Source code for aries_cloudagent.multitenant.admin.routes

"""Multitenant admin routes."""

from marshmallow import fields, validate, validates_schema, ValidationError
from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp_apispec import (

from ...admin.request_context import AdminRequestContext
from ...messaging.valid import JSONWebToken, UUIDFour
from ...messaging.models.base import BaseModelError
from ...messaging.models.openapi import OpenAPISchema
from import StorageError, StorageNotFoundError
from ...wallet.models.wallet_record import WalletRecord, WalletRecordSchema
from ...wallet.error import WalletSettingsError
from ...core.error import BaseError
from ...core.profile import ProfileManagerProvider
from ..manager import MultitenantManager
from ..error import WalletKeyMissingError

[docs]def format_wallet_record(wallet_record: WalletRecord): """Serialize a WalletRecord object.""" wallet_info = wallet_record.serialize() # Hide wallet wallet key if "wallet.key" in wallet_info["settings"]: del wallet_info["settings"]["wallet.key"] return wallet_info
[docs]class MultitenantModuleResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Response schema for multitenant module."""
[docs]class WalletIdMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Path parameters and validators for request taking wallet id.""" wallet_id = fields.Str( description="Subwallet identifier", required=True, example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE )
[docs]class CreateWalletRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Request schema for adding a new wallet which will be registered by the agent.""" wallet_name = fields.Str(description="Wallet name", example="MyNewWallet") wallet_key = fields.Str( description="Master key used for key derivation.", example="MySecretKey123" ) wallet_type = fields.Str( description="Type of the wallet to create", example="indy", default="in_memory", validate=validate.OneOf( [wallet_type for wallet_type in ProfileManagerProvider.MANAGER_TYPES] ), ) wallet_dispatch_type = fields.Str( description="Webhook target dispatch type for this wallet. \ default - Dispatch only to webhooks associated with this wallet. \ base - Dispatch only to webhooks associated with the base wallet. \ both - Dispatch to both webhook targets.", example="default", default="default", validate=validate.OneOf(["default", "both", "base"]), ) wallet_webhook_urls = fields.List( fields.Str( description="Optional webhook URL to receive webhook messages", example="http://localhost:8022/webhooks", ), required=False, description="List of Webhook URLs associated with this subwallet", ) label = fields.Str( description="Label for this wallet. This label is publicized\ (self-attested) to other agents as part of forming a connection.", example="Alice", ) image_url = fields.Str( description="Image url for this wallet. This image url is publicized\ (self-attested) to other agents as part of forming a connection.", example="", ) key_management_mode = fields.Str( description="Key management method to use for this wallet.", example=WalletRecord.MODE_MANAGED, default=WalletRecord.MODE_MANAGED, # MTODO: add unmanaged mode once implemented validate=validate.OneOf((WalletRecord.MODE_MANAGED,)), )
[docs] @validates_schema def validate_fields(self, data, **kwargs): """ Validate schema fields. Args: data: The data to validate Raises: ValidationError: If any of the fields do not validate """ if data.get("wallet_type") == "indy": for field in ("wallet_key", "wallet_name"): if field not in data: raise ValidationError("Missing required field", field)
[docs]class UpdateWalletRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Request schema for updating a existing wallet.""" wallet_dispatch_type = fields.Str( description="Webhook target dispatch type for this wallet. \ default - Dispatch only to webhooks associated with this wallet. \ base - Dispatch only to webhooks associated with the base wallet. \ both - Dispatch to both webhook targets.", example="default", default="default", validate=validate.OneOf(["default", "both", "base"]), ) wallet_webhook_urls = fields.List( fields.Str( description="Optional webhook URL to receive webhook messages", example="http://localhost:8022/webhooks", ), required=False, description="List of Webhook URLs associated with this subwallet", ) label = fields.Str( description="Label for this wallet. This label is publicized\ (self-attested) to other agents as part of forming a connection.", example="Alice", ) image_url = fields.Str( description="Image url for this wallet. This image url is publicized\ (self-attested) to other agents as part of forming a connection.", example="", )
[docs]class CreateWalletResponseSchema(WalletRecordSchema): """Response schema for creating a wallet.""" token = fields.Str( description="Authorization token to authenticate wallet requests", example=JSONWebToken.EXAMPLE, )
[docs]class RemoveWalletRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Request schema for removing a wallet.""" wallet_key = fields.Str( description="Master key used for key derivation. Only required for \ unmanaged wallets.", example="MySecretKey123", )
[docs]class CreateWalletTokenRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Request schema for creating a wallet token.""" wallet_key = fields.Str( description="Master key used for key derivation. Only required for \ unamanged wallets.", example="MySecretKey123", )
[docs]class CreateWalletTokenResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Response schema for creating a wallet token.""" token = fields.Str( description="Authorization token to authenticate wallet requests", example=JSONWebToken.EXAMPLE, )
[docs]class WalletListSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Result schema for wallet list.""" results = fields.List( fields.Nested(WalletRecordSchema()), description="List of wallet records", )
[docs]class WalletListQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema): """Parameters and validators for wallet list request query string.""" wallet_name = fields.Str(description="Wallet name", example="MyNewWallet")
[docs]@docs(tags=["multitenancy"], summary="Query subwallets") @querystring_schema(WalletListQueryStringSchema()) @response_schema(WalletListSchema(), 200, description="") async def wallets_list(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for listing all internal subwallets. Args: request: aiohttp request object """ context: AdminRequestContext = request["context"] query = {} wallet_name = request.query.get("wallet_name") if wallet_name: query["wallet_name"] = wallet_name async with context.session() as session: try: records = await WalletRecord.query(session, tag_filter=query) results = [format_wallet_record(record) for record in records] results.sort(key=lambda w: w["created_at"]) except (StorageError, BaseModelError) as err: raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=err.roll_up) from err return web.json_response({"results": results})
[docs]@docs(tags=["multitenancy"], summary="Get a single subwallet") @match_info_schema(WalletIdMatchInfoSchema()) @response_schema(WalletRecordSchema(), 200, description="") async def wallet_get(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for getting a single subwallet. Args: request: aiohttp request object Raises: HTTPNotFound: if wallet_id does not match any known wallets """ context: AdminRequestContext = request["context"] wallet_id = request.match_info["wallet_id"] async with context.session() as session: try: wallet_record = await WalletRecord.retrieve_by_id(session, wallet_id) result = format_wallet_record(wallet_record) except StorageNotFoundError as err: raise web.HTTPNotFound(reason=err.roll_up) from err except BaseModelError as err: raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=err.roll_up) from err return web.json_response(result)
[docs]@docs(tags=["multitenancy"], summary="Create a subwallet") @request_schema(CreateWalletRequestSchema) @response_schema(CreateWalletResponseSchema(), 200, description="") async def wallet_create(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for adding a new subwallet for handling by the agent. Args: request: aiohttp request object """ context: AdminRequestContext = request["context"] body = await request.json() key_management_mode = body.get("key_management_mode") or WalletRecord.MODE_MANAGED wallet_key = body.get("wallet_key") wallet_webhook_urls = body.get("wallet_webhook_urls") or [] wallet_dispatch_type = body.get("wallet_dispatch_type") or "default" # If no webhooks specified, then dispatch only to base webhook targets if wallet_webhook_urls == []: wallet_dispatch_type = "base" settings = { "wallet.type": body.get("wallet_type") or "in_memory", "": body.get("wallet_name"), "wallet.key": wallet_key, "wallet.webhook_urls": wallet_webhook_urls, "wallet.dispatch_type": wallet_dispatch_type, } label = body.get("label") image_url = body.get("image_url") if label: settings["default_label"] = label if image_url: settings["image_url"] = image_url async with context.session() as session: try: multitenant_mgr = session.inject(MultitenantManager) wallet_record = await multitenant_mgr.create_wallet( settings, key_management_mode ) token = multitenant_mgr.create_auth_token(wallet_record, wallet_key) except BaseError as err: raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=err.roll_up) from err result = { **format_wallet_record(wallet_record), "token": token, } return web.json_response(result)
[docs]@docs(tags=["multitenancy"], summary="Update a subwallet") @match_info_schema(WalletIdMatchInfoSchema()) @request_schema(UpdateWalletRequestSchema) @response_schema(WalletRecordSchema(), 200, description="") async def wallet_update(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for updating a existing subwallet for handling by the agent. Args: request: aiohttp request object """ context: AdminRequestContext = request["context"] wallet_id = request.match_info["wallet_id"] body = await request.json() wallet_webhook_urls = body.get("wallet_webhook_urls") wallet_dispatch_type = body.get("wallet_dispatch_type") label = body.get("label") image_url = body.get("image_url") if all( v is None for v in (wallet_webhook_urls, wallet_dispatch_type, label, image_url) ): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="At least one parameter is required.") # adjust wallet_dispatch_type according to wallet_webhook_urls if wallet_webhook_urls and wallet_dispatch_type is None: wallet_dispatch_type = "default" if wallet_webhook_urls == []: wallet_dispatch_type = "base" # only parameters that are not none are updated settings = {} if wallet_webhook_urls is not None: settings["wallet.webhook_urls"] = wallet_webhook_urls if wallet_dispatch_type is not None: settings["wallet.dispatch_type"] = wallet_dispatch_type if label is not None: settings["default_label"] = label if image_url is not None: settings["image_url"] = image_url async with context.session() as session: try: multitenant_mgr = session.inject(MultitenantManager) wallet_record = await multitenant_mgr.update_wallet(wallet_id, settings) result = format_wallet_record(wallet_record) except StorageNotFoundError as err: raise web.HTTPNotFound(reason=err.roll_up) from err except WalletSettingsError as err: raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=err.roll_up) from err return web.json_response(result)
[docs]@docs(tags=["multitenancy"], summary="Get auth token for a subwallet") @request_schema(CreateWalletTokenRequestSchema) @response_schema(CreateWalletTokenResponseSchema(), 200, description="") async def wallet_create_token(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for creating an authorization token for a specific subwallet. Args: request: aiohttp request object """ context: AdminRequestContext = request["context"] wallet_id = request.match_info["wallet_id"] wallet_key = None if request.has_body: body = await request.json() wallet_key = body.get("wallet_key") async with context.session() as session: try: multitenant_mgr = session.inject(MultitenantManager) wallet_record = await WalletRecord.retrieve_by_id(session, wallet_id) if (not wallet_record.requires_external_key) and wallet_key: raise web.HTTPBadRequest( reason=f"Wallet {wallet_id} doesn't require" " the wallet key to be provided" ) token = multitenant_mgr.create_auth_token(wallet_record, wallet_key) except StorageNotFoundError as err: raise web.HTTPNotFound(reason=err.roll_up) from err except WalletKeyMissingError as err: raise web.HTTPUnauthorized(reason=err.roll_up) from err return web.json_response({"token": token})
[docs]@docs( tags=["multitenancy"], summary="Remove a subwallet", ) @match_info_schema(WalletIdMatchInfoSchema()) @request_schema(RemoveWalletRequestSchema) @response_schema(MultitenantModuleResponseSchema(), 200, description="") async def wallet_remove(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler to remove a subwallet from agent and storage. Args: request: aiohttp request object. """ context: AdminRequestContext = request["context"] wallet_id = request.match_info["wallet_id"] wallet_key = None if request.has_body: body = await request.json() wallet_key = body.get("wallet_key") async with context.session() as session: try: multitenant_mgr = session.inject(MultitenantManager) wallet_record = await WalletRecord.retrieve_by_id(session, wallet_id) if (not wallet_record.requires_external_key) and wallet_key: raise web.HTTPBadRequest( reason=f"Wallet {wallet_id} doesn't require" " the wallet key to be provided" ) await multitenant_mgr.remove_wallet(wallet_id, wallet_key) except StorageNotFoundError as err: raise web.HTTPNotFound(reason=err.roll_up) from err except WalletKeyMissingError as err: raise web.HTTPUnauthorized(reason=err.roll_up) from err return web.json_response({})
# MTODO: add wallet import route # MTODO: add wallet export route # MTODO: add rotate wallet key route
[docs]async def register(app: web.Application): """Register routes.""" app.add_routes( [ web.get("/multitenancy/wallets", wallets_list, allow_head=False),"/multitenancy/wallet", wallet_create), web.get("/multitenancy/wallet/{wallet_id}", wallet_get, allow_head=False), web.put("/multitenancy/wallet/{wallet_id}", wallet_update),"/multitenancy/wallet/{wallet_id}/token", wallet_create_token),"/multitenancy/wallet/{wallet_id}/remove", wallet_remove), ] )
[docs]def post_process_routes(app: web.Application): """Amend swagger API.""" # Add top-level tags description if "tags" not in app._state["swagger_dict"]: app._state["swagger_dict"]["tags"] = [] app._state["swagger_dict"]["tags"].append( {"name": "multitenancy", "description": "Multitenant wallet management"} )