Source code for aries_cloudagent.core.oob_processor

"""Oob message processor and functions."""

import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, cast

from ..messaging.agent_message import AgentMessage
from ..connections.models.conn_record import ConnRecord
from ..connections.models.connection_target import ConnectionTarget
from ..messaging.decorators.service_decorator import ServiceDecorator
from ..messaging.request_context import RequestContext
from ..protocols.didcomm_prefix import DIDCommPrefix
from ..protocols.issue_credential.v1_0.message_types import CREDENTIAL_OFFER
from ..protocols.issue_credential.v2_0.message_types import CRED_20_OFFER
from ..protocols.present_proof.v1_0.message_types import PRESENTATION_REQUEST
from ..protocols.present_proof.v2_0.message_types import PRES_20_REQUEST
from ..protocols.out_of_band.v1_0.models.oob_record import OobRecord
from import StorageNotFoundError
from ..transport.inbound.message import InboundMessage
from ..transport.outbound.message import OutboundMessage
from ..transport.wire_format import JsonWireFormat
from .error import BaseError
from .profile import Profile

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class OobMessageProcessorError(BaseError): """Base error for OobMessageProcessor."""
[docs]class OobMessageProcessor: """Out of band message processor.""" def __init__( self, inbound_message_router: Callable[ [Profile, InboundMessage, Optional[bool]], None ], ) -> None: """Initialize an inbound OOB message processor. Args: inbound_message_router: Method to create a new inbound session """ self._inbound_message_router = inbound_message_router self.wire_format = JsonWireFormat()
[docs] async def clean_finished_oob_record(self, profile: Profile, message: AgentMessage): """Clean up oob record associated with agent message, if applicable.""" try: async with profile.session() as session: oob_record = await OobRecord.retrieve_by_tag_filter( session, {"invi_msg_id": message._thread.pthid}, {"role": OobRecord.ROLE_SENDER}, ) # If the oob record is not multi use and it doesn't contain any attachments # We can now safely remove the oob record if not oob_record.multi_use and not oob_record.invitation.requests_attach: oob_record.state = OobRecord.STATE_DONE await oob_record.emit_event(session) await oob_record.delete_record(session) except Exception: # It is fine if no oob record is found, Only retrieved for cleanup pass
[docs] async def find_oob_target_for_outbound_message( self, profile: Profile, outbound_message: OutboundMessage ) -> Optional[ConnectionTarget]: """Find connection target for the outbound message.""" try: async with profile.session() as session: # Try to find the oob record for the outbound message: oob_record = await OobRecord.retrieve_by_tag_filter( session, {"attach_thread_id": outbound_message.reply_thread_id} ) LOGGER.debug( "extracting their service from oob record %s", oob_record.their_service, ) their_service = ServiceDecorator.deserialize(oob_record.their_service) # Attach ~service decorator so other message can respond message = json.loads(outbound_message.payload) if not message.get("~service"): LOGGER.debug( "Setting our service on the message ~service %s", oob_record.our_service, ) message["~service"] = oob_record.our_service message["~thread"] = { **message.get("~thread", {}), "pthid": oob_record.invi_msg_id, } outbound_message.payload = json.dumps(message) LOGGER.debug("Sending oob message payload %s", outbound_message.payload) return ConnectionTarget( endpoint=their_service.endpoint, recipient_keys=their_service.recipient_keys, routing_keys=their_service.routing_keys, sender_key=oob_record.our_recipient_key, ) except StorageNotFoundError: return None
[docs] async def find_oob_record_for_inbound_message( self, context: RequestContext ) -> Optional[OobRecord]: """Find oob record for inbound message.""" message_type = context.message._type oob_record = None async with context.profile.session() as session: # First try to find the oob record based on the associated pthid if context.message_receipt.parent_thread_id: try: LOGGER.debug( "Retrieving OOB record using pthid " f"{context.message_receipt.parent_thread_id} " f"for message type {message_type}" ) oob_record = await OobRecord.retrieve_by_tag_filter( session, {"invi_msg_id": context.message_receipt.parent_thread_id}, ) except StorageNotFoundError: # Fine if record is not found pass # Otherwise try to find it using the attach thread id. This is only needed # for connectionless exchanges where every handler needs the context of the # oob record for verification. We could attach the oob_record to all messages, # even if we have a connection, but it would add another query to all inbound # messages. if ( not oob_record and not context.connection_record and context.message_receipt.thread_id and context.message_receipt.recipient_verkey ): try: LOGGER.debug( "Retrieving OOB record using thid " f"{context.message_receipt.thread_id} and recipient verkey" f" {context.message_receipt.recipient_verkey} for " f"message type {message_type}" ) oob_record = await OobRecord.retrieve_by_tag_filter( session, { "attach_thread_id": context.message_receipt.thread_id, "our_recipient_key": context.message_receipt.recipient_verkey, }, ) except StorageNotFoundError: # Fine if record is not found pass # If not oob record was found we can return early without oob record if not oob_record: return None LOGGER.debug( f"Found out of band record for inbound message with type {message_type}" f": {oob_record.oob_id}" ) # If the connection does not match with the connection id associated with the # oob record we don't want to associate the oob record to the current context # This is not the case if the state is await response, in this case we might want # to update the connection id on the oob record if ( # Only if we created the invitation oob_record.role == OobRecord.ROLE_SENDER # If connection is present and not same as oob_record conn id and context.connection_record and context.connection_record.connection_id != oob_record.connection_id ): LOGGER.debug( f"Oob record connection id {oob_record.connection_id} is different from" f" inbound message connection {context.connection_record.connection_id}", ) # Mismatch in connection id's in only allowed in state await response # (connection id can change bc of reuse) if oob_record.state != OobRecord.STATE_AWAIT_RESPONSE: LOGGER.debug( "Inbound message has incorrect connection_id " f"{context.connection_record.connection_id}. Oob record " f"{oob_record.oob_id} associated with connection id " f"{oob_record.connection_id}" ) return None # If the state is await response, and there are attachments we want to update # the connection id on the oob record. In case no request_attach is present, # this is handled by the reuse handlers if ( oob_record.invitation.requests_attach and oob_record.state == OobRecord.STATE_AWAIT_RESPONSE ): LOGGER.debug( f"Removing stale connection {oob_record.connection_id} due " "to connection reuse" ) # Remove stale connection due to connection reuse if oob_record.connection_id: async with context.profile.session() as session: old_conn_record = await ConnRecord.retrieve_by_id( session, oob_record.connection_id ) await old_conn_record.delete_record(session) oob_record.connection_id = context.connection_record.connection_id # If no attach_thread_id is stored yet we need to match the current message # thread_id against the attached messages in the oob invitation if not oob_record.attach_thread_id and oob_record.invitation.requests_attach: # Check if the current message thread_id corresponds to one of the invitation # ~thread.thid allowed_thread_ids = [ self.get_thread_id(attachment.content) for attachment in oob_record.invitation.requests_attach ] if context.message_receipt.thread_id not in allowed_thread_ids: LOGGER.debug( "Inbound message is for not allowed thread " f"{context.message_receipt.thread_id}. Allowed " f"threads are {allowed_thread_ids}" ) return None oob_record.attach_thread_id = context.message_receipt.thread_id elif ( oob_record.attach_thread_id and context.message_receipt.thread_id != oob_record.attach_thread_id ): LOGGER.debug( f"Inbound message thread id {context.message_receipt.thread_id} does not" f" match oob record thread id {oob_record.attach_thread_id}" ) return None their_service = ( cast( ServiceDecorator, ServiceDecorator.deserialize(oob_record.their_service), ) if oob_record.their_service else None ) # Verify the sender key is present in their service in our record # If we don't have the sender verkey stored yet we can allow any key if their_service and ( ( context.message_receipt.recipient_verkey and ( not context.message_receipt.sender_verkey or context.message_receipt.sender_verkey not in their_service.recipient_keys ) ) ): LOGGER.debug( "Inbound message sender verkey does not match stored service on oob" " record" ) return None # If the message has a ~service decorator we save it in the oob record so we # can reply to this message if context._message._service: LOGGER.debug( "Storing service decorator in oob record %s", context.message._service.serialize(), ) oob_record.their_service = context.message._service.serialize() async with context.profile.session() as session: # We can now remove the oob record as the connection should now be stored in # the exchange record itself. if oob_record.connection_id: oob_record.state = OobRecord.STATE_DONE await oob_record.emit_event(session) await oob_record.delete_record(session) else: await session, reason="Update their service in oob record" ) return oob_record
[docs] async def handle_message( self, profile: Profile, messages: List[Dict[str, Any]], oob_record: OobRecord, their_service: Optional[ServiceDecorator] = None, ): """Message handler for inbound messages.""" supported_types = [ CREDENTIAL_OFFER, CRED_20_OFFER, PRESENTATION_REQUEST, PRES_20_REQUEST, ] supported_messages = [ message for message in messages if DIDCommPrefix.unqualify(message["@type"]) in supported_types ] if not supported_messages: message_str = ", ".join(supported_types) raise OobMessageProcessorError( f"None of the oob attached messages supported. Supported message types " f"are {message_str}" ) message = supported_messages[0] message_str = json.dumps(message) async with profile.session() as session: message_dict, receipt = await self.wire_format.parse_message( session, message_str ) inbound_message = InboundMessage( payload=message_dict, connection_id=oob_record.connection_id, receipt=receipt, ) # We only need to store this data for connectionless # (it could be the oob record is already deleted) if not oob_record.connection_id: oob_record.attach_thread_id = self.get_thread_id(message) if their_service: LOGGER.debug( "Storing their service in oob record %s", their_service ) oob_record.their_service = their_service.serialize() await self._inbound_message_router(profile, inbound_message, False)
[docs] def get_thread_id(self, message: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Extract thread id from agent message dict.""" return message.get("~thread", {}).get("thid") or message.get("@id")