Source code for aries_cloudagent.messaging.problem_report.message

"""Represents a generic problem report message."""

from typing import Mapping, Sequence

from marshmallow import fields

from ..agent_message import AgentMessage, AgentMessageSchema

HANDLER_CLASS = "aries_cloudagent.messaging.problem_report.handler.ProblemReportHandler"

MESSAGE_TYPE = "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/notification/1.0/problem-report"

[docs]class ProblemReport(AgentMessage): """Base class representing a generic problem report message."""
[docs] class Meta: """Problem report metadata.""" handler_class = HANDLER_CLASS message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE schema_class = "ProblemReportSchema"
def __init__( self, *, msg_catalog: str = None, locale: str = None, explain_ltxt: str = None, explain_l10n: Mapping[str, str] = None, problem_items: Sequence[Mapping[str, str]] = None, who_retries: str = None, fix_hint_ltxt: Mapping[str, str] = None, impact: str = None, where: str = None, time_noticed: str = None, tracking_uri: str = None, escalation_uri: str = None, **kwargs ): """ Initialize a ProblemReport message instance. Args: msg_catalog: Reference to a message catalog locale: Locale identifier explain_ltxt: Localized message explain_l10n: Dictionary of localizations problem_items: List of problem items who_retries: you | me | both | none fix_hint_ltxt: Dictionary of localized hints impact: message | thread | connection where: you | me | other (cloud | edge | wire | agency ..) time_noticed: Datetime when the problem was noticed tracking_uri: URI for tracking the problem escalation_uri: URI for escalating the problem """ super(ProblemReport, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.msg_catalog = msg_catalog self.locale = locale self.explain_ltxt = explain_ltxt self.explain_l10n = explain_l10n self.problem_items = problem_items self.who_retries = who_retries self.fix_hint_ltxt = fix_hint_ltxt self.impact = impact self.where = where self.time_noticed = time_noticed self.tracking_uri = tracking_uri self.escalation_uri = escalation_uri
[docs]class ProblemReportSchema(AgentMessageSchema): """Schema for ProblemReport base class."""
[docs] class Meta: """Problem report schema metadata.""" model_class = ProblemReport
msg_catalog = fields.Str(data_key="@msg_catalog", required=False) locale = fields.Str(data_key="@locale", required=False) explain_ltxt = fields.Str(data_key="explain-ltxt", required=False) explain_l10n = fields.Dict(fields.Str(), fields.Str(), required=False) problem_items = fields.List( fields.Dict(fields.Str(), fields.Str()), data_key="problem-items", required=False, ) who_retries = fields.Str(data_key="who-retries", required=False) fix_hint_ltxt = fields.Dict( fields.Str(), fields.Str(), data_key="fix-hint-ltxt", required=False ) impact = fields.Str(required=False) where = fields.Str(required=False) time_noticed = fields.Str(data_key="time-noticed", required=False) tracking_uri = fields.Str(data_key="tracking-uri", required=False) escalation_uri = fields.Str(data_key="escalation-uri", required=False)