Source code for aries_cloudagent.protocols.didexchange.v1_0.messages.response

"""Represents a DID exchange response message under RFC 23."""

from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, fields

from .....messaging.agent_message import AgentMessage, AgentMessageSchema
from .....messaging.decorators.attach_decorator import (
from .....messaging.valid import INDY_DID

from ..message_types import DIDX_RESPONSE, PROTOCOL_PACKAGE

HANDLER_CLASS = f"{PROTOCOL_PACKAGE}.handlers.response_handler.DIDXResponseHandler"

[docs]class DIDXResponse(AgentMessage): """Class representing a DID exchange response under RFC 23."""
[docs] class Meta: """Metadata for DID exchange response under RFC 23.""" handler_class = HANDLER_CLASS message_type = DIDX_RESPONSE schema_class = "DIDXResponseSchema"
def __init__( self, *, did: str = None, did_doc_attach: AttachDecorator = None, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize DID exchange response object under RFC 23. Args: image_url: Optional image URL for this response did_doc_attach: signed DID doc attachment """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.did = did self.did_doc_attach = did_doc_attach
[docs]class DIDXResponseSchema(AgentMessageSchema): """Schema class for DID exchange response under RFC 23."""
[docs] class Meta: """DID exchange response schema class metadata.""" model_class = DIDXResponse unknown = EXCLUDE
did = fields.Str(description="DID of exchange", **INDY_DID) did_doc_attach = fields.Nested( AttachDecoratorSchema, required=False, description="As signed attachment, DID Doc associated with DID", data_key="did_doc~attach", )