Source code for aries_cloudagent.indy.sdk.verifier

"""Indy SDK verifier implementation."""

import json
import logging

from time import time
from typing import Mapping

import indy.anoncreds
from indy.error import IndyError

from ...ledger.indy import IndySdkLedger
from ...messaging.util import canon, encode
from ...protocols.present_proof.v1_0.util.indy import indy_proof_req2non_revoc_intervals

from ..verifier import IndyVerifier

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IndySdkVerifier(IndyVerifier): """Indy-SDK verifier implementation.""" def __init__(self, ledger: IndySdkLedger): """ Initialize an IndyVerifier instance. Args: ledger: ledger instance """ self.ledger = ledger
[docs] def non_revoc_intervals(self, pres_req: dict, pres: dict): """ Remove superfluous non-revocation intervals in presentation request. Irrevocable credentials constitute proof of non-revocation, but indy rejects proof requests with non-revocation intervals lining up with non-revocable credentials in proof: seek and remove. Args: pres_req: presentation request pres: corresponding presentation """ for (req_proof_key, pres_key) in { "revealed_attrs": "requested_attributes", "revealed_attr_groups": "requested_attributes", "predicates": "requested_predicates", }.items(): for (uuid, spec) in pres["requested_proof"].get(req_proof_key, {}).items(): if ( pres["identifiers"][spec["sub_proof_index"]].get("timestamp") is None ): if pres_req[pres_key][uuid].pop("non_revoked", None): ( "Amended presentation request (nonce=%s): removed " "non-revocation interval at %s referent " "%s; corresponding credential in proof is irrevocable" ), pres_req["nonce"], pres_key, uuid, ) if all(spec.get("timestamp") is None for spec in pres["identifiers"]): pres_req.pop("non_revoked", None) LOGGER.warning( ( "Amended presentation request (nonce=%s); removed global " "non-revocation interval; no revocable credentials in proof" ), pres_req["nonce"], )
[docs] async def pre_verify(self, pres_req: dict, pres: dict): """ Check for essential components and tampering in presentation. Visit encoded attribute values against raw, and predicate bounds, in presentation, cross-reference against presentation request. Args: pres_req: presentation request pres: corresponding presentation """ if not ( pres_req and "requested_predicates" in pres_req and "requested_attributes" in pres_req ): raise ValueError("Incomplete or missing proof request") if not pres: raise ValueError("No proof provided") if "requested_proof" not in pres: raise ValueError("Presentation missing 'requested_proof'") if "proof" not in pres: raise ValueError("Presentation missing 'proof'") for (uuid, req_pred) in pres_req["requested_predicates"].items(): try: canon_attr = canon(req_pred["name"]) for ge_proof in pres["proof"]["proofs"][ pres["requested_proof"]["predicates"][uuid]["sub_proof_index"] ]["primary_proof"]["ge_proofs"]: pred = ge_proof["predicate"] if pred["attr_name"] == canon_attr: if pred["value"] != req_pred["p_value"]: raise ValueError( f"Predicate value != p_value: {pred['attr_name']}" ) break else: raise ValueError(f"Missing requested predicate '{uuid}'") except (KeyError, TypeError): raise ValueError(f"Missing requested predicate '{uuid}'") revealed_attrs = pres["requested_proof"].get("revealed_attrs", {}) revealed_groups = pres["requested_proof"].get("revealed_attr_groups", {}) self_attested = pres["requested_proof"].get("self_attested_attrs", {}) for (uuid, req_attr) in pres_req["requested_attributes"].items(): if "name" in req_attr: if uuid in revealed_attrs: pres_req_attr_spec = {req_attr["name"]: revealed_attrs[uuid]} elif uuid in self_attested: if not req_attr.get("restrictions"): continue raise ValueError( "Attribute with restrictions cannot be self-attested: " f"'{req_attr['name']}'" ) else: raise ValueError( f"Missing requested attribute '{req_attr['name']}'" ) elif "names" in req_attr: group_spec = revealed_groups[uuid] pres_req_attr_spec = { attr: { "sub_proof_index": group_spec["sub_proof_index"], **group_spec["values"].get(attr), } for attr in req_attr["names"] } else: raise ValueError( f"Request attribute missing 'name' and 'names': '{uuid}'" ) for (attr, spec) in pres_req_attr_spec.items(): try: primary_enco = pres["proof"]["proofs"][spec["sub_proof_index"]][ "primary_proof" ]["eq_proof"]["revealed_attrs"][canon(attr)] except (KeyError, TypeError): raise ValueError(f"Missing revealed attribute: '{attr}'") if primary_enco != spec["encoded"]: raise ValueError(f"Encoded representation mismatch for '{attr}'") if primary_enco != encode(spec["raw"]): raise ValueError(f"Encoded representation mismatch for '{attr}'")
[docs] async def check_timestamps( self, pres_req: Mapping, pres: Mapping, rev_reg_defs: Mapping, ): """ Check for suspicious, missing, and superfluous timestamps. Raises ValueError on timestamp in the future, prior to rev reg creation, superfluous or missing. Args: pres_req: indy proof request pres: indy proof request rev_reg_defs: rev reg defs by rev reg id, augmented with transaction times """ now = int(time()) non_revoc_intervals = indy_proof_req2non_revoc_intervals(pres_req) # timestamp for irrevocable credential async with self.ledger: for (index, ident) in enumerate(pres["identifiers"]): if ident.get("timestamp"): cred_def_id = ident["cred_def_id"] cred_def = await self.ledger.get_credential_definition(cred_def_id) if not cred_def["value"].get("revocation"): raise ValueError( f"Timestamp in presentation identifier #{index} " f"for irrevocable cred def id {cred_def_id}" ) # timestamp in the future too far in the past for ident in pres["identifiers"]: timestamp = ident.get("timestamp") rev_reg_id = ident.get("rev_reg_id") if not timestamp: continue if timestamp > now + 300: # allow 5 min for clock skew raise ValueError(f"Timestamp {timestamp} is in the future") if timestamp < rev_reg_defs[rev_reg_id]["txnTime"]: raise ValueError( f"Timestamp {timestamp} predates rev reg {rev_reg_id} creation" ) # timestamp superfluous, missing, or outside non-revocation interval revealed_attrs = pres["requested_proof"].get("revealed_attrs", {}) revealed_groups = pres["requested_proof"].get("revealed_attr_groups", {}) self_attested = pres["requested_proof"].get("self_attested_attrs", {}) preds = pres["requested_proof"].get("predicates", {}) for (uuid, req_attr) in pres_req["requested_attributes"].items(): if "name" in req_attr: if uuid in revealed_attrs: index = revealed_attrs[uuid]["sub_proof_index"] timestamp = pres["identifiers"][index].get("timestamp") if (timestamp is not None) ^ bool(non_revoc_intervals.get(uuid)): raise ValueError( f"Timestamp on sub-proof #{index} " f"is {'superfluous' if timestamp else 'missing'} " f"vs. requested attribute {uuid}" ) if non_revoc_intervals.get(uuid) and not ( non_revoc_intervals[uuid].get("from", 0) < timestamp < non_revoc_intervals[uuid].get("to", now) ): f"Timestamp {timestamp} from ledger for item" f"{uuid} falls outside non-revocation interval " f"{non_revoc_intervals[uuid]}" ) elif uuid not in self_attested: raise ValueError( f"Presentation attributes mismatch requested attribute {uuid}" ) elif "names" in req_attr: group_spec = revealed_groups.get(uuid) if ( group_spec is None or "sub_proof_index" not in group_spec or "values" not in group_spec ): raise ValueError(f"Missing requested attribute group {uuid}") index = group_spec["sub_proof_index"] timestamp = pres["identifiers"][index].get("timestamp") if (timestamp is not None) ^ bool(non_revoc_intervals.get(uuid)): raise ValueError( f"Timestamp on sub-proof #{index} " f"is {'superfluous' if timestamp else 'missing'} " f"vs. requested attribute group {uuid}" ) if non_revoc_intervals.get(uuid) and not ( non_revoc_intervals[uuid].get("from", 0) < timestamp < non_revoc_intervals[uuid].get("to", now) ): LOGGER.warning( f"Timestamp {timestamp} from ledger for item" f"{uuid} falls outside non-revocation interval " f"{non_revoc_intervals[uuid]}" ) for (uuid, req_pred) in pres_req["requested_predicates"].items(): pred_spec = preds.get(uuid) if not (pred_spec and "sub_proof_index" in pred_spec): raise ValueError( f"Presentation predicates mismatch requested predicate {uuid}" ) index = pred_spec["sub_proof_index"] timestamp = pres["identifiers"][index].get("timestamp") if (timestamp is not None) ^ bool(non_revoc_intervals.get(uuid)): raise ValueError( f"Timestamp on sub-proof #{index} " f"is {'superfluous' if timestamp else 'missing'} " f"vs. requested predicate {uuid}" ) if non_revoc_intervals.get(uuid) and not ( non_revoc_intervals[uuid].get("from", 0) < timestamp < non_revoc_intervals[uuid].get("to", now) ): LOGGER.warning( f"Best-effort timestamp {timestamp} " "from ledger falls outside non-revocation interval " f"{non_revoc_intervals[uuid]}" )
[docs] async def verify_presentation( self, pres_req, pres, schemas, credential_definitions, rev_reg_defs, rev_reg_entries, ) -> bool: """ Verify a presentation. Args: pres_req: Presentation request data pres: Presentation data schemas: Schema data credential_definitions: credential definition data rev_reg_defs: revocation registry definitions rev_reg_entries: revocation registry entries """ try: self.non_revoc_intervals(pres_req, pres) await self.check_timestamps(pres_req, pres, rev_reg_defs) await self.pre_verify(pres_req, pres) except ValueError as err: LOGGER.error( f"Presentation on nonce={pres_req['nonce']} " f"cannot be validated: {str(err)}" ) return False try: verified = await indy.anoncreds.verifier_verify_proof( json.dumps(pres_req), json.dumps(pres), json.dumps(schemas), json.dumps(credential_definitions), json.dumps(rev_reg_defs), json.dumps(rev_reg_entries), ) except IndyError: LOGGER.exception( f"Validation of presentation on nonce={pres_req['nonce']} " "failed with error" ) verified = False return verified