self._get_proof_purpose( proof_purpose=credential.proof.proof_purpose, challenge=credential.proof.challenge, domain=credential.proof.domain, ) document_loader = self.profile.inject(DocumentLoader) # Verify the credential result = await verify_credential( credential=cred_dict, suites=[suite], document_loader=document_loader, purpose=purpose, ) if not result.verified: raise V20CredFormatError(f"Received invalid credential: {result}") # Saving expanded type as a cred_tag expanded = jsonld.expand(cred_dict) types = JsonLdProcessor.get_values( expanded[0], "@type", ) # create VC record for storage vc_record = VCRecord( contexts=credential.context_urls, expanded_types=types, issuer_id=credential.issuer_id, subject_ids=credential.credential_subject_ids, schema_ids=[], # Schemas not supported yet proof_types=[credential.proof.type], cred_value=credential.serialize(),, record_id=cred_id, cred_tags=None, # Tags should be derived from credential values ) # Create detail record with cred_id_stored detail_record = V20CredExRecordLDProof( cred_ex_id=cred_ex_record.cred_ex_id, cred_id_stored=vc_record.record_id ) # save credential and detail record async with self.profile.session() as session: vc_holder = session.inject(VCHolder) await vc_holder.store_credential(vc_record) # Store detail record, emit event await session, reason="store credential v2.0", event=True )