Source code for aries_cloudagent.messaging.decorators.attach_decorator

A message decorator for attachments.

An attach decorator embeds content or specifies appended content.

import json
import uuid

from typing import Any, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, fields, pre_load

from ...wallet.base import BaseWallet
from ...wallet.util import (
from ...wallet.key_type import KeyType
from ...did.did_key import DIDKey
from ..models.base import BaseModel, BaseModelError, BaseModelSchema
from ..valid import (

[docs]class AttachDecoratorDataJWSHeader(BaseModel): """Attach decorator data JWS header."""
[docs] class Meta: """AttachDecoratorDataJWS metadata.""" schema_class = "AttachDecoratorDataJWSHeaderSchema"
def __init__(self, kid: str): """Initialize JWS header to include in attach decorator data.""" self.kid = kid def __eq__(self, other: Any): """Compare equality with another.""" return type(self) == type(other) and self.kid == other.kid
[docs]class AttachDecoratorDataJWSHeaderSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Attach decorator data JWS header schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Attach decorator data schema metadata.""" model_class = AttachDecoratorDataJWSHeader unknown = EXCLUDE
kid = fields.Str( description="Key identifier, in W3C did:key or DID URL format", required=True, **JWS_HEADER_KID, )
[docs]class AttachDecoratorData1JWS(BaseModel): """Single Detached JSON Web Signature for inclusion in attach decorator data."""
[docs] class Meta: """AttachDecoratorData1JWS metadata.""" schema_class = "AttachDecoratorData1JWSSchema"
def __init__( self, *, header: AttachDecoratorDataJWSHeader, protected: str = None, signature: str, ): """Initialize flattened single-JWS to include in attach decorator data.""" self.header = header self.protected = protected self.signature = signature def __eq__(self, other: Any): """Compare equality with another.""" return ( type(self) == type(other) and self.header == other.header and self.protected == other.protected and self.signature == other.signature )
[docs]class AttachDecoratorData1JWSSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Single attach decorator data JWS schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Single attach decorator data JWS schema metadata.""" model_class = AttachDecoratorData1JWS unknown = EXCLUDE
header = fields.Nested(AttachDecoratorDataJWSHeaderSchema, required=True) protected = fields.Str( description="protected JWS header", required=False, **BASE64URL_NO_PAD ) signature = fields.Str(description="signature", required=True, **BASE64URL_NO_PAD)
[docs]class AttachDecoratorDataJWS(BaseModel): """ Detached JSON Web Signature for inclusion in attach decorator data. May hold one signature in flattened format, or multiple signatures in the "signatures" member. """
[docs] class Meta: """AttachDecoratorDataJWS metadata.""" schema_class = "AttachDecoratorDataJWSSchema"
def __init__( self, *, header: AttachDecoratorDataJWSHeader = None, protected: str = None, signature: str = None, signatures: Sequence[AttachDecoratorData1JWS] = None, ): """Initialize JWS to include in attach decorator multi-sig data.""" self.header = header self.protected = protected self.signature = signature self.signatures = signatures
[docs]class AttachDecoratorDataJWSSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Schema for detached JSON Web Signature for inclusion in attach decorator data."""
[docs] class Meta: """Metadata for schema for detached JWS for inclusion in attach deco data.""" model_class = AttachDecoratorDataJWS unknown = EXCLUDE
[docs] @pre_load def validate_single_xor_multi_sig(self, data: Mapping, **kwargs): """Ensure model is for either 1 or many sigatures, not mishmash of both.""" if "signatures" in data: if any(k in data for k in ("header", "protected", "signature")): raise BaseModelError( "AttachDecoratorDataJWSSchema: " "JWS must be flattened or general JSON serialization format" ) elif not all(k in data for k in ("header", "signature")): raise BaseModelError( "AttachDecoratorDataJWSSchema: " "Flattened JSON serialization format must include header and signature" ) return data
header = fields.Nested( AttachDecoratorDataJWSHeaderSchema, required=False, # packed in signatures if multi-sig ) protected = fields.Str( description="protected JWS header", required=False, # packed in signatures if multi-sig **BASE64URL_NO_PAD, ) signature = fields.Str( description="signature", required=False, # packed in signatures if multi-sig **BASE64URL_NO_PAD, ) signatures = fields.List( fields.Nested(AttachDecoratorData1JWSSchema), required=False, # only present if multi-sig description="List of signatures", )
[docs]def did_key(verkey: str) -> str: """Qualify verkey into DID key if need be.""" if verkey.startswith("did:key:"): return verkey return DIDKey.from_public_key_b58(verkey, KeyType.ED25519).did
[docs]def raw_key(verkey: str) -> str: """Strip qualified key to raw key if need be.""" if verkey.startswith("did:key:"): return DIDKey.from_did(verkey).public_key_b58 return verkey
[docs]class AttachDecoratorData(BaseModel): """Attach decorator data."""
[docs] class Meta: """AttachDecoratorData metadata.""" schema_class = "AttachDecoratorDataSchema"
def __init__( self, *, jws_: AttachDecoratorDataJWS = None, sha256_: str = None, links_: Union[Sequence[str], str] = None, base64_: str = None, json_: dict = None, ): """ Initialize decorator data. Specify content for one of: - `base64_` - `json_` - `links_`. Args: jws_: detached JSON Web Signature over base64 or linked attachment content sha256_: optional sha-256 hash for content links_: URL or list of URLs base64_: base64 encoded content for inclusion json_: dict content for inclusion as json """ if jws_: self.jws_ = jws_ assert not json_ if base64_: self.base64_ = base64_ elif json_: self.json_ = json_ else: assert isinstance(links_, (str, Sequence)) self.links_ = [links_] if isinstance(links_, str) else list(links_) if sha256_: self.sha256_ = sha256_ @property def base64(self): """Accessor for base64 decorator data, or None.""" return getattr(self, "base64_", None) @property def jws(self): """Accessor for JWS, or None.""" return getattr(self, "jws_", None) @property def signatures(self) -> int: """Accessor for number of signatures.""" if self.jws: return 1 if self.jws.signature else len(self.jws.signatures) return 0 @property def signed(self) -> bytes: """Accessor for signed content (payload), None for unsigned.""" return ( b64_to_bytes(unpad(set_urlsafe_b64(self.base64, urlsafe=True))) if self.signatures else None )
[docs] def header_map(self, idx: int = 0, jose: bool = True) -> Mapping: """ Accessor for header info at input index, default 0 or unique for singly-signed. Args: idx: index of interest, zero-based (default 0) jose: True to return unprotected header attributes, False for protected only """ if not self.signatures: return None headers = {} sig = self.jws if self.jws.signature else self.jws.signatures[idx] if sig.protected: headers.update(json.loads(b64_to_str(sig.protected, urlsafe=True))) if jose: headers.update(sig.header.serialize()) return headers
@property def json(self): """Accessor for json decorator data, or None.""" return getattr(self, "json_", None) @property def links(self): """Accessor for links decorator data, or None.""" return getattr(self, "links_", None) @property def sha256(self): """Accessor for sha256 decorator data, or None.""" return getattr(self, "sha256_", None)
[docs] async def sign( self, verkeys: Union[str, Sequence[str]], wallet: BaseWallet, ): """ Sign base64 data value of attachment. Args: verkeys: verkey(s) of the signing party (in raw or DID key format) wallet: The wallet to use for the signature """ def build_protected(verkey: str): """Build protected header.""" return str_to_b64( json.dumps( { "alg": "EdDSA", "kid": did_key(verkey), "jwk": { "kty": "OKP", "crv": "Ed25519", "x": bytes_to_b64( b58_to_bytes(raw_key(verkey)), urlsafe=True, pad=False ), "kid": did_key(verkey), }, } ), urlsafe=True, pad=False, ) assert self.base64 b64_payload = unpad(set_urlsafe_b64(self.base64, True)) if isinstance(verkeys, str) or ( isinstance(verkeys, Sequence) and len(verkeys) == 1 ): kid = did_key(verkeys if isinstance(verkeys, str) else verkeys[0]) verkey = raw_key(verkeys if isinstance(verkeys, str) else verkeys[0]) b64_protected = build_protected(verkey) b64_sig = bytes_to_b64( await wallet.sign_message( message=(b64_protected + "." + b64_payload).encode("ascii"), from_verkey=verkey, ), urlsafe=True, pad=False, ) self.jws_ = AttachDecoratorDataJWS.deserialize( { "header": AttachDecoratorDataJWSHeader(kid).serialize(), "protected": b64_protected, # always present by construction "signature": b64_sig, } ) else: jws = {"signatures": []} for verkey in verkeys: b64_protected = build_protected(verkey) b64_sig = bytes_to_b64( await wallet.sign_message( message=(b64_protected + "." + b64_payload).encode("ascii"), from_verkey=raw_key(verkey), ), urlsafe=True, pad=False, ) jws["signatures"].append( { "protected": b64_protected, # always present by construction "header": {"kid": did_key(verkey)}, "signature": b64_sig, } ) self.jws_ = AttachDecoratorDataJWS.deserialize(jws)
[docs] async def verify(self, wallet: BaseWallet) -> bool: """ Verify the signature(s). Args: wallet: Wallet to use to verify signature Returns: True if verification succeeds else False """ assert self.jws b64_payload = unpad(set_urlsafe_b64(self.base64, True)) for sig in [self.jws] if self.signatures == 1 else self.jws.signatures: b64_protected = sig.protected b64_sig = sig.signature protected = json.loads(b64_to_str(b64_protected, urlsafe=True)) assert "jwk" in protected and protected["jwk"].get("kty") == "OKP" sign_input = (b64_protected + "." + b64_payload).encode("ascii") b_sig = b64_to_bytes(b64_sig, urlsafe=True) verkey = bytes_to_b58(b64_to_bytes(protected["jwk"]["x"], urlsafe=True)) if not await wallet.verify_message( sign_input, b_sig, verkey, KeyType.ED25519 ): return False return True
def __eq__(self, other): """Compare equality with another.""" for attr in ["jws_", "sha256_", "base64_"]: if getattr(self, attr, None) != getattr(other, attr, None): return False if set(getattr(self, "links_", [])) != set(getattr(other, "links_", [])): return False return True
[docs]class AttachDecoratorDataSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Attach decorator data schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Attach decorator data schema metadata.""" model_class = AttachDecoratorData unknown = EXCLUDE
[docs] @pre_load def validate_data_spec(self, data: Mapping, **kwargs): """Ensure model chooses exactly one of base64, json, or links.""" if len(set(data.keys()) & {"base64", "json", "links"}) != 1: raise BaseModelError( "AttachDecoratorSchema: choose exactly one of base64, json, or links" ) return data
base64_ = fields.Str( description="Base64-encoded data", required=False, data_key="base64", **BASE64 ) jws_ = fields.Nested( AttachDecoratorDataJWSSchema, description="Detached Java Web Signature", required=False, data_key="jws", ) json_ = fields.Dict( description="JSON-serialized data", required=False, example='{"sample": "content"}', data_key="json", ) links_ = fields.List( fields.Str(example=""), description="List of hypertext links to data", required=False, data_key="links", ) sha256_ = fields.Str( description="SHA256 hash (binhex encoded) of content", required=False, data_key="sha256", **SHA256, )
[docs]class AttachDecorator(BaseModel): """Class representing attach decorator."""
[docs] class Meta: """AttachDecorator metadata.""" schema_class = "AttachDecoratorSchema"
def __init__( self, *, ident: str = None, description: str = None, filename: str = None, mime_type: str = None, lastmod_time: str = None, byte_count: int = None, data: AttachDecoratorData, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize an AttachDecorator instance. The attachment decorator allows for embedding or appending content to a message. Args: ident ("@id" in serialization): identifier for the appendage mime_type ("mime-type" in serialization): MIME type for attachment filename: file name lastmod_time: last modification time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ" description: content description data: payload, as per `AttachDecoratorData` """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ident = ident self.description = description self.filename = filename self.mime_type = mime_type self.lastmod_time = lastmod_time self.byte_count = byte_count = data @property def content(self) -> Union[Mapping, Tuple[Sequence[str], str]]: """ Return attachment content. Returns: data attachment, decoded if necessary and json-loaded, or data links and sha-256 hash. """ if hasattr(, "base64_"): return json.loads(b64_to_bytes( elif hasattr(, "json_"): return elif hasattr(, "links_"): return ( # fetching would be async; we want a property here,, ) else: return None
[docs] @classmethod def data_base64( cls, mapping: Mapping, *, ident: str = None, description: str = None, filename: str = None, lastmod_time: str = None, byte_count: int = None, ): """ Create `AttachDecorator` instance on base64-encoded data from input mapping. Given mapping, JSON dump, base64-encode, and embed it as data; mark `application/json` MIME type. Args: mapping: (dict) data structure; e.g., indy production ident: optional attachment identifier (default random UUID4) description: optional attachment description filename: optional attachment filename lastmod_time: optional attachment last modification time byte_count: optional attachment byte count """ return AttachDecorator( ident=ident or str(uuid.uuid4()), description=description, filename=filename, mime_type="application/json", lastmod_time=lastmod_time, byte_count=byte_count, data=AttachDecoratorData( base64_=bytes_to_b64(json.dumps(mapping).encode()) ), )
[docs] @classmethod def data_json( cls, mapping: dict, *, ident: str = None, description: str = None, filename: str = None, lastmod_time: str = None, byte_count: int = None, ): """ Create `AttachDecorator` instance on json-encoded data from input mapping. Given message object (dict), JSON dump, and embed it as data; mark `application/json` MIME type. Args: mapping: (dict) data structure; e.g., Aries message ident: optional attachment identifier (default random UUID4) description: optional attachment description filename: optional attachment filename lastmod_time: optional attachment last modification time byte_count: optional attachment byte count """ return AttachDecorator( ident=ident or str(uuid.uuid4()), description=description, filename=filename, mime_type="application/json", lastmod_time=lastmod_time, byte_count=byte_count, data=AttachDecoratorData(json_=mapping), )
[docs]class AttachDecoratorSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Attach decorator schema used in serialization/deserialization."""
[docs] class Meta: """AttachDecoratorSchema metadata.""" model_class = AttachDecorator unknown = EXCLUDE
ident = fields.Str( description="Attachment identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=False, allow_none=False, data_key="@id", ) mime_type = fields.Str( description="MIME type", example="image/png", required=False, data_key="mime-type", ) filename = fields.Str( description="File name", example="IMG1092348.png", required=False ) byte_count = fields.Int( description="Byte count of data included by reference", example=1234, required=False, strict=True, ) lastmod_time = fields.Str( description="Hint regarding last modification datetime, in ISO-8601 format", required=False, **INDY_ISO8601_DATETIME, ) description = fields.Str( description="Human-readable description of content", example="view from doorway, facing east, with lights off", required=False, ) data = fields.Nested( AttachDecoratorDataSchema, required=True, )