Source code for aries_cloudagent.messaging.presentations.models.presentation_exchange

"""Handle presentation exchange information interface with non-secrets storage."""

from marshmallow import fields

from ...models.base_record import BaseRecord, BaseRecordSchema

[docs]class PresentationExchange(BaseRecord): """Represents a presentation exchange."""
[docs] class Meta: """PresentationExchange metadata.""" schema_class = "PresentationExchangeSchema"
RECORD_TYPE = "presentation_exchange" RECORD_ID_NAME = "presentation_exchange_id" WEBHOOK_TOPIC = "presentations" LOG_STATE_FLAG = "debug.presentations" INITIATOR_SELF = "self" INITIATOR_EXTERNAL = "external" STATE_REQUEST_SENT = "request_sent" STATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED = "request_received" STATE_PRESENTATION_SENT = "presentation_sent" STATE_PRESENTATION_RECEIVED = "presentation_received" STATE_VERIFIED = "verified" def __init__( self, *, presentation_exchange_id: str = None, connection_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, initiator: str = None, state: str = None, presentation_request: dict = None, presentation: dict = None, verified: str = None, error_msg: str = None, **kwargs ): """Initialize a new PresentationExchange.""" super().__init__(presentation_exchange_id, state, **kwargs) self.connection_id = connection_id self.thread_id = thread_id self.initiator = initiator self.state = state self.presentation_request = presentation_request self.presentation = presentation self.verified = verified self.error_msg = error_msg @property def presentation_exchange_id(self) -> str: """Accessor for the ID associated with this exchange.""" return self._id @property def record_value(self) -> dict: """Accessor for JSON record value generated for this presentation exchange.""" result = self.tags for prop in ("presentation_request", "presentation", "error_msg"): val = getattr(self, prop) if val: result[prop] = val return result @property def record_tags(self) -> dict: """Accessor for the record tags generated for this presentation exchange.""" result = {} for prop in ("connection_id", "thread_id", "initiator", "state", "verified"): val = getattr(self, prop) if val: result[prop] = val return result
[docs]class PresentationExchangeSchema(BaseRecordSchema): """Schema for serialization/deserialization of presentation exchange records."""
[docs] class Meta: """PresentationExchangeSchema metadata.""" model_class = PresentationExchange
presentation_exchange_id = fields.Str(required=False) connection_id = fields.Str(required=False) thread_id = fields.Str(required=False) initiator = fields.Str(required=False) state = fields.Str(required=False) presentation_request = fields.Dict(required=False) presentation = fields.Dict(required=False) verified = fields.Str(required=False) error_msg = fields.Str(required=False)