Source code for aries_cloudagent.connections.models.conn_record

"""Handle connection information interface with non-secrets storage."""

import json

from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Union

from marshmallow import fields, validate

from ...core.profile import ProfileSession
from ...messaging.models.base_record import BaseRecord, BaseRecordSchema
from ...messaging.valid import INDY_DID, INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY, UUIDFour

from ...protocols.connections.v1_0.message_types import (
from ...protocols.connections.v1_0.messages.connection_invitation import (
from ...protocols.connections.v1_0.messages.connection_request import ConnectionRequest
from ...protocols.connections.v1_0.message_types import ARIES_PROTOCOL as CONN_PROTO
from ...protocols.didcomm_prefix import DIDCommPrefix
from ...protocols.didexchange.v1_0.messages.request import DIDXRequest
from ...protocols.didexchange.v1_0.message_types import ARIES_PROTOCOL as DIDX_PROTO
from ...protocols.out_of_band.v1_0.messages.invitation import (
    InvitationMessage as OOBInvitation,
from import BaseStorage
from import StorageRecord
from import StorageNotFoundError

[docs]class ConnRecord(BaseRecord): """Represents a single pairwise connection."""
[docs] class Meta: """ConnRecord metadata.""" schema_class = "ConnRecordSchema"
[docs] class Protocol(Enum): """Supported Protocols for Connection.""" RFC_0160 = CONN_PROTO RFC_0023 = DIDX_PROTO
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, label: Union[str, "ConnRecord.Protocol"]): """Get aries protocol enum for label.""" if isinstance(label, str): for proto in ConnRecord.Protocol: if label in proto.value: return proto elif isinstance(label, ConnRecord.Protocol): return label return None
@property def aries_protocol(self): """Return used connection protocol.""" return self.value
[docs] class Role(Enum): """RFC 160 (inviter, invitee) = RFC 23 (responder, requester).""" REQUESTER = ("invitee", "requester") # == RFC 23 initiator, RFC 434 receiver RESPONDER = ("inviter", "responder") # == RFC 160 initiator(!), RFC 434 sender @property def rfc160(self): """Return RFC 160 (connection protocol) nomenclature.""" return self.value[0] @property def rfc23(self): """Return RFC 23 (DID exchange protocol) nomenclature.""" return self.value[1]
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, label: Union[str, "ConnRecord.Role"]): """Get role enum for label.""" if isinstance(label, str): for role in ConnRecord.Role: if label in role.value: return role elif isinstance(label, ConnRecord.Role): return label return None
[docs] def flip(self): """Return opposite interlocutor role: theirs for ours, ours for theirs.""" return ( ConnRecord.Role.REQUESTER if self is ConnRecord.Role.RESPONDER else ConnRecord.Role.RESPONDER )
def __eq__(self, other: Union[str, "ConnRecord.Role"]) -> bool: """Comparison between roles.""" return self is ConnRecord.Role.get(other)
[docs] class State(Enum): """ Collator for equivalent states between RFC 160 and RFC 23. On the connection record, the state has to serve for both RFCs. Hence, internally, RFC23 requester/responder states collate to their RFC160 condensed equivalent. """ INIT = ("init", "start") INVITATION = ("invitation", "invitation") REQUEST = ("request", "request") RESPONSE = ("response", "response") COMPLETED = ("active", "completed") ABANDONED = ("error", "abandoned") @property def rfc160(self): """Return RFC 160 (connection protocol) nomenclature.""" return self.value[0] @property def rfc23(self): """Return RFC 23 (DID exchange protocol) nomenclature to record logic.""" return self.value[1]
[docs] def rfc23strict(self, their_role: "ConnRecord.Role"): """Return RFC 23 (DID exchange protocol) nomenclature to role as per RFC.""" if not their_role or self in ( ConnRecord.State.INIT, ConnRecord.State.COMPLETED, ConnRecord.State.ABANDONED, ): return self.value[1] if self is ConnRecord.State.REQUEST: return self.value[1] + ( "-sent" if ConnRecord.Role.get(their_role) is ConnRecord.Role.RESPONDER else "-received" ) else: return self.value[1] + ( "-received" if ConnRecord.Role.get(their_role) is ConnRecord.Role.RESPONDER else "-sent" )
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, label: Union[str, "ConnRecord.State"]): """Get state enum for label.""" if isinstance(label, str): for state in ConnRecord.State: if label in state.value: return state elif isinstance(label, ConnRecord.State): return label return None
def __eq__(self, other: Union[str, "ConnRecord.State"]) -> bool: """Comparison between states.""" return self is ConnRecord.State.get(other)
RECORD_ID_NAME = "connection_id" RECORD_TOPIC = "connections" LOG_STATE_FLAG = "debug.connections" TAG_NAMES = {"my_did", "their_did", "request_id", "invitation_key"} RECORD_TYPE = "connection" RECORD_TYPE_INVITATION = "connection_invitation" RECORD_TYPE_REQUEST = "connection_request" RECORD_TYPE_METADATA = "connection_metadata" INVITATION_MODE_ONCE = "once" INVITATION_MODE_MULTI = "multi" INVITATION_MODE_STATIC = "static" ROUTING_STATE_NONE = "none" ROUTING_STATE_REQUEST = "request" ROUTING_STATE_ACTIVE = "active" ROUTING_STATE_ERROR = "error" ACCEPT_MANUAL = "manual" ACCEPT_AUTO = "auto" def __init__( self, *, connection_id: str = None, my_did: str = None, their_did: str = None, their_label: str = None, their_role: Union[str, "ConnRecord.Role"] = None, invitation_key: str = None, invitation_msg_id: str = None, request_id: str = None, state: Union[str, "ConnRecord.State"] = None, inbound_connection_id: str = None, error_msg: str = None, routing_state: str = None, accept: str = None, invitation_mode: str = None, alias: str = None, their_public_did: str = None, rfc23_state: str = None, # from state: formalism for base_record.from_storage() initiator: str = None, # for backward compatibility with old ConnectionRecord connection_protocol: Union[str, "ConnRecord.Protocol"] = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a new ConnRecord.""" super().__init__( connection_id, state=(ConnRecord.State.get(state) or ConnRecord.State.INIT).rfc160, **kwargs, ) self.my_did = my_did self.their_did = their_did self.their_label = their_label self.their_role = ( ConnRecord.Role.get(their_role).rfc160 if isinstance(their_role, str) else None if their_role is None else their_role.rfc160 ) self.invitation_key = invitation_key self.invitation_msg_id = invitation_msg_id self.request_id = request_id self.error_msg = error_msg self.inbound_connection_id = inbound_connection_id self.routing_state = routing_state or self.ROUTING_STATE_NONE self.accept = accept or self.ACCEPT_MANUAL self.invitation_mode = invitation_mode or self.INVITATION_MODE_ONCE self.alias = alias self.their_public_did = their_public_did self.connection_protocol = ( ConnRecord.Protocol.get(connection_protocol).aries_protocol if isinstance(connection_protocol, str) else None if connection_protocol is None else connection_protocol.aries_protocol ) @property def connection_id(self) -> str: """Accessor for the ID associated with this connection.""" return self._id @property def rfc23_state(self) -> str: """RFC23 state per RFC text, potentially particular to role.""" return ConnRecord.State.get(self.state).rfc23strict(self.their_role) @property def record_value(self) -> dict: """Accessor to for the JSON record value properties for this connection.""" return { prop: getattr(self, prop) for prop in ( "their_role", "inbound_connection_id", "routing_state", "accept", "invitation_mode", "invitation_msg_id", "alias", "error_msg", "their_label", "state", "their_public_did", "connection_protocol", ) }
[docs] @classmethod async def retrieve_by_did( cls, session: ProfileSession, their_did: str = None, my_did: str = None, their_role: str = None, ) -> "ConnRecord": """Retrieve a connection record by target DID. Args: session: The active profile session their_did: The target DID to filter by my_did: One of our DIDs to filter by my_role: Filter connections by their role """ tag_filter = {} if their_did: tag_filter["their_did"] = their_did if my_did: tag_filter["my_did"] = my_did post_filter = {} if their_role: post_filter["their_role"] = cls.Role.get(their_role).rfc160 return await cls.retrieve_by_tag_filter(session, tag_filter, post_filter)
[docs] @classmethod async def retrieve_by_invitation_key( cls, session: ProfileSession, invitation_key: str, their_role: str = None ) -> "ConnRecord": """Retrieve a connection record by invitation key. Args: session: The active profile session invitation_key: The key on the originating invitation initiator: Filter by the initiator value """ tag_filter = {"invitation_key": invitation_key} post_filter = {"state": cls.State.INVITATION.rfc160} if their_role: post_filter["their_role"] = cls.Role.get(their_role).rfc160 return await cls.retrieve_by_tag_filter(session, tag_filter, post_filter)
[docs] @classmethod async def retrieve_by_request_id( cls, session: ProfileSession, request_id: str ) -> "ConnRecord": """Retrieve a connection record from our previous request ID. Args: session: The active profile session request_id: The ID of the originating connection request """ tag_filter = {"request_id": request_id} return await cls.retrieve_by_tag_filter(session, tag_filter)
[docs] async def attach_invitation( self, session: ProfileSession, invitation: Union[ConnectionInvitation, OOBInvitation], ): """Persist the related connection invitation to storage. Args: session: The active profile session invitation: The invitation to relate to this connection record """ assert self.connection_id record = StorageRecord( self.RECORD_TYPE_INVITATION, # conn- or oob-invitation, to retrieve easily invitation.to_json(), {"connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) storage = session.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.add_record(record)
[docs] async def retrieve_invitation( self, session: ProfileSession ) -> Union[ConnectionInvitation, OOBInvitation]: """Retrieve the related connection invitation. Args: session: The active profile session """ assert self.connection_id storage = session.inject(BaseStorage) result = await storage.find_record( self.RECORD_TYPE_INVITATION, {"connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) ser = json.loads(result.value) return ( ConnectionInvitation if DIDCommPrefix.unqualify(ser["@type"]) == CONNECTION_INVITATION else OOBInvitation ).deserialize(ser)
[docs] async def attach_request( self, session: ProfileSession, request: Union[ConnectionRequest, DIDXRequest], ): """Persist the related connection request to storage. Args: session: The active profile session request: The request to relate to this connection record """ assert self.connection_id record = StorageRecord( self.RECORD_TYPE_REQUEST, # conn- or didx-request, to retrieve easily request.to_json(), {"connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.add_record(record)
[docs] async def retrieve_request( self, session: ProfileSession, ) -> Union[ConnectionRequest, DIDXRequest]: """Retrieve the related connection invitation. Args: session: The active profile session """ assert self.connection_id storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) result = await storage.find_record( self.RECORD_TYPE_REQUEST, {"connection_id": self.connection_id} ) ser = json.loads(result.value) return ( ConnectionRequest if DIDCommPrefix.unqualify(ser["@type"]) == CONNECTION_REQUEST else DIDXRequest ).deserialize(ser)
@property def is_ready(self) -> str: """Accessor for connection readiness.""" return ConnRecord.State.get(self.state) in ( ConnRecord.State.COMPLETED, ConnRecord.State.RESPONSE, ) @property def is_multiuse_invitation(self) -> bool: """Accessor for multi use invitation mode.""" return self.invitation_mode == self.INVITATION_MODE_MULTI
[docs] async def post_save(self, session: ProfileSession, *args, **kwargs): """Perform post-save actions. Args: session: The active profile session """ await super().post_save(session, *args, **kwargs) # clear cache key set by connection manager cache_key = f"connection_target::{self.connection_id}" await self.clear_cached_key(session, cache_key)
[docs] async def delete_record(self, session: ProfileSession): """Perform connection record deletion actions. Args: session (ProfileSession): session """ await super().delete_record(session) # Delete metadata if self.connection_id: storage = session.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.delete_all_records( self.RECORD_TYPE_METADATA, {"connection_id": self.connection_id}, )
[docs] async def metadata_get( self, session: ProfileSession, key: str, default: Any = None ) -> Any: """Retrieve arbitrary metadata associated with this connection. Args: session (ProfileSession): session used for storage key (str): key identifying metadata default (Any): default value to get; type should be a JSON compatible value. Returns: Any: metadata stored by key """ assert self.connection_id storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) try: record = await storage.find_record( self.RECORD_TYPE_METADATA, {"key": key, "connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) return json.loads(record.value) except StorageNotFoundError: return default
[docs] async def metadata_set(self, session: ProfileSession, key: str, value: Any): """Set arbitrary metadata associated with this connection. Args: session (ProfileSession): session used for storage key (str): key identifying metadata value (Any): value to set """ assert self.connection_id value = json.dumps(value) storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) try: record = await storage.find_record( self.RECORD_TYPE_METADATA, {"key": key, "connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) await storage.update_record(record, value, record.tags) except StorageNotFoundError: record = StorageRecord( self.RECORD_TYPE_METADATA, value, {"key": key, "connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) await storage.add_record(record)
[docs] async def metadata_delete(self, session: ProfileSession, key: str): """Delete custom metadata associated with this connection. Args: session (ProfileSession): session used for storage key (str): key of metadata to delete """ assert self.connection_id storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) try: record = await storage.find_record( self.RECORD_TYPE_METADATA, {"key": key, "connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) await storage.delete_record(record) except StorageNotFoundError as err: raise KeyError(f"{key} not found in connection metadata") from err
[docs] async def metadata_get_all(self, session: ProfileSession) -> dict: """Return all custom metadata associated with this connection. Args: session (ProfileSession): session used for storage Returns: dict: dictionary representation of all metadata values """ assert self.connection_id storage: BaseStorage = session.inject(BaseStorage) records = await storage.find_all_records( self.RECORD_TYPE_METADATA, {"connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) return {record.tags["key"]: json.loads(record.value) for record in records}
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Comparison between records.""" return super().__eq__(other)
[docs]class ConnRecordSchema(BaseRecordSchema): """Schema to allow serialization/deserialization of connection records."""
[docs] class Meta: """ConnRecordSchema metadata.""" model_class = ConnRecord
connection_id = fields.Str( required=False, description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE ) my_did = fields.Str( required=False, description="Our DID for connection", **INDY_DID ) their_did = fields.Str( required=False, description="Their DID for connection", **INDY_DID ) their_label = fields.Str( required=False, description="Their label for connection", example="Bob" ) their_role = fields.Str( required=False, description="Their role in the connection protocol", validate=validate.OneOf( [label for role in ConnRecord.Role for label in role.value] ), example=ConnRecord.Role.REQUESTER.rfc23, ) connection_protocol = fields.Str( required=False, description="Connection protocol used", validate=validate.OneOf( [label for proto in ConnRecord.Protocol for label in proto.value] ), example=ConnRecord.Protocol.RFC_0160.aries_protocol, ) rfc23_state = fields.Str( dump_only=True, description="State per RFC 23", example="invitation-sent", ) inbound_connection_id = fields.Str( required=False, description="Inbound routing connection id to use", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, ) invitation_key = fields.Str( required=False, description="Public key for connection", **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY ) invitation_msg_id = fields.Str( required=False, description="ID of out-of-band invitation message", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, ) request_id = fields.Str( required=False, description="Connection request identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, ) routing_state = fields.Str( required=False, description="Routing state of connection", validate=validate.OneOf( [ getattr(ConnRecord, m) for m in vars(ConnRecord) if m.startswith("ROUTING_STATE_") ] ), example=ConnRecord.ROUTING_STATE_ACTIVE, ) accept = fields.Str( required=False, description="Connection acceptance: manual or auto", example=ConnRecord.ACCEPT_AUTO, validate=validate.OneOf( [ getattr(ConnRecord, a) for a in vars(ConnRecord) if a.startswith("ACCEPT_") ] ), ) error_msg = fields.Str( required=False, description="Error message", example="No DIDDoc provided; cannot connect to public DID", ) invitation_mode = fields.Str( required=False, description="Invitation mode", example=ConnRecord.INVITATION_MODE_ONCE, validate=validate.OneOf( [ getattr(ConnRecord, i) for i in vars(ConnRecord) if i.startswith("INVITATION_MODE_") ] ), ) alias = fields.Str( required=False, description="Optional alias to apply to connection for later use", example="Bob, providing quotes", ) their_public_did = fields.Str( required=False, description="Other agent's public DID for connection", example="2cpBmR3FqGKWi5EyUbpRY8", )