Source code for aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.base_record

"""Classes for BaseStorage-based record management."""

import json
import sys
import uuid

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Mapping, Sequence, Union

from marshmallow import fields

from ...cache.base import BaseCache
from ...config.injection_context import InjectionContext
from import BaseStorage, StorageDuplicateError, StorageNotFoundError
from import StorageRecord

from .base import BaseModel, BaseModelSchema
from ..responder import BaseResponder
from ..util import datetime_to_str, time_now
from ..valid import INDY_ISO8601_DATETIME

[docs]def match_post_filter(record: dict, post_filter: dict, positive: bool = True) -> bool: """Determine if a record value matches the post-filter. Args: record: record to check post_filter: filter to apply (empty or None filter matches everything) positive: whether matching all filter criteria positively or negatively """ if not post_filter: return True for k, v in post_filter.items(): if record.get(k) != v: return not positive return positive
[docs]class BaseRecord(BaseModel): """Represents a single storage record."""
[docs] class Meta: """BaseRecord metadata."""
RECORD_ID_NAME = "id" RECORD_TYPE = None WEBHOOK_TOPIC = None LOG_STATE_FLAG = None CACHE_TTL = 60 CACHE_ENABLED = False TAG_NAMES = {"state"} def __init__( self, id: str = None, state: str = None, *, created_at: Union[str, datetime] = None, updated_at: Union[str, datetime] = None, ): """Initialize a new BaseRecord.""" if not self.RECORD_TYPE: raise TypeError( "Can't instantiate abstract class {} with no RECORD_TYPE".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) self._id = id self._last_state = state self.state = state self.created_at = datetime_to_str(created_at) self.updated_at = datetime_to_str(updated_at)
[docs] @classmethod def from_storage(cls, record_id: str, record: Mapping[str, Any]): """Initialize a record from its stored representation. Args: record_id: The unique record identifier record: The stored representation """ record_id_name = cls.RECORD_ID_NAME if record_id_name in record: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate {record_id_name} inputs") params = dict(**record) params[record_id_name] = record_id return cls(**params)
[docs] @classmethod def get_tag_map(cls) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Accessor for the set of defined tags.""" return {tag.lstrip("~"): tag for tag in cls.TAG_NAMES or ()}
@property def storage_record(self) -> StorageRecord: """Accessor for a `StorageRecord` representing this record.""" return StorageRecord( self.RECORD_TYPE, json.dumps(self.value), self.tags, self._id ) @property def record_value(self) -> dict: """Accessor to define custom properties for the JSON record value.""" return {} @property def value(self) -> dict: """Accessor for the JSON record value generated for this record.""" ret = self.strip_tag_prefix(self.tags) ret.update({"created_at": self.created_at, "updated_at": self.updated_at}) ret.update(self.record_value) return ret @property def record_tags(self) -> dict: """Accessor to define implementation-specific tags.""" return { tag: getattr(self, prop) for (prop, tag) in self.get_tag_map().items() if getattr(self, prop) is not None } @property def tags(self) -> dict: """Accessor for the record tags generated for this record.""" tags = self.record_tags return tags
[docs] @classmethod def cache_key(cls, record_id: str, record_type: str = None): """Assemble a cache key. Args: record_id: The record identifier record_type The cache type identifier, defaulting to RECORD_TYPE """ if not record_type: record_type = cls.RECORD_TYPE if record_id: return f"{record_type}::{record_id}"
[docs] @classmethod async def get_cached_key(cls, context: InjectionContext, cache_key: str): """Shortcut method to fetch a cached key value. Args: context: The injection context to use cache_key: The unique cache identifier """ if not cache_key: return cache: BaseCache = await context.inject(BaseCache, required=False) if cache: return await cache.get(cache_key)
[docs] @classmethod async def set_cached_key( cls, context: InjectionContext, cache_key: str, value: Any, ttl=None ): """Shortcut method to set a cached key value. Args: context: The injection context to use cache_key: The unique cache identifier value: The value to cache ttl: The cache ttl """ if not cache_key: return cache: BaseCache = await context.inject(BaseCache, required=False) if cache: await cache.set(cache_key, value, ttl or cls.CACHE_TTL)
[docs] @classmethod async def clear_cached_key(cls, context: InjectionContext, cache_key: str): """Shortcut method to clear a cached key value, if any. Args: context: The injection context to use cache_key: The unique cache identifier """ if not cache_key: return cache: BaseCache = await context.inject(BaseCache, required=False) if cache: await cache.clear(cache_key)
[docs] async def clear_cached(self, context: InjectionContext): """Clear the cached value of this record, if any.""" await self.clear_cached_key(context, self.cache_key(self._id))
[docs] @classmethod async def retrieve_by_id( cls, context: InjectionContext, record_id: str, cached: bool = True ) -> "BaseRecord": """Retrieve a stored record by ID. Args: context: The injection context to use record_id: The ID of the record to find cached: Whether to check the cache for this record """ cache_key = cls.cache_key(record_id) vals = None if cls.CACHE_ENABLED and cached: vals = await cls.get_cached_key(context, cache_key) if not vals: storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) result = await storage.get_record( cls.RECORD_TYPE, record_id, {"retrieveTags": False} ) vals = json.loads(result.value) if cls.CACHE_ENABLED: await cls.set_cached_key(context, cache_key, vals) return cls.from_storage(record_id, vals)
[docs] @classmethod async def retrieve_by_tag_filter( cls, context: InjectionContext, tag_filter: dict, post_filter: dict = None ) -> "BaseRecord": """Retrieve a record by tag filter. Args: context: The injection context to use tag_filter: The filter dictionary to apply post_filter: Additional value filters to apply after retrieval """ storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) query = storage.search_records( cls.RECORD_TYPE, cls.prefix_tag_filter(tag_filter), None, {"retrieveTags": False}, ) found = None async for record in query: vals = json.loads(record.value) if match_post_filter(vals, post_filter): if found: raise StorageDuplicateError("Multiple records located") found = cls.from_storage(, vals) if not found: raise StorageNotFoundError("Record not found") return found
[docs] @classmethod async def query( cls, context: InjectionContext, tag_filter: dict = None, post_filter_positive: dict = None, post_filter_negative: dict = None, ) -> Sequence["BaseRecord"]: """Query stored records. Args: context: The injection context to use tag_filter: An optional dictionary of tag filter clauses post_filter_positive: Additional value filters to apply matching positively post_filter_negative: Additional value filters to apply matching negatively """ storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) query = storage.search_records( cls.RECORD_TYPE, cls.prefix_tag_filter(tag_filter), None, {"retrieveTags": False}, ) result = [] async for record in query: vals = json.loads(record.value) if match_post_filter( vals, post_filter_positive, True ) and match_post_filter(vals, post_filter_negative, False): result.append(cls.from_storage(, vals)) return result
[docs] async def save( self, context: InjectionContext, *, reason: str = None, log_params: Mapping[str, Any] = None, log_override: bool = False, webhook: bool = None, ) -> str: """Persist the record to storage. Args: context: The injection context to use reason: A reason to add to the log log_params: Additional parameters to log webhook: Flag to override whether the webhook is sent """ new_record = None log_reason = reason or ("Updated record" if self._id else "Created record") try: self.updated_at = time_now() storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) if not self._id: self._id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.created_at = self.updated_at await storage.add_record(self.storage_record) new_record = True else: record = self.storage_record await storage.update_record_value(record, record.value) await storage.update_record_tags(record, record.tags) new_record = False finally: params = {self.RECORD_TYPE: self.serialize()} if log_params: params.update(log_params) if new_record is None: log_reason = f"FAILED: {log_reason}" self.log_state(context, log_reason, params, override=log_override) await self.post_save(context, new_record, self._last_state, webhook) self._last_state = self.state return self._id
[docs] async def post_save( self, context: InjectionContext, new_record: bool, last_state: str, webhook: bool = None, ): """Perform post-save actions. Args: context: The injection context to use new_record: Flag indicating if the record was just created last_state: The previous state value webhook: Adjust whether the webhook is called """ await self.clear_cached(context) webhook_topic = self.webhook_topic if webhook is None: webhook = bool(webhook_topic) and (new_record or (last_state != self.state)) if webhook: await self.send_webhook( context, self.webhook_payload, topic=self.webhook_topic )
[docs] async def delete_record(self, context: InjectionContext): """Remove the stored record. Args: context: The injection context to use """ if self._id: storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.delete_record(self.storage_record)
# FIXME - update state and send webhook? @property def webhook_payload(self): """Return a JSON-serialized version of the record for the webhook.""" return self.serialize() @property def webhook_topic(self): """Return the webhook topic value.""" return self.WEBHOOK_TOPIC
[docs] async def send_webhook( self, context: InjectionContext, payload: Any, topic: str = None ): """Send a standard webhook. Args: context: The injection context to use payload: The webhook payload topic: The webhook topic, defaulting to WEBHOOK_TOPIC """ if not payload: return if not topic: topic = self.webhook_topic if not topic: return responder: BaseResponder = await context.inject(BaseResponder, required=False) if responder: await responder.send_webhook(topic, payload)
[docs] @classmethod def log_state( cls, context: InjectionContext, msg: str, params: dict = None, override: bool = False, ): """Print a message with increased visibility (for testing).""" if override or ( cls.LOG_STATE_FLAG and context.settings.get(cls.LOG_STATE_FLAG) ): out = msg + "\n" if params: for k, v in params.items(): out += f" {k}: {v}\n" print(out, file=sys.stderr)
[docs] @classmethod def strip_tag_prefix(cls, tags: dict): """Strip tilde from unencrypted tag names.""" return ( {(k[1:] if "~" in k else k): v for (k, v) in tags.items()} if tags else {} )
[docs] @classmethod def prefix_tag_filter(cls, tag_filter: dict): """Prefix unencrypted tags used in the tag filter.""" ret = None if tag_filter: tag_map = cls.get_tag_map() ret = {} for k, v in tag_filter.items(): if k in ("$or", "$and") and isinstance(v, list): ret[k] = [cls.prefix_tag_filter(clause) for clause in v] elif k == "$not" and isinstance(v, dict): ret[k] = cls.prefix_tag_filter(v) else: ret[tag_map.get(k, k)] = v return ret
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Comparison between records.""" if type(other) is type(self): return self.value == other.value and self.tags == other.tags return False
[docs]class BaseExchangeRecord(BaseRecord): """Represents a base record with event tracing capability.""" def __init__( self, id: str = None, state: str = None, *, trace: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a new V10CredentialExchange.""" super().__init__(id, state, **kwargs) self.trace = trace def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Comparison between records.""" if type(other) is type(self): return ( self.value == other.value and self.tags == other.tags and self.trace == other.trace ) return False
[docs]class BaseRecordSchema(BaseModelSchema): """Schema to allow serialization/deserialization of base records."""
[docs] class Meta: """BaseRecordSchema metadata."""
state = fields.Str( required=False, description="Current record state", example="active" ) created_at = fields.Str( required=False, description="Time of record creation", **INDY_ISO8601_DATETIME ) updated_at = fields.Str( required=False, description="Time of last record update", **INDY_ISO8601_DATETIME, )
[docs]class BaseExchangeSchema(BaseRecordSchema): """Base schema for exchange records."""
[docs] class Meta: """BaseExchangeSchema metadata.""" model_class = BaseExchangeRecord
trace = fields.Boolean( description="Record trace information, based on agent configuration", required=False, default=False, )