Source code for aries_cloudagent.stats

"""Classes for tracking performance and timing."""

import functools
import inspect
import time
from typing import Sequence, Union

[docs]class Stats: """A collection of statistics.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Stats instance.""" self.counts = {} self.max_time = {} self.min_time = {} self.total_time = {}
[docs] def log(self, name: str, duration: float): """Log an entry in the stats.""" if name in self.counts: self.counts[name] += 1 self.max_time[name] = max(self.max_time[name], duration) self.min_time[name] = min(self.min_time[name], duration) self.total_time[name] += duration else: self.counts[name] = 1 self.max_time[name] = duration self.min_time[name] = duration self.total_time[name] = duration
[docs] def extract(self, names: Sequence[str] = None) -> dict: """Summarize the stats in a dictionary.""" counts = self.counts.copy() all_names = set(counts) if names is None: names = all_names maxes = self.max_time.copy() mins = self.min_time.copy() totals = self.total_time.copy() else: names = set(names).intersection(all_names) counts = {name: val for (name, val) in counts.items() if name in names} maxes = { name: val for (name, val) in self.max_time.items() if name in names } mins = {name: val for (name, val) in self.min_time.items() if name in names} totals = { name: val for (name, val) in self.total_time.items() if name in names } return { "avg": {name: totals[name] / counts[name] for name in names}, "count": counts, "max": maxes, "min": mins, "total": totals, }
[docs]class Timer: """Timer instance for a running task.""" def __init__(self, collector: "Collector", groups: Sequence[str]): """Initialize the Timer instance.""" self.collector = collector self.groups = groups self.start = None
[docs] @classmethod def now(cls): """Fetch a standard timer value.""" return time.perf_counter()
def __enter__(self): """Enter the context manager.""" self.start = return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): """Exit the context manager.""" dur = - self.start for grp in self.groups: self.collector.log(grp, dur)
[docs]class Collector: """Collector for a set of statistics.""" def __init__(self, enabled: bool = True): """Initialize the Collector instance.""" self._enabled = enabled self._stats = None self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the collector's statistics.""" self._stats = Stats()
@property def enabled(self) -> bool: """Accessor for the collector's enabled property.""" return self._enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, val: bool): """Setter for the collector's enabled property.""" self._enabled = val
[docs] def log(self, name: str, duration: float): """Log an entry in the statistics if the collector is enabled.""" if self._enabled: self._stats.log(name, duration)
[docs] def mark(self, *names): """Make a custom decorator function for adding to the set of groups.""" return lambda fn: self(fn, names)
[docs] def wrap( self, obj, prop_name: Union[str, Sequence[str]], groups: Sequence[str] = None, *, ignore_missing: bool = False, ): """Wrap a method on a class or class instance.""" if not prop_name: return if isinstance(prop_name, str): method = getattr(obj, prop_name, None) if method: setattr(obj, prop_name, self(method, groups)) elif not ignore_missing: raise KeyError(prop_name) else: for prop in prop_name: self.wrap(obj, prop, groups)
[docs] def wrap_fn(self, fn, groups: Sequence[str]): """Wrap a function instance to collect timing statistics on execution.""" @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): with self.timer(*groups): result = fn(*args, **kwargs) return result return wrapped
[docs] def wrap_coro(self, fn, groups: Sequence[str]): """Wrap a coroutine instance to collect timing statistics on execution.""" @functools.wraps(fn) async def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): with self.timer(*groups): result = await fn(*args, **kwargs) return result return wrapped
def __call__(self, fn, groups: Sequence[str] = None): """ Decorate a function or class method. Returns: a wrapped function or coroutine with automatic stats collection """ groups = set(groups) if groups else set() if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn): groups.add(fn.__qualname__) return self.wrap_coro(fn, groups) elif inspect.isfunction(fn) or inspect.ismethod(fn): groups.add(fn.__qualname__) return self.wrap_fn(fn, groups) else: raise ValueError(f"Expected function or coroutine, got: {fn}")
[docs] def timer(self, *groups): """Create a new timer attached to this collector.""" return Timer(self, groups)
@property def results(self) -> dict: """Accessor for the current set of collected statistics.""" return self._stats.extract()
[docs] def extract(self, groups: Sequence[str] = None) -> dict: """Extract statistics for a specific set of groups.""" return self._stats.extract(groups)