Source code for aries_cloudagent.revocation.models.indy

"""Indy utilities for revocation."""

from time import time

from marshmallow import fields

from ...messaging.models.base import BaseModel, BaseModelSchema
from ...messaging.valid import INT_EPOCH

[docs]class NonRevocationInterval(BaseModel): """Indy non-revocation interval."""
[docs] class Meta: """NonRevocationInterval metadata.""" schema_class = "NonRevocationIntervalSchema"
def __init__(self, fro: int = None, to: int = None, **kwargs): """Initialize non-revocation interval. Args: fro: earliest time of interest to: latest time of interest """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.fro = fro = to
[docs] def covers(self, timestamp: int = None) -> bool: """Whether input timestamp (default now) lies within non-revocation interval. Args: timestamp: time of interest Returns: whether input time satisfies non-revocation interval """ timestamp = timestamp or int(time()) return (self.fro or 0) <= timestamp <= ( or timestamp)
[docs] def timestamp(self) -> bool: """Return a timestamp that the non-revocation interval covers.""" return or self.fro or int(time())
[docs]class NonRevocationIntervalSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Schema to allow serialization/deserialization of non-revocation intervals."""
[docs] class Meta: """NonRevocationIntervalSchema metadata.""" model_class = NonRevocationInterval
fro = fields.Int( required=False, description="Earliest time of interest in non-revocation interval", data_key="from", strict=True, **INT_EPOCH ) to = fields.Int( required=False, description="Latest time of interest in non-revocation interval", strict=True, **INT_EPOCH )