Source code for aries_cloudagent.connections.base_manager

Class to provide some common utilities.

For Connection, DIDExchange and OutOfBand Manager.

import logging
from typing import Optional, List, Sequence, Tuple, Text

from pydid import (
    BaseDIDDocument as ResolvedDocument,
import pydid
from pydid.verification_method import Ed25519VerificationKey2018

from ..core.error import BaseError
from ..core.profile import Profile
from ..did.did_key import DIDKey
from ..protocols.connections.v1_0.messages.connection_invitation import (
from ..protocols.coordinate_mediation.v1_0.models.mediation_record import (
from ..protocols.coordinate_mediation.v1_0.route_manager import (
from ..resolver.base import ResolverError
from ..resolver.did_resolver import DIDResolver
from import BaseStorage
from import StorageNotFoundError
from import StorageRecord
from ..wallet.base import BaseWallet
from ..wallet.did_info import DIDInfo
from .models.conn_record import ConnRecord
from .models.connection_target import ConnectionTarget
from .models.diddoc import DIDDoc, PublicKey, PublicKeyType, Service

[docs]class BaseConnectionManagerError(BaseError): """BaseConnectionManager error."""
[docs]class BaseConnectionManager: """Class to provide utilities regarding connection_targets.""" RECORD_TYPE_DID_DOC = "did_doc" RECORD_TYPE_DID_KEY = "did_key" SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPES = (Ed25519VerificationKey2018,) def __init__(self, profile: Profile): """ Initialize a BaseConnectionManager. Args: session: The profile session for this presentation """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._profile = profile self._route_manager = profile.inject(RouteManager)
[docs] async def create_did_document( self, did_info: DIDInfo, inbound_connection_id: str = None, svc_endpoints: Sequence[str] = None, mediation_records: List[MediationRecord] = None, ) -> DIDDoc: """Create our DID doc for a given DID. Args: did_info: The DID information (DID and verkey) used in the connection inbound_connection_id: The ID of the inbound routing connection to use svc_endpoints: Custom endpoints for the DID Document mediation_record: The record for mediation that contains routing_keys and service endpoint Returns: The prepared `DIDDoc` instance """ did_doc = DIDDoc(did=did_info.did) did_controller = did_info.did did_key = did_info.verkey pk = PublicKey( did_info.did, "1", did_key, PublicKeyType.ED25519_SIG_2018, did_controller, True, ) did_doc.set(pk) router_id = inbound_connection_id routing_keys = [] router_idx = 1 while router_id: # look up routing connection information async with self._profile.session() as session: router = await ConnRecord.retrieve_by_id(session, router_id) if ConnRecord.State.get(router.state) != ConnRecord.State.COMPLETED: raise BaseConnectionManagerError( f"Router connection not completed: {router_id}" ) routing_doc, _ = await self.fetch_did_document(router.their_did) if not routing_doc.service: raise BaseConnectionManagerError( f"No services defined by routing DIDDoc: {router_id}" ) for service in routing_doc.service.values(): if not service.endpoint: raise BaseConnectionManagerError( "Routing DIDDoc service has no service endpoint" ) if not service.recip_keys: raise BaseConnectionManagerError( "Routing DIDDoc service has no recipient key(s)" ) rk = PublicKey( did_info.did, f"routing-{router_idx}", service.recip_keys[0].value, PublicKeyType.ED25519_SIG_2018, did_controller, True, ) routing_keys.append(rk) svc_endpoints = [service.endpoint] break router_id = router.inbound_connection_id if mediation_records: for mediation_record in mediation_records: mediator_routing_keys = [ PublicKey( did_info.did, f"routing-{idx}", key, PublicKeyType.ED25519_SIG_2018, did_controller, # TODO: get correct controller did_info True, # TODO: should this be true? ) for idx, key in enumerate(mediation_record.routing_keys) ] routing_keys = [*routing_keys, *mediator_routing_keys] svc_endpoints = [mediation_record.endpoint] for endpoint_index, svc_endpoint in enumerate(svc_endpoints or []): endpoint_ident = "indy" if endpoint_index == 0 else f"indy{endpoint_index}" service = Service( did_info.did, endpoint_ident, "IndyAgent", [pk], routing_keys, svc_endpoint, ) did_doc.set(service) return did_doc
[docs] async def store_did_document(self, did_doc: DIDDoc): """Store a DID document. Args: did_doc: The `DIDDoc` instance to persist """ assert did_doc.did try: stored_doc, record = await self.fetch_did_document(did_doc.did) except StorageNotFoundError: record = StorageRecord( self.RECORD_TYPE_DID_DOC, did_doc.to_json(), {"did": did_doc.did}, ) async with self._profile.session() as session: storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.add_record(record) else: async with self._profile.session() as session: storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.update_record( record, did_doc.to_json(), {"did": did_doc.did} ) await self.remove_keys_for_did(did_doc.did) for key in did_doc.pubkey.values(): if key.controller == did_doc.did: await self.add_key_for_did(did_doc.did, key.value)
[docs] async def add_key_for_did(self, did: str, key: str): """Store a verkey for lookup against a DID. Args: did: The DID to associate with this key key: The verkey to be added """ record = StorageRecord(self.RECORD_TYPE_DID_KEY, key, {"did": did, "key": key}) async with self._profile.session() as session: storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.add_record(record)
[docs] async def find_did_for_key(self, key: str) -> str: """Find the DID previously associated with a key. Args: key: The verkey to look up """ async with self._profile.session() as session: storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) record = await storage.find_record(self.RECORD_TYPE_DID_KEY, {"key": key}) return record.tags["did"]
[docs] async def remove_keys_for_did(self, did: str): """Remove all keys associated with a DID. Args: did: The DID for which to remove keys """ async with self._profile.session() as session: storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.delete_all_records(self.RECORD_TYPE_DID_KEY, {"did": did})
[docs] async def resolve_invitation( self, did: str, service_accept: Optional[Sequence[Text]] = None ): """ Resolve invitation with the DID Resolver. Args: did: Document ID to resolve """ if not did.startswith("did:"): # DID is bare indy "nym" # prefix with did:sov: for backwards compatibility did = f"did:sov:{did}" resolver = self._profile.inject(DIDResolver) try: doc_dict: dict = await resolver.resolve(self._profile, did, service_accept) doc: ResolvedDocument = pydid.deserialize_document(doc_dict, strict=True) except ResolverError as error: raise BaseConnectionManagerError( "Failed to resolve public DID in invitation" ) from error if not doc.service: raise BaseConnectionManagerError( "Cannot connect via public DID that has no associated services" ) didcomm_services = sorted( [service for service in doc.service if isinstance(service, DIDCommService)], key=lambda service: service.priority, ) if not didcomm_services: raise BaseConnectionManagerError( "Cannot connect via public DID that has no associated DIDComm services" ) first_didcomm_service, *_ = didcomm_services endpoint = first_didcomm_service.service_endpoint recipient_keys: List[VerificationMethod] = [ await resolver.dereference(self._profile, url, document=doc) for url in first_didcomm_service.recipient_keys ] routing_keys: List[VerificationMethod] = [ await resolver.dereference(self._profile, url, document=doc) for url in first_didcomm_service.routing_keys ] for key in [*recipient_keys, *routing_keys]: if not isinstance(key, self.SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPES): raise BaseConnectionManagerError( f"Key type {type(key).__name__} is not supported" ) return ( endpoint, [key.material for key in recipient_keys], [key.material for key in routing_keys], )
[docs] async def fetch_connection_targets( self, connection: ConnRecord ) -> Sequence[ConnectionTarget]: """Get a list of connection targets from a `ConnRecord`. Args: connection: The connection record (with associated `DIDDoc`) used to generate the connection target """ if not connection.my_did: self._logger.debug("No local DID associated with connection") return None results = None if ( ConnRecord.State.get(connection.state) in (ConnRecord.State.INVITATION, ConnRecord.State.REQUEST) and ConnRecord.Role.get(connection.their_role) is ConnRecord.Role.RESPONDER ): if ( connection.invitation_msg_id or connection.invitation_key or not connection.their_did ): async with self._profile.session() as session: invitation = await connection.retrieve_invitation(session) if isinstance( invitation, ConnectionInvitation ): # conn protocol invitation if invitation.did: did = invitation.did ( endpoint, recipient_keys, routing_keys, ) = await self.resolve_invitation(did) else: endpoint = invitation.endpoint recipient_keys = invitation.recipient_keys routing_keys = invitation.routing_keys else: # out-of-band invitation oob_service_item =[0] if isinstance(oob_service_item, str): ( endpoint, recipient_keys, routing_keys, ) = await self.resolve_invitation(oob_service_item) else: endpoint = oob_service_item.service_endpoint recipient_keys = [ DIDKey.from_did(k).public_key_b58 for k in oob_service_item.recipient_keys ] routing_keys = [ DIDKey.from_did(k).public_key_b58 for k in oob_service_item.routing_keys ] else: if connection.their_did: invitation = None did = connection.their_did ( endpoint, recipient_keys, routing_keys, ) = await self.resolve_invitation(did) async with self._profile.session() as session: wallet = session.inject(BaseWallet) my_info = await wallet.get_local_did(connection.my_did) results = [ ConnectionTarget( did=connection.their_did, endpoint=endpoint, label=invitation.label if invitation else None, recipient_keys=recipient_keys, routing_keys=routing_keys, sender_key=my_info.verkey, ) ] else: if not connection.their_did: self._logger.debug("No target DID associated with connection") return None did_doc, _ = await self.fetch_did_document(connection.their_did) async with self._profile.session() as session: wallet = session.inject(BaseWallet) my_info = await wallet.get_local_did(connection.my_did) results = self.diddoc_connection_targets( did_doc, my_info.verkey, connection.their_label ) return results
[docs] def diddoc_connection_targets( self, doc: DIDDoc, sender_verkey: str, their_label: str = None ) -> Sequence[ConnectionTarget]: """Get a list of connection targets from a DID Document. Args: doc: The DID Document to create the target from sender_verkey: The verkey we are using their_label: The connection label they are using """ if not doc: raise BaseConnectionManagerError("No DIDDoc provided for connection target") if not doc.did: raise BaseConnectionManagerError("DIDDoc has no DID") if not doc.service: raise BaseConnectionManagerError("No services defined by DIDDoc") targets = [] for service in doc.service.values(): if service.recip_keys: targets.append( ConnectionTarget( did=doc.did, endpoint=service.endpoint, label=their_label, recipient_keys=[ key.value for key in (service.recip_keys or ()) ], routing_keys=[ key.value for key in (service.routing_keys or ()) ], sender_key=sender_verkey, ) ) return targets
[docs] async def fetch_did_document(self, did: str) -> Tuple[DIDDoc, StorageRecord]: """Retrieve a DID Document for a given DID. Args: did: The DID to search for """ async with self._profile.session() as session: storage = session.inject(BaseStorage) record = await storage.find_record(self.RECORD_TYPE_DID_DOC, {"did": did}) return DIDDoc.from_json(record.value), record