Source code for aries_cloudagent.messaging.connections.models.connection_record

"""Handle connection information interface with non-secrets storage."""

import json

from typing import Sequence

from marshmallow import fields

from ....config.injection_context import InjectionContext
from import BaseStorage
from import StorageRecord

from ...models.base_record import BaseRecord, BaseRecordSchema
from ...util import time_now

from ..messages.connection_invitation import ConnectionInvitation
from ..messages.connection_request import ConnectionRequest

[docs]class ConnectionRecord(BaseRecord): """Represents a single pairwise connection."""
[docs] class Meta: """ConnectionRecord metadata.""" schema_class = "ConnectionRecordSchema"
RECORD_ID_NAME = "connection_id" WEBHOOK_TOPIC = "connections" WEBHOOK_TOPIC_ACTIVITY = "connections_activity" LOG_STATE_FLAG = "debug.connections" CACHE_ENABLED = True RECORD_TYPE = "connection" RECORD_TYPE_ACTIVITY = "connection_activity" RECORD_TYPE_INVITATION = "connection_invitation" RECORD_TYPE_REQUEST = "connection_request" DIRECTION_RECEIVED = "received" DIRECTION_SENT = "sent" INITIATOR_SELF = "self" INITIATOR_EXTERNAL = "external" STATE_INIT = "init" STATE_INVITATION = "invitation" STATE_REQUEST = "request" STATE_RESPONSE = "response" STATE_ACTIVE = "active" STATE_ERROR = "error" STATE_INACTIVE = "inactive" ROUTING_STATE_NONE = "none" ROUTING_STATE_REQUEST = "request" ROUTING_STATE_ACTIVE = "active" ROUTING_STATE_ERROR = "error" ACCEPT_MANUAL = "manual" ACCEPT_AUTO = "auto" def __init__( self, *, connection_id: str = None, my_did: str = None, their_did: str = None, their_label: str = None, their_role: str = None, initiator: str = None, invitation_key: str = None, request_id: str = None, state: str = None, inbound_connection_id: str = None, error_msg: str = None, routing_state: str = None, accept: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a new ConnectionRecord.""" super().__init__(connection_id, state or self.STATE_INIT, **kwargs) self.my_did = my_did self.their_did = their_did self.their_label = their_label self.their_role = their_role self.initiator = initiator self.invitation_key = invitation_key self.request_id = request_id self.error_msg = error_msg self.inbound_connection_id = inbound_connection_id self.routing_state = routing_state or self.ROUTING_STATE_NONE self.accept = accept or self.ACCEPT_MANUAL @property def connection_id(self) -> str: """Accessor for the ID associated with this connection.""" return self._id @property def record_value(self) -> dict: """Accessor to for the JSON record value properties for this connection.""" return {"error_msg": self.error_msg, "their_label": self.their_label} @property def record_tags(self) -> dict: """Accessor for the record tags generated for this connection.""" return { prop: getattr(self, prop) for prop in ( "my_did", "their_did", "their_role", "inbound_connection_id", "initiator", "invitation_key", "request_id", "state", "routing_state", "accept", ) }
[docs] @classmethod async def retrieve_by_did( cls, context: InjectionContext, their_did: str = None, my_did: str = None, initiator: str = None, ) -> "ConnectionRecord": """Retrieve a connection record by target DID. Args: context: The injection context to use their_did: The target DID to filter by my_did: One of our DIDs to filter by initiator: Filter connections by the initiator value """ tag_filter = {} if their_did: tag_filter["their_did"] = their_did if my_did: tag_filter["my_did"] = my_did if initiator: tag_filter["initiator"] = initiator return await cls.retrieve_by_tag_filter(context, tag_filter)
[docs] @classmethod async def retrieve_by_invitation_key( cls, context: InjectionContext, invitation_key: str, initiator: str = None ) -> "ConnectionRecord": """Retrieve a connection record by invitation key. Args: context: The injection context to use invitation_key: The key on the originating invitation initiator: Filter by the initiator value """ tag_filter = {"invitation_key": invitation_key, "state": cls.STATE_INVITATION} if initiator: tag_filter["initiator"] = initiator return await cls.retrieve_by_tag_filter(context, tag_filter)
[docs] @classmethod async def retrieve_by_request_id( cls, context: InjectionContext, request_id: str ) -> "ConnectionRecord": """Retrieve a connection record from our previous request ID. Args: context: The injection context to use request_id: The ID of the originating connection request """ tag_filter = {"request_id": request_id} return await cls.retrieve_by_tag_filter(context, tag_filter)
[docs] async def attach_invitation( self, context: InjectionContext, invitation: ConnectionInvitation ): """Persist the related connection invitation to storage. Args: context: The injection context to use invitation: The invitation to relate to this connection record """ assert self.connection_id record = StorageRecord( self.RECORD_TYPE_INVITATION, invitation.to_json(), {"connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.add_record(record)
[docs] async def retrieve_invitation( self, context: InjectionContext ) -> ConnectionInvitation: """Retrieve the related connection invitation. Args: context: The injection context to use """ assert self.connection_id storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) result = await storage.search_records( self.RECORD_TYPE_INVITATION, {"connection_id": self.connection_id} ).fetch_single() return ConnectionInvitation.from_json(result.value)
[docs] async def attach_request( self, context: InjectionContext, request: ConnectionRequest ): """Persist the related connection request to storage. Args: context: The injection context to use request: The request to relate to this connection record """ assert self.connection_id record = StorageRecord( self.RECORD_TYPE_REQUEST, request.to_json(), {"connection_id": self.connection_id}, ) storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.add_record(record)
[docs] async def retrieve_request(self, context: InjectionContext) -> ConnectionRequest: """Retrieve the related connection invitation. Args: context: The injection context to use """ assert self.connection_id storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) result = await storage.search_records( self.RECORD_TYPE_REQUEST, {"connection_id": self.connection_id} ).fetch_single() return ConnectionRequest.from_json(result.value)
[docs] async def log_activity( self, context: InjectionContext, activity_type: str, direction: str, meta: dict = None, ): """Log an event against this connection record. Args: context: The injection context to use activity_type: The activity type identifier direction: The direction of the activity (sent or received) meta: Optional metadata for the activity """ assert self.connection_id record = StorageRecord( self.RECORD_TYPE_ACTIVITY, json.dumps({"meta": meta, "time": time_now()}), { "type": activity_type, "direction": direction, "connection_id": self.connection_id, }, ) storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) await storage.add_record(record) await self.updated_activity(context)
[docs] async def updated_activity(self, context: InjectionContext): """Call webhook when the record activity is updated.""" activity = await self.fetch_activity(context) await self.send_webhook( context, {"connection_id": self.connection_id, "activity": activity}, topic=self.WEBHOOK_TOPIC_ACTIVITY, )
[docs] async def fetch_activity( self, context: InjectionContext, activity_type: str = None, direction: str = None, ) -> Sequence[dict]: """Fetch all activity logs for this connection record. Args: context: The injection context to use activity_type: An optional activity type filter direction: An optional direction filter """ tag_filter = {"connection_id": self.connection_id} if activity_type: tag_filter["activity_type"] = activity_type if direction: tag_filter["direction"] = direction storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) records = await storage.search_records( self.RECORD_TYPE_ACTIVITY, tag_filter ).fetch_all() results = [ dict(, **json.loads(record.value), **record.tags) for record in records ] results.sort(key=lambda x: x["time"], reverse=True) return results
[docs] async def retrieve_activity( self, context: InjectionContext, activity_id: str ) -> Sequence[dict]: """Retrieve a single activity record. Args: context: The injection context to use activity_id: The ID of the activity entry """ storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) record = await storage.get_record(self.RECORD_TYPE_ACTIVITY, activity_id) result = dict(, **json.loads(record.value), **record.tags) return result
[docs] async def update_activity_meta( self, context: InjectionContext, activity_id: str, meta: dict ) -> Sequence[dict]: """Update metadata for an activity entry. Args: context: The injection context to use activity_id: The ID of the activity entry meta: The metadata stored on the activity """ storage: BaseStorage = await context.inject(BaseStorage) record = await storage.get_record(self.RECORD_TYPE_ACTIVITY, activity_id) value = json.loads(record.value) value["meta"] = meta await storage.update_record_value(record, json.dumps(value))
@property def is_ready(self) -> str: """Accessor for connection readiness.""" return self.state == self.STATE_ACTIVE or self.state == self.STATE_RESPONSE
[docs] async def post_save(self, context: InjectionContext, *args, **kwargs): """Perform post-save actions. Args: context: The injection context to use """ await super().post_save(context, *args, **kwargs) # clear cache key set by connection manager cache_key = self.cache_key(self.connection_id, "connection_target") await self.clear_cached_key(context, cache_key)
[docs]class ConnectionRecordSchema(BaseRecordSchema): """Schema to allow serialization/deserialization of connection records."""
[docs] class Meta: """ConnectionRecordSchema metadata.""" model_class = ConnectionRecord
connection_id = fields.Str(required=False) my_did = fields.Str(required=False) their_did = fields.Str(required=False) their_label = fields.Str(required=False) their_role = fields.Str(required=False) inbound_connection_id = fields.Str(required=False) initiator = fields.Str(required=False) invitation_key = fields.Str(required=False) request_id = fields.Str(required=False) routing_state = fields.Str(required=False) accept = fields.Str(required=False) error_msg = fields.Str(required=False)