Source code for aries_cloudagent.multitenant.manager

"""Manager for multitenancy."""

import logging
import jwt
from typing import List, Optional, cast

from ..core.profile import (
from ..messaging.responder import BaseResponder
from ..config.wallet import wallet_config
from ..config.injection_context import InjectionContext
from ..wallet.models.wallet_record import WalletRecord
from ..wallet.base import BaseWallet
from ..core.error import BaseError
from ..protocols.routing.v1_0.manager import RouteNotFoundError, RoutingManager
from ..protocols.routing.v1_0.models.route_record import RouteRecord
from ..transport.wire_format import BaseWireFormat
from import BaseStorage
from import StorageNotFoundError
from ..protocols.coordinate_mediation.v1_0.manager import (

from .error import WalletKeyMissingError

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MultitenantManagerError(BaseError): """Generic multitenant error."""
[docs]class MultitenantManager: """Class for handling multitenancy.""" def __init__(self, profile: Profile): """Initialize multitenant Manager. Args: profile: The profile for this manager """ self._profile = profile if not profile: raise MultitenantManagerError("Missing profile") self._instances: dict[str, Profile] = {}
[docs] async def get_default_mediator(self) -> Optional[MediationRecord]: """Retrieve the default mediator used for subwallet routing. Returns: Optional[MediationRecord]: retrieved default mediator or None if not set """ return await MediationManager(self._profile).get_default_mediator()
async def _wallet_name_exists( self, session: ProfileSession, wallet_name: str ) -> bool: """ Check whether wallet with specified wallet name already exists. Besides checking for wallet records, it will also check if the base wallet Args: session: The profile session to use wallet_name: the wallet name to check for Returns: bool: Whether the wallet name already exists """ # wallet_name is same as base wallet name if session.settings.get("") == wallet_name: return True # subwallet record exists, we assume the wallet actually exists wallet_records = await WalletRecord.query(session, {"wallet_name": wallet_name}) if len(wallet_records) > 0: return True return False
[docs] def get_webhook_urls( self, base_context: InjectionContext, wallet_record: WalletRecord, ) -> list: """Get the webhook urls according to dispatch_type. Args: base_context: Base context to get base_webhook_urls wallet_record: Wallet record to get dispatch_type and webhook_urls Returns: webhook urls according to dispatch_type """ wallet_id = wallet_record.wallet_id dispatch_type = wallet_record.wallet_dispatch_type subwallet_webhook_urls = wallet_record.wallet_webhook_urls or [] base_webhook_urls = base_context.settings.get("admin.webhook_urls", []) if dispatch_type == "both": webhook_urls = list(set(base_webhook_urls) | set(subwallet_webhook_urls)) if not webhook_urls: LOGGER.warning( "No webhook URLs in context configuration " f"nor wallet record {wallet_id}, but wallet record " f"configures dispatch type {dispatch_type}" ) elif dispatch_type == "default": webhook_urls = subwallet_webhook_urls if not webhook_urls: LOGGER.warning( f"No webhook URLs in nor wallet record {wallet_id}, but " f"wallet record configures dispatch type {dispatch_type}" ) else: webhook_urls = base_webhook_urls return webhook_urls
[docs] async def get_wallet_profile( self, base_context: InjectionContext, wallet_record: WalletRecord, extra_settings: dict = {}, *, provision=False, ) -> Profile: """Get profile for a wallet record. Args: base_context: Base context to extend from wallet_record: Wallet record to get the context for extra_settings: Any extra context settings Returns: Profile: Profile for the wallet record """ wallet_id = wallet_record.wallet_id if wallet_id not in self._instances: # Extend base context context = base_context.copy() # Settings we don't want to use from base wallet reset_settings = { "wallet.recreate": False, "wallet.seed": None, "wallet.rekey": None, "": None, "wallet.type": None, "": None, "mediation.invite": None, "mediation.default_id": None, "mediation.clear": None, } extra_settings["admin.webhook_urls"] = self.get_webhook_urls( base_context, wallet_record ) context.settings = ( context.settings.extend(reset_settings) .extend(wallet_record.settings) .extend(extra_settings) ) # MTODO: add ledger config profile, _ = await wallet_config(context, provision=provision) self._instances[wallet_id] = profile return self._instances[wallet_id]
[docs] async def create_wallet( self, settings: dict, key_management_mode: str, ) -> WalletRecord: """Create new wallet and wallet record. Args: settings: The context settings for this wallet key_management_mode: The mode to use for key management. Either "unmanaged" to not store the wallet key, or "managed" to store the wallet key Raises: MultitenantManagerError: If the wallet name already exists Returns: WalletRecord: The newly created wallet record """ wallet_key = settings.get("wallet.key") wallet_name = settings.get("") # base wallet context async with self._profile.session() as session: # Check if the wallet name already exists to avoid indy wallet errors if wallet_name and await self._wallet_name_exists(session, wallet_name): raise MultitenantManagerError( f"Wallet with name {wallet_name} already exists" ) # In unmanaged mode we don't want to store the wallet key if key_management_mode == WalletRecord.MODE_UNMANAGED: del settings["wallet.key"] # create and store wallet record wallet_record = WalletRecord( settings=settings, key_management_mode=key_management_mode ) await # provision wallet profile = await self.get_wallet_profile( self._profile.context, wallet_record, { "wallet.key": wallet_key, }, provision=True, ) # subwallet context async with profile.session() as session: wallet = session.inject(BaseWallet) public_did_info = await wallet.get_public_did() if public_did_info: await self.add_key( wallet_record.wallet_id, public_did_info.verkey, skip_if_exists=True ) return wallet_record
[docs] async def update_wallet( self, wallet_id: str, new_settings: dict, ) -> WalletRecord: """Update a existing wallet and wallet record. Args: wallet_id: The wallet id of the wallet record new_settings: The context settings to be updated for this wallet Returns: WalletRecord: The updated wallet record """ # update wallet_record async with self._profile.session() as session: wallet_record = await WalletRecord.retrieve_by_id(session, wallet_id) wallet_record.update_settings(new_settings) await # update profile only if loaded if wallet_id in self._instances: profile = self._instances[wallet_id] profile.settings.update(wallet_record.settings) extra_settings = { "admin.webhook_urls": self.get_webhook_urls( self._profile.context, wallet_record ), } profile.settings.update(extra_settings) return wallet_record
[docs] async def remove_wallet(self, wallet_id: str, wallet_key: str = None): """Remove the wallet with specified wallet id. Args: wallet_id: The wallet id of the wallet record wallet_key: The wallet key to open the wallet. Only required for "unmanaged" wallets Raises: WalletKeyMissingError: If the wallet key is missing. Only thrown for "unmanaged" wallets """ async with self._profile.session() as session: wallet = cast( WalletRecord, await WalletRecord.retrieve_by_id(session, wallet_id), ) wallet_key = wallet_key or wallet.wallet_key if wallet.requires_external_key and not wallet_key: raise WalletKeyMissingError("Missing key to open wallet") profile = await self.get_wallet_profile( self._profile.context, wallet, {"wallet.key": wallet_key}, ) del self._instances[wallet_id] await profile.remove() # Remove all routing records associated with wallet storage = session.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.delete_all_records( RouteRecord.RECORD_TYPE, {"wallet_id": wallet.wallet_id} ) await wallet.delete_record(session)
[docs] async def add_key( self, wallet_id: str, recipient_key: str, *, skip_if_exists: bool = False ): """ Add a wallet key to map incoming messages to specific subwallets. Args: wallet_id: The wallet id the key corresponds to recipient_key: The recipient key belonging to the wallet skip_if_exists: Whether to skip the action if the key is already registered for relaying / mediation """ f"Add route record for recipient {recipient_key} to wallet {wallet_id}" ) routing_mgr = RoutingManager(self._profile) mediation_mgr = MediationManager(self._profile) mediation_record = await mediation_mgr.get_default_mediator() if skip_if_exists: try: async with self._profile.session() as session: await RouteRecord.retrieve_by_recipient_key(session, recipient_key) # If no error is thrown, it means there is already a record return except (StorageNotFoundError): pass await routing_mgr.create_route_record( recipient_key=recipient_key, internal_wallet_id=wallet_id ) # External mediation if mediation_record: keylist_updates = await mediation_mgr.add_key(recipient_key) responder = self._profile.inject(BaseResponder) await responder.send( keylist_updates, connection_id=mediation_record.connection_id )
[docs] def create_auth_token( self, wallet_record: WalletRecord, wallet_key: str = None ) -> str: """Create JWT auth token for specified wallet record. Args: wallet_record: The wallet record to create the token for wallet_key: The wallet key to include in the token. Only required for "unmanaged" wallets Raises: WalletKeyMissingError: If the wallet key is missing. Only thrown for "unmanaged" wallets Returns: str: JWT auth token """ jwt_payload = {"wallet_id": wallet_record.wallet_id} jwt_secret = self._profile.settings.get("multitenant.jwt_secret") if wallet_record.requires_external_key: if not wallet_key: raise WalletKeyMissingError() jwt_payload["wallet_key"] = wallet_key token = jwt.encode(jwt_payload, jwt_secret, algorithm="HS256").decode() return token
[docs] async def get_profile_for_token( self, context: InjectionContext, token: str ) -> Profile: """Get the profile associated with a JWT header token. Args: context: The context to use for profile creation token: The token Raises: WalletKeyMissingError: If the wallet_key is missing for an unmanaged wallet InvalidTokenError: If there is an exception while decoding the token Returns: Profile associated with the token """ jwt_secret = self._profile.context.settings.get("multitenant.jwt_secret") extra_settings = {} token_body = jwt.decode(token, jwt_secret, algorithms=["HS256"]) wallet_id = token_body.get("wallet_id") wallet_key = token_body.get("wallet_key") async with self._profile.session() as session: wallet = await WalletRecord.retrieve_by_id(session, wallet_id) if wallet.requires_external_key: if not wallet_key: raise WalletKeyMissingError() extra_settings["wallet.key"] = wallet_key profile = await self.get_wallet_profile(context, wallet, extra_settings) return profile
async def _get_wallet_by_key(self, recipient_key: str) -> Optional[WalletRecord]: """Get the wallet record associated with the recipient key. Args: recipient_key: The recipient key Returns: Wallet record associated with the recipient key """ routing_mgr = RoutingManager(self._profile) try: routing_record = await routing_mgr.get_recipient(recipient_key) async with self._profile.session() as session: wallet = await WalletRecord.retrieve_by_id( session, routing_record.wallet_id ) return wallet except (RouteNotFoundError): pass
[docs] async def get_wallets_by_message( self, message_body, wire_format: BaseWireFormat = None ) -> List[WalletRecord]: """Get the wallet records associated with the message boy. Args: message_body: The body of the message wire_format: Wire format to use for recipient detection Returns: Wallet records associated with the message body """ wire_format = wire_format or self._profile.inject(BaseWireFormat) recipient_keys = wire_format.get_recipient_keys(message_body) wallets = [] for key in recipient_keys: wallet = await self._get_wallet_by_key(key) if wallet: wallets.append(wallet) return wallets