Source code for aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry

"""Handle registration of plugin modules for extending functionality."""

import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Sequence

from ..config.injection_context import InjectionContext
from ..utils.classloader import ClassLoader, ModuleLoadError

from .protocol_registry import ProtocolRegistry

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PluginRegistry: """Plugin registry for indexing application plugins.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a `PluginRegistry` instance.""" self._plugins = OrderedDict() @property def plugin_names(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Accessor for a list of all plugin modules.""" return list(self._plugins.keys()) @property def plugins(self) -> Sequence[ModuleType]: """Accessor for a list of all plugin modules.""" return list(self._plugins.values())
[docs] def register_plugin(self, module_name: str) -> ModuleType: """Register a plugin module.""" if module_name in self._plugins: mod = self._plugins[module_name] else: try: mod = ClassLoader.load_module(module_name) except ModuleLoadError as e: LOGGER.error("Error loading plugin module: %s", e) mod = None else: if mod: self._plugins[module_name] = mod else: LOGGER.error("Plugin module not found: %s", module_name) return mod
[docs] def register_package(self, package_name: str) -> Sequence[ModuleType]: """Register all modules (sub-packages) under a given package name.""" try: module_names = ClassLoader.scan_subpackages(package_name) except ModuleLoadError: LOGGER.error("Plugin module package not found: %s", package_name) module_names = [] return list( filter( None, (self.register_plugin(module_name) for module_name in module_names), ) )
[docs] async def init_context(self, context: InjectionContext): """Call plugin setup methods on the current context.""" for plugin in self._plugins.values(): if hasattr(plugin, "setup"): await plugin.setup(context) else: await self.load_message_types(context, plugin)
[docs] async def load_message_types(self, context: InjectionContext, plugin: ModuleType): """For modules that don't implement setup, register protocols manually.""" registry = await context.inject(ProtocolRegistry) try: mod = ClassLoader.load_module(plugin.__name__ + ".message_types") except ModuleLoadError as e: LOGGER.error("Error loading plugin module message types: %s", e) return if mod: if hasattr(mod, "MESSAGE_TYPES"): registry.register_message_types(mod.MESSAGE_TYPES) if hasattr(mod, "CONTROLLERS"): registry.register_controllers(mod.CONTROLLERS)
[docs] async def register_admin_routes(self, app): """Call route registration methods on the current context.""" for plugin in self._plugins.values(): try: mod = ClassLoader.load_module(plugin.__name__ + ".routes") except ModuleLoadError as e: LOGGER.error("Error loading admin routes: %s", e) continue if mod and hasattr(mod, "register"): await mod.register(app)
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation for this class.""" return "<{}>".format(self.__class__.__name__)