Source code for aries_cloudagent.indy.sdk.wallet_setup

"""Indy-SDK wallet setup and configuration."""

import json
import logging

from typing import Any, Mapping

import indy.anoncreds
import indy.did
import indy.crypto
import indy.wallet

from indy.error import IndyError, ErrorCode

from ...core.error import ProfileError, ProfileDuplicateError, ProfileNotFoundError
from ...core.profile import Profile

from .error import IndyErrorHandler
from .wallet_plugin import load_postgres_plugin

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IndyWalletConfig: """A helper class for handling Indy-SDK wallet configuration.""" DEFAULT_FRESHNESS = False DEFAULT_KEY = "" DEFAULT_KEY_DERIVATION = "ARGON2I_MOD" DEFAULT_STORAGE_TYPE = None KEY_DERIVATION_RAW = "RAW" KEY_DERIVATION_ARGON2I_INT = "ARGON2I_INT" KEY_DERIVATION_ARGON2I_MOD = "ARGON2I_MOD" def __init__(self, config: Mapping[str, Any] = None): """Initialize an `IndySdkWalletConfig` instance. Args: config: {name, key, seed, did, auto_recreate, auto_remove, storage_type, storage_config, storage_creds} """ config = config or {} self.auto_recreate = config.get("auto_recreate", False) self.auto_remove = config.get("auto_remove", False) self.freshness_time = config.get("freshness_time", self.DEFAULT_FRESHNESS) self.key = config.get("key", self.DEFAULT_KEY) self.key_derivation_method = ( config.get("key_derivation_method") or self.DEFAULT_KEY_DERIVATION ) # self.rekey = config.get("rekey") # self.rekey_derivation_method = config.get("rekey_derivation_method") = config.get("name") or Profile.DEFAULT_NAME self.storage_type = config.get("storage_type") or self.DEFAULT_STORAGE_TYPE self.storage_config = config.get("storage_config", None) self.storage_creds = config.get("storage_creds", None) if self.storage_type == "postgres_storage": load_postgres_plugin(self.storage_config, self.storage_creds) @property def wallet_config(self) -> dict: """Accessor for the Indy wallet config.""" ret = { "id":, "freshness_time": self.freshness_time, "storage_type": self.storage_type, } if self.storage_config is not None: ret["storage_config"] = json.loads(self.storage_config) return ret @property def wallet_access(self) -> dict: """Accessor the Indy wallet access info.""" ret = {"key": self.key, "key_derivation_method": self.key_derivation_method} # if self.rekey: # ret["rekey"] = self.rekey # if self.rekey_derivation_method: # ret["rekey_derivation_method"] = self.rekey_derivation_method if self.storage_creds is not None: ret["storage_credentials"] = json.loads(self.storage_creds) return ret
[docs] async def create_wallet(self) -> "IndyOpenWallet": """ Create a new wallet. Raises: ProfileDuplicateError: If there was an existing wallet with the same name ProfileError: If there was a problem removing the wallet ProfileError: If there was another libindy error """ if self.auto_recreate: try: await self.remove_wallet() except ProfileNotFoundError: pass try: await indy.wallet.create_wallet( config=json.dumps(self.wallet_config), credentials=json.dumps(self.wallet_access), ) except IndyError as x_indy: if x_indy.error_code == ErrorCode.WalletAlreadyExistsError: raise IndyErrorHandler.wrap_error( x_indy, f"Cannot create wallet '{}', already exists", ProfileDuplicateError, ) from x_indy raise IndyErrorHandler.wrap_error( x_indy, f"Error creating wallet '{}'", ProfileError, ) from x_indy try: return await self.open_wallet(created=True) except ProfileNotFoundError as err: raise ProfileError( f"Wallet '{}' not found after creation" ) from err
[docs] async def remove_wallet(self): """ Remove an existing wallet. Raises: ProfileNotFoundError: If the wallet could not be found ProfileError: If there was another libindy error """ try: await indy.wallet.delete_wallet( config=json.dumps(self.wallet_config), credentials=json.dumps(self.wallet_access), ) except IndyError as x_indy: if x_indy.error_code == ErrorCode.WalletNotFoundError: raise IndyErrorHandler.wrap_error( x_indy, f"Wallet '{}' not found", ProfileNotFoundError, ) from x_indy raise IndyErrorHandler.wrap_error( x_indy, f"Error removing wallet '{}'", ProfileError ) from x_indy
[docs] async def open_wallet(self, created: bool = False) -> "IndyOpenWallet": """ Open wallet, removing and/or creating it if so configured. Raises: ProfileError: If wallet not found after creation ProfileNotFoundError: If the wallet is not found ProfileError: If the wallet is already open ProfileError: If there is another libindy error """ handle = None while True: try: handle = await indy.wallet.open_wallet( config=json.dumps(self.wallet_config), credentials=json.dumps(self.wallet_access), ) # if self.rekey: # self.key = self.rekey # self.rekey = None # if self.rekey_derivation_method: # self.key_derivation_method = self.rekey_derivation_method # self.rekey_derivation_method = None break except IndyError as x_indy: if x_indy.error_code == ErrorCode.WalletNotFoundError: raise IndyErrorHandler.wrap_error( x_indy, f"Wallet '{}' not found", ProfileNotFoundError ) from x_indy elif x_indy.error_code == ErrorCode.WalletAlreadyOpenedError: raise IndyErrorHandler.wrap_error( x_indy, f"Wallet '{}' is already open", ProfileError ) from x_indy else: raise IndyErrorHandler.wrap_error( x_indy, f"Error opening wallet '{}'", ProfileError ) from x_indy"Creating master secret...") try: master_secret_id = await indy.anoncreds.prover_create_master_secret( handle, ) except IndyError as x_indy: if x_indy.error_code == ErrorCode.AnoncredsMasterSecretDuplicateNameError:"Master secret already exists") master_secret_id = else: raise IndyErrorHandler.wrap_error( x_indy, f"Wallet '{}' error", ProfileError ) from x_indy return IndyOpenWallet(self, created, handle, master_secret_id)
[docs]class IndyOpenWallet: """Handle and metadata for an opened Indy wallet.""" def __init__( self, config: IndyWalletConfig, created, handle, master_secret_id: str, ): """Create a new IndyOpenWallet instance.""" self.config = config self.created = created self.handle = handle self.master_secret_id = master_secret_id @property def name(self) -> str: """Accessor for the opened wallet name.""" return
[docs] async def close(self): """Close previously-opened wallet, removing it if so configured.""" if self.handle: await indy.wallet.close_wallet(self.handle) self.handle = None if self.config.auto_remove: await self.config.remove_wallet()