Source code for aries_cloudagent.postgres

"""Utility for loading Postgres wallet plug-in."""

import sys
from ctypes import cdll
import platform

EXTENSION = {"darwin": ".dylib", "linux": ".so", "win32": ".dll", "windows": ".dll"}

[docs]def file_ext(): """Determine file extension based on platform.""" your_platform = platform.system().lower() return EXTENSION[your_platform] if (your_platform in EXTENSION) else ".so"
[docs]def load_postgres_plugin(): """Load postgres dll and configure postgres wallet.""" print("Initializing postgres wallet") stg_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("libindystrgpostgres" + file_ext()) result = stg_lib.postgresstorage_init() if result != 0: print("\nError unable to load postgres wallet storage", result) sys.exit(0) print("Success, loaded postgres wallet storage")