Source code for aries_cloudagent.config.logging

"""Utilities related to logging."""

import logging
from io import TextIOWrapper
from logging.config import fileConfig
from typing import TextIO

import pkg_resources

from ..version import __version__
from .banner import Banner

DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG_PATH = "aries_cloudagent.config:default_logging_config.ini"

[docs]def load_resource(path: str, encoding: str = None) -> TextIO: """ Open a resource file located in a python package or the local filesystem. Args: path: The resource path in the form of `dir/file` or `package:dir/file` Returns: A file-like object representing the resource """ components = path.rsplit(":", 1) try: if len(components) == 1: return open(components[0], encoding=encoding) else: bstream = pkg_resources.resource_stream(components[0], components[1]) if encoding: return TextIOWrapper(bstream, encoding=encoding) return bstream except IOError: pass
[docs]class LoggingConfigurator: """Utility class used to configure logging and print an informative start banner."""
[docs] @classmethod def configure( cls, logging_config_path: str = None, log_level: str = None, log_file: str = None, ): """ Configure logger. :param logging_config_path: str: (Default value = None) Optional path to custom logging config :param log_level: str: (Default value = None) """ if logging_config_path is not None: config_path = logging_config_path else: config_path = DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG_PATH log_config = load_resource(config_path, "utf-8") if log_config: with log_config: fileConfig(log_config, disable_existing_loggers=False) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) logging.root.warning(f"Logging config file not found: {config_path}") if log_file: logging.root.handlers.clear() logging.root.handlers.append( logging.FileHandler(log_file, encoding="utf-8") ) if log_level: log_level = log_level.upper() logging.root.setLevel(log_level)
[docs] @classmethod def print_banner( cls, agent_label, inbound_transports, outbound_transports, outbound_queue, public_did, admin_server=None, banner_length=40, border_character=":", ): """ Print a startup banner describing the configuration. Args: agent_label: Agent Label inbound_transports: Configured inbound transports outbound_transports: Configured outbound transports outbound_queue: The outbound queue engine instance admin_server: Admin server info public_did: Public DID banner_length: (Default value = 40) Length of the banner border_character: (Default value = ":") Character to use in banner border """ print() banner = Banner(border=border_character, length=banner_length) banner.print_border() # Title banner.print_title(agent_label or "ACA") banner.print_spacer() banner.print_spacer() # Inbound transports banner.print_subtitle("Inbound Transports") banner.print_spacer() banner.print_list( [ f"{transport.scheme}://{}:{transport.port}" for transport in inbound_transports.values() ] ) banner.print_spacer() # Outbound transports schemes = set().union( *(transport.schemes for transport in outbound_transports.values()) ) if schemes: banner.print_subtitle("Outbound Transports") banner.print_spacer() banner.print_list([f"{scheme}" for scheme in sorted(schemes)]) banner.print_spacer() # Outbound queue if outbound_queue: banner.print_subtitle("Outbound Queue") banner.print_spacer() banner.print_list( [ f"{outbound_queue}", ] ) banner.print_spacer() # DID info if public_did: banner.print_subtitle("Public DID Information") banner.print_spacer() banner.print_list([f"DID: {public_did}"]) banner.print_spacer() # Admin server info banner.print_subtitle("Administration API") banner.print_spacer() banner.print_list( [f"http://{}:{admin_server.port}"] if admin_server else ["not enabled"] ) banner.print_spacer() banner.print_version(__version__) banner.print_border() print() print("Listening...") print()