Source code for aries_cloudagent.transport.inbound.session

"""Inbound connection handling classes."""

import asyncio
import logging
from typing import Callable, Sequence, Union

from ...admin.server import AdminResponder
from ...core.profile import Profile
from ...messaging.responder import BaseResponder
from ...multitenant.manager import MultitenantManager

from ..error import WireFormatError
from ..outbound.message import OutboundMessage
from ..wire_format import BaseWireFormat

from .message import InboundMessage
from .receipt import MessageReceipt

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AcceptResult: """Represent the result of accept_response.""" def __init__(self, accepted: bool, retry: bool = False): """Initialize the `AcceptResult` instance.""" self.accepted = accepted self.retry = retry def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Check if the result is true.""" return self.accepted
[docs]class InboundSession: """Track an open transport connection for direct routing of outbound messages.""" def __init__( self, *, profile: Profile, inbound_handler: Callable, session_id: str, wire_format: BaseWireFormat, accept_undelivered: bool = False, can_respond: bool = False, client_info: dict = None, close_handler: Callable = None, reply_mode: str = None, reply_thread_ids: Sequence[str] = None, reply_verkeys: Sequence[str] = None, transport_type: str = None, ): """Initialize the inbound session.""" self.profile = profile self.inbound_handler = inbound_handler self.session_id = session_id self.wire_format = wire_format self.accept_undelivered = accept_undelivered self.client_info = client_info self.close_handler = close_handler self.response_buffer: OutboundMessage = None self.response_event = asyncio.Event() self.transport_type = transport_type self._can_respond = can_respond self._closed = False self._reply_mode = None self._reply_verkeys = None self._reply_thread_ids = None # If multitenancy is enabled we need to relay the message by changing # the context/profile to the wallet associated with the message. # Only needs to happen for the first received message self._check_relay_context = profile.context.settings.get( "multitenant.enabled", False ) # call setters self.reply_thread_ids = reply_thread_ids self.reply_verkeys = reply_verkeys self.reply_mode = reply_mode @property def can_respond(self) -> bool: """Accessor for the session can-respond state.""" return self._can_respond and not self._closed @can_respond.setter def can_respond(self, can_respond: bool): """Setter for the session can-respond state.""" self._can_respond = can_respond @property def closed(self) -> bool: """Accessor for the session closed state.""" return self._closed
[docs] def close(self): """Setter for the session closed state.""" self._closed = True self.response_event.set() # end wait_response if blocked if self.close_handler: self.close_handler(self)
@property def reply_mode(self) -> str: """Accessor for the session reply mode.""" return self._reply_mode @reply_mode.setter def reply_mode(self, mode: str): """Setter for the session reply mode.""" if mode not in ( MessageReceipt.REPLY_MODE_ALL, MessageReceipt.REPLY_MODE_THREAD, ): mode = None self._reply_mode = mode if not mode: # reset the tracked thread IDs when the mode is changed to none self.reply_thread_ids = set() @property def reply_verkeys(self): """Accessor for the reply verkeys.""" return self._reply_verkeys.copy() @reply_verkeys.setter def reply_verkeys(self, verkeys: Sequence[str]): """Setter for the reply verkeys.""" self._reply_verkeys = set(verkeys) if verkeys else set() @property def reply_thread_ids(self): """Accessor for the reply thread IDs.""" return self._reply_thread_ids.copy() @reply_thread_ids.setter def reply_thread_ids(self, thread_ids: Sequence[str]): """Setter for the reply thread IDs.""" self._reply_thread_ids = set(thread_ids) if thread_ids else set()
[docs] def add_reply_thread_ids(self, *thids): """Add a thread ID to the set of potential reply targets.""" for thid in filter(None, thids): self._reply_thread_ids.add(thid)
[docs] def add_reply_verkeys(self, *verkeys): """Add a verkey to the set of potential reply targets.""" for verkey in filter(None, verkeys): self._reply_verkeys.add(verkey)
@property def response_buffered(self) -> bool: """Check if a response is currently buffered.""" return bool(self.response_buffer)
[docs] async def handle_relay_context(self, payload_enc: Union[str, bytes]): """Update the session profile based on the recipients of an incoming message.""" multitenant_mgr = self.profile.context.inject(MultitenantManager) try: [wallet] = await multitenant_mgr.get_wallets_by_message( payload_enc, self.wire_format ) if wallet.is_managed: profile = await multitenant_mgr.get_wallet_profile( self.profile.context, wallet ) base_responder: AdminResponder = profile.inject(BaseResponder) # Create new responder based on base responder responder = AdminResponder( profile, base_responder.send_fn, base_responder.webhook_fn, ) profile.context.injector.bind_instance(BaseResponder, responder) # overwrite session profile with wallet profile self.profile = profile except ValueError: pass # No wallet found. Use the base session profile
[docs] def process_inbound(self, message: InboundMessage): """ Process an incoming message and update the session metadata as necessary. Args: message: The inbound message instance """ receipt = message.receipt mode = self.reply_mode = ( receipt.direct_response_requested and receipt.direct_response_mode ) self.add_reply_verkeys(receipt.sender_verkey) if mode == MessageReceipt.REPLY_MODE_THREAD: self.add_reply_thread_ids(receipt.thread_id)
[docs] async def parse_inbound(self, payload_enc: Union[str, bytes]) -> InboundMessage: """Convert a message payload and to an inbound message.""" session = await self.profile.session() payload, receipt = await self.wire_format.parse_message(session, payload_enc) return InboundMessage( payload, receipt, session_id=self.session_id, transport_type=self.transport_type, )
[docs] async def receive(self, payload_enc: Union[str, bytes]) -> InboundMessage: """Receive a new message payload and dispatch the message.""" if self._check_relay_context: await self.handle_relay_context(payload_enc) self._check_relay_context = False message = await self.parse_inbound(payload_enc) self.receive_inbound(message) return message
[docs] def receive_inbound(self, message: InboundMessage): """Deliver the inbound message to the conductor.""" self.process_inbound(message) self.inbound_handler(self.profile, message, can_respond=self.can_respond)
[docs] def select_outbound(self, message: OutboundMessage) -> bool: """Determine if an outbound message should be sent to this session. Args: message: The outbound message to be checked """ if not self.can_respond: return False mode = self.reply_mode reply_verkey = message.reply_to_verkey reply_thread_id = message.reply_thread_id if reply_verkey and reply_verkey in self.reply_verkeys: if mode == MessageReceipt.REPLY_MODE_ALL: return True elif ( mode == MessageReceipt.REPLY_MODE_THREAD and reply_thread_id and reply_thread_id in self._reply_thread_ids ): return True return False
[docs] async def encode_outbound(self, outbound: OutboundMessage) -> OutboundMessage: """Apply wire formatting to an outbound message.""" if not outbound.payload: raise WireFormatError("Message has no payload to encode") if not outbound.reply_to_verkey: raise WireFormatError("No reply verkey available for encoding message") session = await self.profile.session() return await self.wire_format.encode_message( session, outbound.payload, [outbound.reply_to_verkey], None, outbound.reply_from_verkey, )
[docs] def accept_response(self, message: OutboundMessage) -> AcceptResult: """ Try to queue an outbound message if it applies to this session. Returns: a tuple of (message buffered, retry later) """ if not self.select_outbound(message): return AcceptResult(False, False) if self.response_buffer: return AcceptResult(False, True) self.set_response(message) return AcceptResult(True)
[docs] def set_response(self, message: OutboundMessage): """Set the contents of the response message buffer.""" self.response_buffer = message self.response_event.set()
[docs] def clear_response(self): """Handle when the buffered response message has been delivered.""" self.response_buffer = None self.response_event.set()
[docs] async def wait_response(self) -> Union[str, bytes]: """Wait for a response to be buffered and pack it.""" while True: if self._closed: return if self.response_buffer: response = self.response_buffer.enc_payload if not response: try: response = await self.encode_outbound(self.response_buffer) except WireFormatError as e: LOGGER.warning("Error encoding direct response: %s", str(e)) self.clear_response() if response: return response self.response_event.clear() await self.response_event.wait()
async def __aenter__(self): """Async context manager entry.""" return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): """Async context manager entry.""" self.close()