Source code for aries_cloudagent.wallet.routes

"""Wallet admin routes."""

from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp_apispec import docs, request_schema, response_schema

from marshmallow import fields, Schema

from ..ledger.base import BaseLedger
from ..messaging.valid import INDY_DID, INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY

from .base import DIDInfo, BaseWallet
from .error import WalletError

[docs]class DIDSchema(Schema): """Result schema for a DID.""" did = fields.Str( description="DID of interest", **INDY_DID ) verkey = fields.Str( description="Public verification key", **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY ) public = fields.Bool( description="Whether DID is public", example=False )
[docs]class DIDResultSchema(Schema): """Result schema for a DID.""" result = fields.Nested( DIDSchema() )
[docs]class DIDListSchema(Schema): """Result schema for connection list.""" results = fields.List( fields.Nested(DIDSchema()), description="DID list", )
[docs]class GetTagPolicyResultSchema(Schema): """Result schema for tagging policy get request.""" taggables = fields.List( fields.Str( description="Taggable attribute", example="score", ), description=( "List of attributes taggable for credential search under current policy" ) )
[docs]class SetTagPolicyRequestSchema(Schema): """Request schema for tagging policy set request.""" taggables = fields.List( fields.Str( description="Taggable attribute", example="score", ), description="List of attributes to set taggable for credential search", )
[docs]def format_did_info(info: DIDInfo): """Serialize a DIDInfo object.""" if info: return { "did": info.did, "verkey": info.verkey, "public": info.metadata and info.metadata.get("public") and "true" or "false", }
[docs]@docs( tags=["wallet"], summary="List wallet DIDs", parameters=[ {"name": "did", "in": "query", "schema": {"type": "string"}, "required": False}, { "name": "verkey", "in": "query", "schema": {"type": "string"}, "required": False, }, { "name": "public", "in": "query", "schema": {"type": "boolean"}, "required": False, }, ], ) @response_schema(DIDListSchema, 200) async def wallet_did_list(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for searching wallet DIDs. Args: request: aiohttp request object Returns: The DID list response """ context =["request_context"] wallet: BaseWallet = await context.inject(BaseWallet, required=False) if not wallet: raise web.HTTPForbidden() filter_did = request.query.get("did") filter_verkey = request.query.get("verkey") filter_public = request.query.get("public") results = [] if filter_public == "true": info = await wallet.get_public_did() if ( info and (not filter_verkey or info.verkey == filter_verkey) and (not filter_did or info.did == filter_did) ): results.append(format_did_info(info)) elif filter_did: try: info = await wallet.get_local_did(filter_did) except WalletError: # badly formatted DID or record not found info = None if info and (not filter_verkey or info.verkey == filter_verkey): results.append(format_did_info(info)) elif filter_verkey: try: info = await wallet.get_local_did_for_verkey(filter_verkey) except WalletError: info = None if info: results.append(format_did_info(info)) else: dids = await wallet.get_local_dids() results = [] for info in dids: results.append(format_did_info(info)) results.sort(key=lambda info: info["did"]) return web.json_response({"results": results})
[docs]@docs(tags=["wallet"], summary="Create a local DID") @response_schema(DIDResultSchema, 200) async def wallet_create_did(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for creating a new wallet DID. Args: request: aiohttp request object Returns: The DID info """ context =["request_context"] wallet: BaseWallet = await context.inject(BaseWallet, required=False) if not wallet: raise web.HTTPForbidden() info = await wallet.create_local_did() return web.json_response({"result": format_did_info(info)})
[docs]@docs(tags=["wallet"], summary="Fetch the current public DID") @response_schema(DIDResultSchema, 200) async def wallet_get_public_did(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for fetching the current public DID. Args: request: aiohttp request object Returns: The DID info """ context =["request_context"] wallet: BaseWallet = await context.inject(BaseWallet, required=False) if not wallet: raise web.HTTPForbidden() info = await wallet.get_public_did() return web.json_response({"result": format_did_info(info)})
[docs]@docs( tags=["wallet"], summary="Assign the current public DID", parameters=[ {"name": "did", "in": "query", "schema": {"type": "string"}, "required": True} ], ) @response_schema(DIDResultSchema, 200) async def wallet_set_public_did(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for setting the current public DID. Args: request: aiohttp request object Returns: The updated DID info """ context =["request_context"] wallet: BaseWallet = await context.inject(BaseWallet, required=False) if not wallet: raise web.HTTPForbidden() did = request.query.get("did") if not did: raise web.HTTPBadRequest() try: _ = await wallet.get_local_did(did) except WalletError: # DID not found or not in valid format raise web.HTTPBadRequest() info = await wallet.set_public_did(did) if info: # Publish endpoint if necessary endpoint = context.settings.get("default_endpoint") ledger = await context.inject(BaseLedger, required=False) if ledger: async with ledger: await ledger.update_endpoint_for_did(info.did, endpoint) return web.json_response({"result": format_did_info(info)})
[docs]@docs(tags=["wallet"], summary="Get the tagging policy for a credential definition") @response_schema(GetTagPolicyResultSchema()) async def wallet_get_tagging_policy(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for getting the tag policy associated with a cred def. Args: request: aiohttp request object Returns: A JSON object containing the tagging policy """ context =["request_context"] credential_definition_id = request.match_info["id"] wallet: BaseWallet = await context.inject(BaseWallet, required=False) if not wallet or wallet.WALLET_TYPE != "indy": raise web.HTTPForbidden() result = await wallet.get_credential_definition_tag_policy(credential_definition_id) return web.json_response({"taggables": result})
[docs]@docs(tags=["wallet"], summary="Set the tagging policy for a credential definition") @request_schema(SetTagPolicyRequestSchema()) async def wallet_set_tagging_policy(request: web.BaseRequest): """ Request handler for setting the tag policy associated with a cred def. Args: request: aiohttp request object Returns: An empty JSON response """ context =["request_context"] credential_definition_id = request.match_info["id"] body = await request.json() taggables = body.get("taggables") wallet: BaseWallet = await context.inject(BaseWallet, required=False) if not wallet or wallet.WALLET_TYPE != "indy": raise web.HTTPForbidden() await wallet.set_credential_definition_tag_policy( credential_definition_id, taggables ) return web.json_response({})
[docs]async def register(app: web.Application): """Register routes.""" app.add_routes( [ web.get("/wallet/did", wallet_did_list),"/wallet/did/create", wallet_create_did), web.get("/wallet/did/public", wallet_get_public_did),"/wallet/did/public", wallet_set_public_did), web.get("/wallet/tag-policy/{id}", wallet_get_tagging_policy),"/wallet/tag-policy/{id}", wallet_set_tagging_policy), ] )