Source code for aries_cloudagent.admin.tests.test_admin_server

import asyncio

from aiohttp.test_utils import AioHTTPTestCase, unittest_run_loop, unused_port
from aiohttp import web

from ...config.injection_context import InjectionContext
from ...config.provider import ClassProvider
from ...transport.outbound.queue.base import BaseOutboundMessageQueue
from ...transport.outbound.queue.basic import BasicOutboundMessageQueue
from ..server import AdminServer

[docs]class TestAdminServerApp(AioHTTPTestCase):
[docs] async def outbound_message_router(self, *args): pass
[docs] def get_admin_server(self) -> AdminServer: context = InjectionContext() context.injector.bind_provider( BaseOutboundMessageQueue, ClassProvider(BasicOutboundMessageQueue) ) context.settings["admin.admin_insecure_mode"] = True server = AdminServer( "", unused_port(), context, self.outbound_message_router ) return server
[docs] @unittest_run_loop async def test_start_bad_settings(self): server = self.get_admin_server() server.context.settings["admin.admin_insecure_mode"] = None try: await server.start() except AssertionError: return True raise Exception
[docs] @unittest_run_loop async def test_start_stop(self): server = self.get_admin_server() await server.start() await server.stop()
[docs] async def get_application(self): """ Override the get_app method to return your application. """ return await self.get_admin_server().make_application()
# the unittest_run_loop decorator can be used in tandem with # the AioHTTPTestCase to simplify running # tests that are asynchronous
[docs] @unittest_run_loop async def test_index(self): resp = await self.client.request("GET", "/", allow_redirects=False) assert resp.status == 302
[docs] @unittest_run_loop async def test_swagger(self): resp = await self.client.request("GET", "/api/doc") assert resp.status == 200 text = await resp.text() print(text) assert "Swagger UI" in text
@unittest_run_loop async def test_status(self): resp = await self.client.request("GET", "/status") result = await resp.json() assert isinstance(result, dict) resp = await self.client.request("POST", "/status/reset") assert resp.status == 200
[docs] @unittest_run_loop async def test_status(self): resp = await self.client.request("GET", "/status") result = await resp.json() assert isinstance(result, dict)
[docs] @unittest_run_loop async def test_websocket(self): async with self.client.ws_connect("/ws") as ws: result = await ws.receive_json() assert result["topic"] == "settings"
[docs]class TestAdminServerWebhook(AioHTTPTestCase):
[docs] async def setUpAsync(self): self.hook_results = []
[docs] async def receive_hook(self, request): topic = request.match_info["topic"] payload = await request.json() self.hook_results.append((topic, payload)) raise web.HTTPOk()
[docs] async def outbound_message_router(self, *args): pass
[docs] def get_admin_server(self) -> AdminServer: context = InjectionContext() context.injector.bind_provider( BaseOutboundMessageQueue, ClassProvider(BasicOutboundMessageQueue) ) server = AdminServer( "localhost", unused_port(), context, self.outbound_message_router ) return server
[docs] async def get_application(self): """ Override the get_app method to return your application. """ app = web.Application() app.add_routes(["/topic/{topic}/", self.receive_hook)]) return app
[docs] @unittest_run_loop async def test_webhook(self): server_addr = f"http://localhost:{self.server.port}" admin_server = self.get_admin_server() admin_server.add_webhook_target(server_addr) test_topic = "test_topic" test_payload = {"test": "TEST"} await admin_server.send_webhook(test_topic, test_payload) await asyncio.wait_for(admin_server.complete_webhooks(), 5.0) assert self.hook_results == [(test_topic, test_payload)]