Source code for aries_cloudagent.messaging.decorators.thread_decorator

A message decorator for threads.

A thread decorator identifies a message that may require additional
context from previous messages.

from typing import Mapping

from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, fields

from ..models.base import BaseModel, BaseModelSchema
from ..valid import UUIDFour

[docs]class ThreadDecorator(BaseModel): """Class representing thread decorator."""
[docs] class Meta: """ThreadDecorator metadata.""" schema_class = "ThreadDecoratorSchema"
def __init__( self, *, thid: str = None, pthid: str = None, sender_order: int = None, received_orders: Mapping = None, ): """ Initialize a ThreadDecorator instance. Args: thid: The ID of the message that serves as the thread start pthid: An optional parent thid. Used when branching or nesting a new interaction off of an existing one. sender_order:A number that tells where this message fits in the sequence of all messages that the current sender has contributed to this thread received_orders: Reports the highest sender_order value that the sender has seen from other sender(s) on the thread. (This value is often missing if it is the first message in an interaction, but should be used otherwise, as it provides an implicit ACK.) """ super().__init__() self._thid = thid self._pthid = pthid self._sender_order = sender_order or None self._received_orders = received_orders and dict(received_orders) or None @property def thid(self): """ Accessor for thread identifier. Returns: This thread's `thid` """ return self._thid @property def pthid(self): """ Accessor for parent thread identifier. Returns: This thread's `pthid` """ return self._pthid @pthid.setter def pthid(self, val: str): """ Setter for parent thread identifier. Args: val: The new pthid """ self._pthid = val @property def received_orders(self) -> dict: """ Get received orders. Returns: The highest sender_order value that the sender has seen from other sender(s) on the thread. """ return self._received_orders @property def sender_order(self) -> int: """ Get sender order. Returns: A number that tells where this message fits in the sequence of all messages that the current sender has contributed to this thread """ return self._sender_order
[docs]class ThreadDecoratorSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Thread decorator schema used in serialization/deserialization."""
[docs] class Meta: """ThreadDecoratorSchema metadata.""" model_class = ThreadDecorator unknown = EXCLUDE
thid = fields.Str( required=False, allow_none=True, description="Thread identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, # typically a UUID4 but not necessarily ) pthid = fields.Str( required=False, allow_none=True, description="Parent thread identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, # typically a UUID4 but not necessarily ) sender_order = fields.Int( required=False, allow_none=True, description="Ordinal of message among all from current sender in thread", example=11, strict=True, ) received_orders = fields.Dict( keys=fields.Str(description="Sender key"), values=fields.Int( description="Highest sender_order value for sender", example=3, strict=True, ), required=False, allow_none=True, description=( "Highest sender_order value that sender has seen from others on thread" ), )