Source code for aries_cloudagent.protocols.out_of_band.v1_0.messages.service

"""Record used to represent a service block of an out of band invitation."""

from typing import Sequence

from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, fields, post_dump

from .....messaging.models.base import BaseModel, BaseModelSchema
from .....messaging.valid import INDY_DID, DID_KEY

[docs]class Service(BaseModel): """Record used to represent a service block of an out of band invitation."""
[docs] class Meta: """Service metadata.""" schema_class = "ServiceSchema"
def __init__( self, *, _id: str = None, _type: str = None, did: str = None, recipient_keys: Sequence[str] = None, routing_keys: Sequence[str] = None, service_endpoint: str = None, ): """ Initialize a Service instance. Args: id: An identifier for this service block type: A type for this service block did: A did for the connection recipient_key: A list of recipient keys in W3C did:key format routing_keys: A list of routing keys in W3C did:key format service_endpoint: An endpoint for the connection """ self._id = _id self._type = _type self.did = did self.recipient_keys = list(recipient_keys) if recipient_keys else [] self.routing_keys = list(routing_keys) if routing_keys else [] self.service_endpoint = service_endpoint
[docs]class ServiceSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Service schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """ServiceSchema metadata.""" model_class = Service unknown = EXCLUDE
_id = fields.Str(required=True, description="Service identifier", data_key="id") _type = fields.Str(required=True, description="Service type", data_key="type") did = fields.Str(required=False, description="Service DID", **INDY_DID) recipient_keys = fields.List( fields.Str(description="Recipient public key", **DID_KEY), data_key="recipientKeys", required=False, description="List of recipient keys", ) routing_keys = fields.List( fields.Str(description="Routing key", **DID_KEY), data_key="routingKeys", required=False, description="List of routing keys", ) service_endpoint = fields.Str( data_key="serviceEndpoint", required=False, description="Service endpoint at which to reach this agent", example="", )
[docs] @post_dump def post_dump(self, data, **kwargs): """Post dump hook.""" if "routingKeys" in data and not data["routingKeys"]: del data["routingKeys"] return data