Source code for aries_cloudagent.utils.task_queue

"""Classes for managing a set of asyncio tasks."""

import asyncio
import logging
import time
from typing import Callable, Coroutine, Tuple

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def coro_ident(coro: Coroutine): """Extract an identifier for a coroutine.""" return coro and (hasattr(coro, "__qualname__") and coro.__qualname__ or repr(coro))
[docs]async def coro_timed(coro: Coroutine, timing: dict): """Capture timing for a coroutine.""" timing["started"] = time.perf_counter() try: return await coro finally: timing["ended"] = time.perf_counter()
[docs]def task_exc_info(task: asyncio.Task): """Extract exception info from an asyncio task.""" if not task or not task.done(): return try: exc_val = task.exception() except asyncio.CancelledError: exc_val = asyncio.CancelledError("Task was cancelled") if exc_val: return type(exc_val), exc_val, exc_val.__traceback__
[docs]class CompletedTask: """Represent the result of a queued task.""" def __init__( self, task: asyncio.Task, exc_info: Tuple, ident: str = None, timing: dict = None, ): """Initialize the completed task.""" self.exc_info = exc_info self.ident = ident self.task = task self.timing = timing def __repr__(self) -> str: """Generate string representation for logging.""" return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} ident={self.ident} timing={self.timing}>"
[docs]class PendingTask: """Represent a task in the queue.""" def __init__( self, coro: Coroutine, complete_hook: Callable = None, ident: str = None, task_future: asyncio.Future = None, queued_time: float = None, ): """ Initialize the pending task. Args: coro: The coroutine to be run complete_hook: A callback to run on completion ident: A string identifier for the task task_future: A future to be resolved to the asyncio Task queued_time: When the pending task was added to the queue """ if not asyncio.iscoroutine(coro): raise ValueError(f"Expected coroutine, got {coro}") self._cancelled = False self.complete_hook = complete_hook self.coro = coro self.queued_time: float = queued_time self.unqueued_time: float = None self.ident = ident or coro_ident(coro) self.task_future = task_future or asyncio.get_event_loop().create_future()
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel the pending task.""" self.coro.close() if not self.task_future.done(): self.task_future.cancel() self._cancelled = True
@property def cancelled(self): """Accessor for the cancelled property.""" return self._cancelled @property def task(self) -> asyncio.Task: """Accessor for the task.""" return self.task_future.done() and self.task_future.result() @task.setter def task(self, task: asyncio.Task): """Setter for the task.""" if self.task_future.cancelled(): return elif self.task_future.done(): raise ValueError("Cannot set pending task future, already done") self.task_future.set_result(task) def __await__(self): """Wait for the task to be queued.""" return self.task_future.__await__() def __repr__(self) -> str: """Generate string representation for logging.""" return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} ident={self.ident}>"
[docs]class TaskQueue: """A class for managing a set of asyncio tasks.""" def __init__( self, max_active: int = 0, timed: bool = False, trace_fn: Callable = None ): """ Initialize the task queue. Args: max_active: The maximum number of tasks to automatically run timed: A flag indicating that timing should be collected for tasks trace_fn: A callback for all completed tasks """ self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.active_tasks = [] self.pending_tasks = [] self.timed = timed self.total_done = 0 self.total_failed = 0 self.total_started = 0 self._trace_fn = trace_fn self._cancelled = False self._drain_evt = asyncio.Event() self._drain_task: asyncio.Task = None self._max_active = max_active @property def cancelled(self) -> bool: """Accessor for the cancelled property of the queue.""" return self._cancelled @property def max_active(self) -> int: """Accessor for the maximum number of active tasks in the queue.""" return self._max_active @property def ready(self) -> bool: """Accessor for the ready property of the queue.""" return ( not self._cancelled and not self._max_active or self.current_size < self._max_active ) @property def current_active(self) -> int: """Accessor for the current number of active tasks in the queue.""" return len(self.active_tasks) @property def current_pending(self) -> int: """Accessor for the current number of pending tasks in the queue.""" return len(self.pending_tasks) @property def current_size(self) -> int: """Accessor for the total number of tasks in the queue.""" return len(self.active_tasks) + len(self.pending_tasks) def __bool__(self) -> bool: """ Support for the bool() builtin. Otherwise, evaluates as false when there are no tasks. """ return True def __len__(self) -> int: """Support for the len() builtin.""" return self.current_size
[docs] def drain(self) -> asyncio.Task: """Start the process to run queued tasks.""" if self._drain_task and not self._drain_task.done(): self._drain_evt.set() elif self.pending_tasks: self._drain_task = self.loop.create_task(self._drain_loop()) self._drain_task.add_done_callback(lambda task: self._drain_done(task)) return self._drain_task
def _drain_done(self, task: asyncio.Task): """Handle completion of the drain process.""" exc_info = task_exc_info(task) if exc_info: LOGGER.exception("Error draining task queue:", exc_info=exc_info) if self._drain_task and self._drain_task.done(): self._drain_task = None async def _drain_loop(self): """Run pending tasks while there is room in the queue.""" # Note: this method should not call async methods apart from # waiting for the drain event, to avoid yielding to other queue methods while True: self._drain_evt.clear() while self.pending_tasks and ( not self._max_active or len(self.active_tasks) < self._max_active ): pending: PendingTask = self.pending_tasks.pop(0) if pending.queued_time: pending.unqueued_time = time.perf_counter() timing = { "queued": pending.queued_time, "unqueued": pending.unqueued_time, } else: timing = None task = pending.coro, pending.complete_hook, pending.ident, timing ) try: pending.task = task except ValueError: LOGGER.warning("Pending task future already fulfilled") if self.pending_tasks: await self._drain_evt.wait() else: break
[docs] def add_pending(self, pending: PendingTask): """ Add a task to the pending queue. Args: pending: The `PendingTask` to add to the task queue """ if self.timed and not pending.queued_time: pending.queued_time = time.perf_counter() self.pending_tasks.append(pending) self.drain()
[docs] def add_active( self, task: asyncio.Task, task_complete: Callable = None, ident: str = None, timing: dict = None, ) -> asyncio.Task: """ Register an active async task with an optional completion callback. Args: task: The asyncio task instance task_complete: An optional callback to run on completion ident: A string identifer for the task timing: An optional dictionary of timing information """ self.active_tasks.append(task) task.add_done_callback( lambda fut: self.completed_task(task, task_complete, ident, timing) ) self.total_started += 1 return task
[docs] def run( self, coro: Coroutine, task_complete: Callable = None, ident: str = None, timing: dict = None, ) -> asyncio.Task: """ Start executing a coroutine as an async task, bypassing the pending queue. Args: coro: The coroutine to run task_complete: An optional callback to run on completion ident: A string identifier for the task timing: An optional dictionary of timing information Returns: the new asyncio task instance """ if self._cancelled: raise RuntimeError("Task queue has been cancelled") if not asyncio.iscoroutine(coro): raise ValueError(f"Expected coroutine, got {coro}") if not ident: ident = coro_ident(coro) if self.timed: if not timing: timing = dict() coro = coro_timed(coro, timing) task = self.loop.create_task(coro) return self.add_active(task, task_complete, ident, timing)
[docs] def put( self, coro: Coroutine, task_complete: Callable = None, ident: str = None ) -> PendingTask: """ Add a new task to the queue, delaying execution if busy. Args: coro: The coroutine to run task_complete: A callback to run on completion ident: A string identifier for the task Returns: a future resolving to the asyncio task instance once queued """ pending = PendingTask(coro, task_complete, ident) if self._cancelled: pending.cancel() elif self.ready: pending.task =, task_complete, pending.ident) else: self.add_pending(pending) return pending
[docs] def completed_task( self, task: asyncio.Task, task_complete: Callable, ident: str, timing: dict = None, ): """Clean up after a task has completed and run callbacks.""" exc_info = task_exc_info(task) if exc_info: self.total_failed += 1 if not task_complete and not self._trace_fn: LOGGER.exception( "Error running task %s", ident or "", exc_info=exc_info ) else: self.total_done += 1 if task_complete or self._trace_fn: completed = CompletedTask(task, exc_info, ident, timing) try: if task_complete: task_complete(completed) if self._trace_fn: self._trace_fn(completed) except Exception: LOGGER.exception("Error finalizing task %s", completed) try: self.active_tasks.remove(task) except ValueError: pass self.drain()
[docs] def cancel_pending(self): """Cancel any pending tasks in the queue.""" if self._drain_task: self._drain_task.cancel() self._drain_task = None for pending in self.pending_tasks: pending.cancel() self.pending_tasks = []
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel any pending or active tasks in the queue.""" self._cancelled = True self.cancel_pending() for task in self.active_tasks: if not task.done(): task.cancel()
[docs] async def complete(self, timeout: float = None, cleanup: bool = True): """Cancel any pending tasks and wait for, or cancel active tasks.""" self._cancelled = True self.cancel_pending() if timeout or timeout is None: try: await self.wait_for(timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass for task in self.active_tasks: if not task.done(): task.cancel() if cleanup: while True: drain = self.drain() if not drain: break await drain
[docs] async def flush(self): """Wait for any active or pending tasks to be completed.""" self.drain() while self.active_tasks or self._drain_task: if self._drain_task: await self._drain_task if self.active_tasks: await asyncio.wait(self.active_tasks)
def __await__(self): """Handle the builtin await operator.""" yield from self.flush().__await__()
[docs] async def wait_for(self, timeout: float): """Wait for all queued tasks to complete with a timeout.""" return await asyncio.wait_for(self.flush(), timeout)